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按分类查找All WEB开发(91) 
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[WEB开发] 图框生成器

Frame generation, suitable for real estate property in the custom build case frame (2017-09-25, Visual Basic, 101KB, 下载2次)


[WEB开发] ckfinder_java_jb51

CKFinder是一个易于使用的Ajax文件管理器。提供文件夹树形结构(Folders tree)导航菜单,多语言支持(自动探测用),支持创建/重命名/删除文件和文件夹,集成FCKeditor在线编辑器。软件共包含了42种不同类型的语言,其中就有中文的简体和繁体两种类型。
CKFinder is an easy to use Ajax file manager. Provide folder tree structure (Folders tree) navigation menu, multi language support (automatic detection), support to create/rename/delete files and folders, integrated FCKeditor online editor. The software contains 42 different types of languages, including simplified and traditional Chinese, the two types. (2017-03-08, Visual Basic, 4406KB, 下载2次)


[WEB开发] Vanilla1

A good source of foreign forums, many features are achieved through plug-ins, and even editors. (2016-08-17, Visual Basic, 565KB, 下载1次)


[WEB开发] web

(一) 什么是XYL? XYL是一种脚本语言,类似于Mircrosoft的ASP,是用于开发具有交互性质的网页的工具. (二) 什么样的服务器主持XYL? 很不幸,目前除了我自己开发的XIN HTTP Server(版本0.2.0以上),暂时没有其他的服务器支持XYL,我也不打算将XYL移植到其他的服务器上. (三) 目前XYL的版本如何? 目前XYL是测试的Beta 0.1.5版.
(a) what is the XYL? XYL是一种脚本语言,类似于Mircrosoft的ASP,是用于开发具有交互性质的网页的工具. XYL is a scripting language, similar to the Mircrosoft ASP, is used for web development tool interactive. (二) 什么样的服务器主持XYL? (two) what kind of server hosted XYL? 很不幸,目前除了我自己开发的XIN HTTP Server(版本0.2.0以上),暂时没有其他的服务器支持XYL,我也不打算将XYL移植到其他的服务器上. Unfortunately, at present, in addition to my own development of the HTTP Server XIN (version 0.2.0 above), there is no other server support XYL, I do not intend to XYL transplanted to other servers. (三) 目前XYL的版本如何? (three) to the current version of XYL? 目前XYL是测试的Beta 0.1.5版. XYL is currently testing the Beta 0.1.5 version (2016-04-27, Visual Basic, 40KB, 下载1次)


[WEB开发] ckeditor_v4.5.2_standard

ckeditor是fckeditor html编辑器了一个升级版本,用过fckeditor的站长都知道,由于其打开速度的不理想把fckeditor用于网站做为在线编辑器并不是明智的选择,ckeditor正好弥补了这一缺陷,ckeditor是由Frederico Knabben.针对网络而开发的在线编辑器。它提供了令人吃惊的性能、充分无障碍和强大而可扩展的javascript API。
FCKeditor is the HTML ckeditor editor an upgraded version, with FCKeditor webmaster all know, because of its open speed is not ideal for the site to do for the online editor is not a wise choice, ckeditor just make up for this defect, ckeditor is Knabben. Frederico for the development of the online editor. It provides amazing performance, full accessibility and powerful and scalable API javascript. (2015-08-05, Visual Basic, 1194KB, 下载1次)


[WEB开发] examination-paper-analysis

该系统采用的是简单三层模式进行开发,网页编辑器采用的是asp版的ewebeditor DB下为Sql数据库,附加即可
examination paper analysis (2015-02-09, Visual Basic, 5982KB, 下载1次)


[WEB开发] yhphptz_v0.4.7

雅黑PHP探针    雅黑科技探针最大的优点:每秒更新,不用刷网页。有一个负责的站长,会对探针进行长期支持和更新。    用于Linux系统(不推荐使用于Windows系统)。    可以实时查看服务器硬盘资源、内存占用、网卡流量、系统负载、服务器时间等信息,1秒钟刷新一次。    以及包括服务器IP地址,Web服务器环境监测,php等信息。    注意:有些服务器做了权限设置,禁止PHP读取硬件信息,所以无法显示内存、硬盘、和网卡流量等信息
This PHP probe This technology has the advantages of the probe s biggest: updates per second, don t brush Webpage. Has a responsible webmaster, will carry on the long-term support and updating of the probe. For the Linux system (not recommended for use in Windows system). You can view real-time server disk resources, memory, LAN traffic, the load of the system, the server time information, 1 second refresh time. Including the server IP address, the Web server environment monitoring, PHP and other information. Note: some servers do permissions settings, disable PHP read the hardware information, so can not display the information memory, disk, and network card flow etc. (2014-12-06, Visual Basic, 17KB, 下载1次)


[WEB开发] online

最简单的在线人数统计器,把Global.asa放到网站根目录,在需要显示在线人数的地方插入下列代码: 当前在线:< =Application( all ) >人
The simplest statistic is the number of online (2014-10-26, Visual Basic, 1KB, 下载3次)


