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[云计算] WhiteIce

Procedural 3D landscape generator with custom compute and graphic shaders and a fog system. Mostly a learning project for me. Project should work. (2024-04-08, C#, 0KB, 下载0次)


[云计算] aws-lambda-dotnet-handler-cookbook

该存储库提供了一个工作的、可部署的、基于开源的AWS Lambda处理程序和CDK.NET代码。此处理程序使用无服务器bes...,
This repository provides a working, deployable, open source based, AWS Lambda handler and CDK .NET code. This handler uses serverless best practices idiomatic to the .NET ecosystem and is ready for production usage. (2023-07-31, C#, 0KB, 下载0次)


[云计算] TimeTracker

IT公司的时间跟踪器解决方案。在.net内核、VUE JS、blazor页面和Azure SAAS中开发
A Time Tracker Solution for IT Companies. Developed in .net core, VUE JS, blazor pages and Azure SAAS (2021-04-12, C#, 53287KB, 下载0次)


[云计算] Jaya

Cross platform file manager application for Windows, Mac and Linux operating systems. (planned mobile support) (2022-09-10, C#, 3060KB, 下载0次)


[云计算] FileManager

this project is a virtual file manager where u can store data and create folders and files like if you are in the file explorer in the real machine all the data is stored in a cloud database wich means that there s no existing of the files created in the programm in your real machine (2021-05-14, C#, 25182KB, 下载0次)


[云计算] runtime-old

.NET is a cross-platform runtime and libraries, for cloud, IoT and desktop apps. It includes a garbage collector, JIT compiler, primitive data types and class libraries. (2019-11-26, C#, 99530KB, 下载0次)


[云计算] CloudPbxDataToSQLServer

该项目用于将云pbx-json数据保存到sql server。在Windows服务器上,我触发了一次项目...
This project is used to save cloud pbx json data to sql server. On the Windows server, I triggered the project once an hour and used it with the task scheduler. (2022-12-08, C#, 5390KB, 下载0次)


[云计算] UnityFakeVolumetricFog

This example is a demo of fake volumetric fog using compute shader and instancing. It takes only one batch, but it looks realistic fog. (2018-11-29, C#, 131KB, 下载0次)


[云计算] SaltyEmu

SaltyEmu,SaltyEmu是一款开源、面向云计算、Nostale MMORPG模拟器,用C#编写,使用.NET Core、Docker...
SaltyEmu is an OpenSource, cloud computing oriented, Nostale MMORPG Emulator, written in C#, using .NET Core, Docker and a lot of modern technologies & patterns (2023-03-04, C#, 1040KB, 下载0次)
