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[博客] closuresnippets

其他IDE的转换。有关详细信息,请参见:[http:www.picnet.com.au博客Guido post 2010 06 03 Annotated-Googl...](http:www.picnet.com.au博客Guido post 201006 03 Anotated Google-Closure Javascript编译器Visual Studio Snippets.aspx)
This is an attempt to create reusable Visual Studio snippets to make working with closure compiler annotated JavaScript more productive. VS2010 Snippets are XML so I also see this in the future being a generic IDE template/snippet library using XSLT to transform for other IDEs. For more details see: [http://www.picnet.com.au/blogs/Guido/post/2010...](http://www.picnet.com.au/blogs/Guido/post/2010/06/03/Annotated- Google-Closure-Javascript-Compiler-Visual-Studio-Snippets.aspx) (2011-03-28, C#, 34KB, 下载0次)
