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[数据库编程] 5725527guestbook

It requires the server to support FileSystemObject component. If this component is to change the system name, the code needs to be changed accordingly in all FileSystemObject object name, initial administrator password is 3158579, please change does not require any that supports paging, support response, owners can reply delete reply, delete messages, change passwords, etc. (2016-02-25, Visual Basic, 10KB, 下载1次)


[数据库编程] DtsSearch

Search string in DTS (Data Transformation Services) in SQL Server. Microsoft does not provide such a tool. For example, to allow the task to find/packet contains a specific table or field. Accepts a table name, field name or any text and returns the package/task text. This code is useful when you have a lot of DTS Package Execution change various database tables exist (2013-06-08, Visual Basic, 7KB, 下载1次)


[数据库编程] xsgl

1、系统需求 (1)问题描述: 该系统实现对若大学生的学习成绩进行管理。至少包括以下信息: 学号、姓名、科目、成绩。 (2)功能要求: 1.使用中文菜单,界面设计和用户输入输出要人性化些; 2.具有数据输入功能,输入的数据能最终保存在文件中; 3.具有数据删除功能,能最终从文件中删除; 4.具有多种查询(如按学号查询、按姓名查询、按成绩查询等)及输出功能; 5.其它功能(如各种统计,统计每个学生所有课程的平均分等等) 6.学生信息的修改(比如修改学生姓名,修改学生某门课程的成绩) (3)、输入输出的形式 本系统是一个学生成绩管理系统,采用VF6.0 编译器作为开 发环境,用户在输入学生数据时要保证输入数据格式的正确性,系统不会自动检测输入的数据是否正确,输出形式与输入形式类似,根据需要可以选择显示输入的各项内容,还可以选择显示计算好平均分后并排序后的记录,显示内容包括:学期、学号、姓名、高等数学成绩等等。 包含源代码、报告~
1.主程序代码 DO SETUP DO FORM jrxt READ EVENTS 2.setup程序代码 CLOSE ALL SET SYSMENU OFF SET TALK OFF SET SAFETY OFF 3.cleanup程序代码 SET sysmenu TO defa SET TALK ON SET SAFETY ON CLOSE ALL CLEAR WINDOWS CLEAR EVENT 4.各班人数代码 SELECT Bjml.班级名称, COUNT(Xsda.学号)as班级人数 FROM xsgl!bjml FULL JOIN xsgl!xsda ON Bjml.班级编号 = Xsda.班级 GROUP BY Bjml.班级名称 5.平均入学成绩代码 SELECT Bjml.班级名称, AVG(Xsda.入学成绩)AS平均入学成绩 FROM xsgl!bjml GROUP BY Bjml.班级名称 ORDER BY 2 6.菜单程序代码 SET SYSMENU TO SET SYSMENU AUTOMATIC DEFINE PAD _1z80npzgr OF _MSYSMENU PROMPT "系统管理(\<S)" COLOR SCHEME 3 (2012-06-25, Visual Basic, 492KB, 下载8次)


[数据库编程] 200710151502499

该系统是江苏大学正在使用的设备管理系统,管理全校上千台交换机,路由器等设备资产。设备有在库,预领,上线,故障,送修,借出,报废等状态。设备操作通过一系列的操作单实现整个流程。系统还包含了统计模块。 该程序是一个MIS系统的学习案例。 数据库基于SQL2000开发。使用前请配置好SQL2000数据库.
The system is of Jiangsu University are using the equipment management system, management of school thousands of switches, routers and other equipment assets. Equipment in the library, pre-collar, on-line, fault, repair, loan, end of life status. Equipment is achieved through a series of operations alone the entire process. System also includes a statistics module. MIS system, the program is a case study. Database on SQL2000 development. Configured before use SQL2000 database. (2010-07-11, Visual Basic, 377KB, 下载28次)