[WEB开发] jiandan

主要特点:   1、文件上传完全采用HTTP协议. 用户使用浏览器就可以上传大文件到服务器(支持上传超过1G的文件)   2、支持断点续传, 用户可以自己选择采用断点续传还是是重新上传, 上传过程发生断网时会等待相应的时间后自动断点续传   3、支持大文件上传, 一次可以上传多个文件. 上传时有详细的状态显示(包括单个文件进度,整体进度,传输速率,剩余时间等)   4、提供接口全面. 可以动态设置上传保存路径, 设置允许扩展名, 允许最大大小等   5、支持各种代理(HTTP, Socket4, Socket5等)   6、支持批量文件上传, 用户可以一次性上传批量文件. 客户端可以绑定表单变量, 服务端并可以接收表单变量。上传数据时会根据网络状况来控制数据包大小, 避免网络堵塞   7、服务端支持Windows 2003 Server/Windows 2000 Server/Windows NT等操作系统   8、文件经过微软代码签名认证,安装后可以在IE内正常加载。如果您使用我们的组件,我们可以免费协助您进行打包签名。   9、我们的这个组件永久免费。相关支持问题可以在http://bbs.inpla.org提出,我们会通过论坛提供技术支持。   10、开发包内有接口支持文档,还有一个.net范例。
Main features: 1, file upload completely using the HTTP protocol. User with a browser you can upload large files to the server (to support upload file more than 1G) 2, support for HTTP, the user can select using the HTTP or re-upload, the upload process will wait for the appropriate time off the network automatically HTTP 3, support for large file uploads, one can upload multiple files upload detailed status display (including a single document the progress of the overall progress, transfer rate, the remaining time) 4 interface fully upload save path can be dynamically set, set up to allow the extension to allow the maximum size 5, support a variety of proxy (HTTP, Socket4 Socket5, etc.) 6, support batch file upload, user can upload the batch file. Clients can bind to form variable, the server and can receive the form variables. Upload data according to network conditions to control the packet size to avoid network congestion 7, the server operating system support the Windows 20 (2012-05-30, Visual Basic, 3KB, 下载9次)


[WEB开发] fannuo3.9

全DIV+CSS模板,多浏览器适应,完美兼容IE6-IE8,以及Firefox Opera 等符合标准的浏览器,模板样式集中在一个CSS文件中,内容与样式完全分离,方便网站设计人员开发模板与管理。系统较为安全,已设计防注入
DIV+ CSS template browser to adapt perfectly compatible with IE6-IE8, Firefox, Opera, etc. standards-compliant browser, a template style is concentrated in a CSS file, ... complete separation of content and style, and the convenience of Web site designers to develop a template and manageme (2012-03-06, Visual Basic, 921KB, 下载3次)


[WEB开发] B2C

VB-based ASP.NET e-commerce website development, including database, running on the server side (2011-11-21, Visual Basic, 1554KB, 下载3次)


[WEB开发] newdate

1.显示当前系统的时间。 2.网站计数器,要刷新就可以看到效果。
1 shows the current system time. 2 sites counter, to refresh you can see the effect. (2011-10-16, Visual Basic, 1KB, 下载3次)


[WEB开发] System-of-News-Dynamic-Website-

所属分类是Web服务器,所利用的开发工具是Visual basic ,为新闻发布系统。
Their classification is a Web server, the use of development tools are Visual basic, for the news publishing system. (2011-05-11, Visual Basic, 105KB, 下载2次)


[WEB开发] 20111242271561

Extraction vs2005' s websvr, made an independent local asp.net server, used to program the machine to run asp.net (2011-01-30, Visual Basic, 116KB, 下载1次)


[WEB开发] resume

Curriculum vitae can be submitted to a simple ASP.NET procedures, using a Web server control. Data binding can be carried out. (2008-07-19, Visual Basic, 100KB, 下载85次)


[WEB开发] htmlanaly

HTML page parser, can be used to automatically analyze the link to download the page, create web pages, filter (2008-02-14, Visual Basic, 7KB, 下载52次)


[WEB开发] JuYuWanLunTan

Forum set up in the LAN, procedures should be placed on the server s shared folder and this folder must have read-write permissions. (2008-01-16, Visual Basic, 17KB, 下载5次)


[WEB开发] changefn

File name converter, also for the page file name (php require attention sensitive) case to worry about it? You use it. (2007-09-17, Visual Basic, 8KB, 下载2次)


[WEB开发] html-ok

网页优化器。 功能说明: FrontPageXP会产生以下多余信息 <span lang="zh-cn"> <span lang="en-us"> </span> 结尾空格(包括空行) 本软件将删除以上信息。
Website optimizer. Function Description: FrontPageXP will have the following redundant information (2007-09-17, Visual Basic, 13KB, 下载5次)


[WEB开发] 《Visual Basic案例开发》源代码

banking client : the client, the banks end server, the website (2005-09-12, Visual Basic, 1130KB, 下载28次)
