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[电子书籍] C++多核高级编程中文高清版

本书主要内容:1:并发编程和同步带来的各种缺陷、陷阱和挑战; 2:调试和测试多核编程的方法与技术; 3:如何使用跨下台技术米利用处理器的特定特性; 4:操作系统在多核编程中的任务; 5:将框架类作为并发构建块加以利用的方法; 6:如何通过使用接口类宋降低任务同步和通信的复杂性。本书适合于希望从事多核编程和多核应用程序开发的开发人员
The main contents of this book: 1: concurrent programming and synchronization brought about by various pitfalls, pitfalls and challenges; 2: debugging and testing multi-core programming methods and techniques; 3: how to use cross stepping technology meters to make use of processor specific characteristics; 4: the task of operating systems in multicore programming; 5: the framework class as a concurrent building blocks to take advantage of the method; 6: how to reduce the complexity of task synchronization and communication by using the interface class song. This book is suitable for developers wishing to work with multicore programming and multicore applications (2017-07-28, Visual C++, 58725KB, 下载16次)


[电子书籍] 2011616

The contradiction between the rapid growth of the world civil aviation industry and the traditional way of air traffic control in the non-automatic monitoring mode is becoming more and more prominent. The broadcast automatic correlation monitoring technology can provide an effective way to solve this contradiction. In view of the above problems, based on the comprehensive understanding of the content of broadcast automatic monitoring data, combined with the characteristics of active aircraft and the needs of pilots and air traffic control personnel, the design requirements of air traffic situation display system software were analyzed and developed Applicable airborne application software. The results of the software test show that the pilot can clearly see the location of the adjacent target aircraft through the display and understand the flight intention, speed, heading angle and other information of the target aircraft, and keep the flight safety interval autonomously (2017-04-12, Visual C++, 1255KB, 下载3次)


[电子书籍] cppprogramingmuch

本书作者根据自己学习C++的亲身体会及多年教学经验,用简单的例子和简练的叙述讲解C++编程,别具特色。 全书共分十八章,内容涉及对象的演化、数据抽象、隐藏实现、初始化与清除、函数重载与缺省参数、输入输出流介绍、常量、内联函数、命名控制、引用和拷贝构造函数、运算符重载、动态对象创建、继承和组合、多态和虚函数、模板和包容器类、多重继承、异常处理和运行时类型识别。 本书作为正式教材和自学用书均非常优秀,作为程序设计者的参考用书亦极为合适。
Author of this book to learn C++ based on their personal experience and years of teaching experience, using simple examples and concise narrative explaining C++ programming, distinctive. The book is divided into 18 chapters, covering the evolution of the object, data abstraction, hiding implementation, initialization and clearance, function overloading and default parameters, input and output stream introduced constants, inline functions, named control, reference and copy constructors, operator overloading, dynamic object creation, inheritance and composition, polymorphism and virtual functions, templates, and package container classes, multiple inheritance, exception handling and runtime type identification. The book as a formal teaching and self-learning books are very good, as a program designer' s reference book is also very suitable. (2010-03-01, Visual C++, 14904KB, 下载10次)


[电子书籍] fenbushicaozuoxitong

This book is more comprehensive introduction to the field of distributed systems some of the basic concepts, put forward a variety of distributed systems, such as mutually exclusive issues, deadlock prevention and detection, inter-processor communication mechanisms, reliability, load distribution, data management problems and possible solutions, and discussed the design of distributed systems in the operating system, file system, shared memory systems, database systems and special treatment. This book applies to study the design of distributed systems for senior level undergraduates, graduate students and engage in analysis, design of distributed computer systems professionals (2008-12-22, Visual C++, 2391KB, 下载9次)


[电子书籍] _3_4_5_6sdfeoqx

Windows网络与通信程序设计[配套光盘] 本书将编程方法、网络协议和应用实例有机结合起来,详细阐明Windows编程的各方面内容。本书首先介绍Windows平台上进行网络编程的基础 知识,包括网络硬件、术语、协议、Winsock编程接口和各种I/O方法等。然后通过具体实例详细讲述当前流行的高性能可伸缩服务器设计、IP 多播和Internet广播、P2P程序设计、原始套接字、SPI、协议驱动的开发和原始以太数据的发送、ARP欺骗技术、LAN和WAN上的扫描和侦测技术 、个人防火墙与网络封包截获技术等。最后讲述IP帮助函数。 本书结构紧凑,内容由浅入深,是学习Windows网络与通信程序设计的理想书籍
Windows network and communication program design matching CD] to the book Programming, network protocol and application integration, explained in detail the various Windows programming aspects. The book begins on the Windows platform based network programming knowledge, including network hardware, terminology, agreements, Winsock programming interface and various I/O methods. Then through concrete examples described in detail the current prevalence of high-performance scalable server design, IP Multicast and Internet broadcasting, P2P program design, the original socket, SPI, Driven by the development agreement and the original Ethernet data transmission, ARP spoofing technology, LAN and WAN on the scanning and detection technology, personal firewall and network packet interception techn (2006-08-17, Visual C++, 771KB, 下载520次)