[数据库编程] Excel2sql

Excel导入SQLserver源码 Excel是一种非常灵活的电子表格软件,用它可以存储各种数据,本节将对如何将Excel导入SQL Server2000数据库进行详细介绍。 开发环境:NET2.0 开发工具:vs2005 开发语言:c# 数据库:server2000 1.方案分析 通过Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0方式可实现使用ADO.NET访问Excel的目的,如以下示例代码为连接Excel数据的字符串: string strOdbcCon = @"Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0 Persist Security Info=False Data Source= Server.MapPath(("~upfiles")+ filename) Extended Properties=Excel 8.0" 2.实施过程 程序开发步骤: (1)新建一个网站,命名为HHASPX,其主页默认为Default.aspx。 (2)Default.aspx页面中添加一个Table表格,用来布局页面,然后在该Table表格中添加一个一个FileUpload控件;一个Button控件和一个GridView控件。FileUpload控件用来选择上传文件,Button控件用来将指定Excel上传到服务器并将数据表中的数据导入到SQL Server数据库中;GridView控件用来显示导入SQL Server数据库中的Excel数据。 App_Data下为Sql数据库,附加后修改cs文件中的数据库连接字符串: string strConn = "Data Source=. DataBase=hhaspx Uid=sa Pwd=sa"
Excel导入SQLserver源码 Excel是一种非常灵活的电子表格软件,用它可以存储各种数据,本节将对如何将Excel导入SQL Server2000数据库进行详细介绍。 开发环境:NET2.0 开发工具:vs2005 开发语言:c# 数据库:server2000 1.方案分析 通过Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0方式可实现使用ADO.NET访问Excel的目的,如以下示例代码为连接Excel数据的字符串: string strOdbcCon = @"Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0 Persist Security Info=False Data Source= Server.MapPath(("~upfiles")+ filename) Extended Properties=Excel 8.0" 2.实施过程 程序开发步骤: (1)新建一个网站,命名为HHASPX,其主页默认为Default.aspx。 (2)Default.aspx页面中添加一个Table表格,用来布局页面,然后在该Table表格中添加一个一个FileUpload控件;一个Button控件和一个GridView控件。FileUpload控件用来选择上传文件,Button控件用来将指定Excel上传到服务器并将数据表中的数据导入到SQL Server数据库中;GridView控件用来显示导入SQL Server数据库中的Excel数据。 App_Data下为Sql数据库,附加后修改cs文件中的数据库连接字符串: string strConn = "Data Source=. DataBase=hhaspx Uid=sa Pwd=sa" (2010-04-29, Visual Basic, 153KB, 下载19次)


[数据库编程] SuperDataBase_superuse

Speed with the database is a modified all-round tool for modification of the database, it can open all types of ACCESS database file, and in accordance with the user' s need for records search and screening, users want to quickly find the data record to carry out bulk data modification operation is a database development and maintenance of database information helpful (2009-05-27, Visual Basic, 850KB, 下载45次)


[数据库编程] clglxxxt

车辆管理信息系统vb+sql 1.将各个项目子目录拷贝到硬盘上,然后可以用Visual Basic打开程序。 2.在每个项目子目录里面的sql目录里,将后缀.sql的文件打开后,拷贝到SQL Server 2000的查询分析器里。然后执行将产生需要的数据库结构。
Vehicle management information system vb+ sql 1. Subdirectory will be copied to each item on your hard disk, and then can use Visual Basic to open procedures. 2. Subdirectory for each item in the sql directory which will be the suffix. Sql documents opened, copied to the SQL Server 2000 in the Query Analyzer. And then will have a need for the implementation of the database structure. (2009-05-20, Visual Basic, 42KB, 下载4次)


[数据库编程] bgglxxxt

宾馆管理信息系统vb+sql 1.将各个项目子目录拷贝到硬盘上,然后可以用Visual Basic打开程序。 2.在每个项目子目录里面的sql目录里,将后缀.sql的文件打开后,拷贝到SQL Server 2000的查询分析器里。然后执行将产生需要的数据库结构。
Hotel Management Information System vb+ sql 1. Subdirectory will be copied to each item on your hard disk, and then can use Visual Basic to open procedures. 2. Subdirectory for each item in the sql directory which will be the suffix. Sql documents opened, copied to the SQL Server 2000 in the Query Analyzer. And then will have a need for the implementation of the database structure. (2009-05-20, Visual Basic, 34KB, 下载3次)


[数据库编程] mygsglxxxt

贸易公司信息管理系统vb+sql 1.将各个项目子目录拷贝到硬盘上,然后可以用Visual Basic打开程序。 2.在每个项目子目录里面的sql目录里,将后缀.sql的文件打开后,拷贝到SQL Server 2000的查询分析器里。然后执行将产生需要的数据库结构。
Information Management System for Trading Company vb+ sql 1. Subdirectory will be copied to each item on your hard disk, and then can use Visual Basic to open procedures. 2. Subdirectory for each item in the sql directory which will be the suffix. Sql documents opened, copied to the SQL Server 2000 in the Query Analyzer. And then will have a need for the implementation of the database structure. (2009-05-20, Visual Basic, 37KB, 下载4次)


[数据库编程] qyrsxxglxt

企业人事管理系统vb+sql 1.将各个项目子目录拷贝到硬盘上,然后可以用Visual Basic打开程序。 2.在每个项目子目录里面的sql目录里,将后缀.sql的文件打开后,拷贝到SQL Server 2000的查询分析器里。然后执行将产生需要的数据库结构。
Personnel management system vb+ sql 1. Subdirectory will be copied to each item on your hard disk, and then can use Visual Basic to open procedures. 2. Subdirectory for each item in the sql directory which will be the suffix. Sql documents opened, copied to the SQL Server 2000 in the Query Analyzer. And then will have a need for the implementation of the database structure. (2009-05-20, Visual Basic, 43KB, 下载1次)


[数据库编程] xsxxglxt

学生信息管理系统 vb+sql 1.将各个项目子目录拷贝到硬盘上,然后可以用Visual Basic打开程序。 2.在每个项目子目录里面的sql目录里,将后缀.sql的文件打开后,拷贝到SQL Server 2000的查询分析器里。然后执行将产生需要的数据库结构。
Student Information Management System vb+ sql 1. Subdirectory will be copied to each item on your hard disk, and then can use Visual Basic to open procedures. 2. Subdirectory for each item in the sql directory which will be the suffix. Sql documents opened, copied to the SQL Server 2000 in the Query Analyzer. And then will have a need for the implementation of the database structure. (2009-05-20, Visual Basic, 72KB, 下载13次)


[数据库编程] wzglxxxt

物资管理信息系vb+sql 1.将各个项目子目录拷贝到硬盘上,然后可以用Visual Basic打开程序。 2.在每个项目子目录里面的sql目录里,将后缀.sql的文件打开后,拷贝到SQL Server 2000的查询分析器里。然后执行将产生需要的数据库结构。
Materials management information vb+ sql 1. Subdirectory will be copied to each item on your hard disk, and then can use Visual Basic to open procedures. 2. Subdirectory for each item in the sql directory which will be the suffix. Sql documents opened, copied to the SQL Server 2000 in the Query Analyzer. And then will have a need for the implementation of the database structure. (2009-05-20, Visual Basic, 35KB, 下载3次)


[数据库编程] SQLDatabaseImage

ASP Programming with VB will be added to the database of images and time married to delete an instance of the operation, procedures, there is a class file, you can insert the DLL file in order to support the use of ISS server, which can allow you to page display pictures, store pictures, delete pictures, such as conventional operations. (2009-05-11, Visual Basic, 22KB, 下载13次)


[数据库编程] Vbnetqicq

QICQ程序 (1)Server所需环境: 在..\windows\system\下有: msvbvm60.dll mswinsck.ocx 在..\commonfiles\designer\下有 msderun.dll 在..\commonfiles\system\ado\下有 msado20.tlb 工程文件:server.vbp 数据库文件:QICQ.mdb已经有用户: flyer(密码:1),huang(密码:1) 服务器的端口为716 (2)Client所需环境: 在..\windows\system\下有: msvbvm60.dll mswinsck.ocx mscomctl.ocx mscomct2.ocx 工程文件:Client.vbp
QICQ procedures (1) Server required for the environment: in the .. windowssystem under: msvbvm60.dllmswinsck.ocx in .. commonfilesdesigner under msderun.dll in .. commonfilessystemado have msado20.tlb project file under: server.vbp database file: QICQ . mdb users already have: flyer (password: 1), huang (password: 1) the server port to 716 (2) Client requirements for the environment: in the .. windowssystem under: msvbvm60.dllmswinsck.ocxmscomctl.ocxmscomct2.ocx engineering documents : Client.vbp (2007-07-12, Visual Basic, 46KB, 下载7次)


[数据库编程] 289VBSQLcheliangguanlixitong

息设置等,基本模块的原代码,编写相应的功能实现模块 车辆管理系统属于信息管理系统的一个具体实现,主要涉及的是几个核心模块,即司机、车辆、运营、维修和交通事故管理模块的实现,这里主要包括一些空间的使用和数据库查询等。还有另外的一个重要模块是用于实现数据库打开连接、数据更新修改和数据库关闭等,该模块是为简化系统中各个模块普遍访问数据库中各种数据,在此,产生一个公用数据函数,用于执行各种数据库操作。数据库采用的是SQL SERVER 2000,因此,ActiveX 数据对象ADO成了数据库实现的关键技术 车辆管理系统,用VB来实现,可以使得管理界面友好化,增强人机交互性,同时也提高数据的可靠性,减少了在数据中出现的人为因素,最主要是采用了基于WEB的数据库服务器,提高了安全性。 三、拟采取的研究方法、研究手段及技术路线、实验方案等
income setting, and the basic modules of the original code, preparation of the corresponding functional modules vehicle management system is an information management system to achieve a specific, mainly related to the core module, drivers, vehicles, the operation, maintenance and traffic management module to achieve here include some space and the use of database inquiries. Another important module of a database for open connection, data modification and update the database close. The module is to simplify the system modules universal access to the database of various data, here, have a common data function, for the implementation of various database operation. The database is SQL Server 2000, therefore, ActiveX Data Objects ADO database has become the key technology vehicle management sy (2007-05-27, Visual Basic, 932KB, 下载148次)


[数据库编程] Visual_Basic_6.0_Database

《VISUAL BASIC 6数据库编程大全》配套源码 《VISUAL BASIC 6数据库编程大全》简洁而专业地指导Visual Basic 程序员如何利用微软的Visual Basic 企业版进行设计和创建数据库应用程序。内容覆盖了VB6程序员所要了解的八个方面,并为数据库程序员提供了经常会遇到的各种问题的必要解决方案。同时讲述了如何将这些技术结合在一起,创建正在莛发展的客户机/服务器,以及基于Web的应用程序。附带的光盘含盖了书中例举的程序代码,极大地方便读者学习和使用VB6进行程序开发和数据库编程。
"VISUAL BASIC 6 Database Programming Solutions" complementary source "VISUAL BASI C 6 Database Programming Solutions, "a concise and professional guidance Visual Basic programmer how to use Microsoft's V isual Basic Enterprise Edition for the design and creation of database applications. Cover the contents of VB6 programmers need to know about eight, and to provide a database programmers often encounter the problems need solutions. Also explains how to combine these technologies together, to create stalk of grass is the development of client/server, and the Web-based applications. Accompanying CD covered the book's code examples, great convenience for readers to learn and use VB6 procedures for the development and database programming. (2007-01-27, Visual Basic, 20KB, 下载33次)


[数据库编程] ICDBaseSource

(转载)This is a contact manager, built with the DAO data control and an Access database. It is designed specifically to save internet gaming information such as favorite game, gaming handle, clan name, clan rank, etc. Also includes a task scheduler. In addition, the look and feel of the front-end is highly customizable. 这是一个联系信息管理器,具有DAO数据控件和一个Access数据库。它主要旨在保存internet游戏信息,例如最喜欢的游戏,游戏入口点,部落名称,部落等级等等。也包括了一个任务调度程序。另外,它前端的外观具有高度的可定制性。 来源: http://www.freevbcode.com/ShowCode.Asp?ID=1839
(Reprint) This is a contact manager, built with the DAO data control and an Access database. It is designed specifically to save internet gaming information such as favorite game, gaming handle, clan name, clan rank, etc. Also includes a task scheduler. In addition, the look and feel of the front-end is highly customizable. this is a relation information management, has the DAO data to control and a Access database. It mainly is for the purpose of preserving the internet game information, for example most likes game, game entrance spot, tribe name, tribe rank and so on. Also has included a duty scheduler program. Moreover, front end it the outward appearance has highly may have custom-made the nature. Origin: Http://www.freevbcode.com/ShowCode.Asp? ID=1839 (2004-07-07, Visual Basic, 169KB, 下载10次)


[数据库编程] SQL-Tables

(转载)Use this utility to write your database table structure to a word file. You can select tables, or write all tables. In the word file you will be able to see complete details of the table(FieldName,Datatype,size,AllowNulls) with databse name and server name. 使用这个工具可将你的数据库表格结构编写为一个word文件。你能选择表,或者编写所有的表。在word文件中你能看到带有数据库名称和服务器名称表格的详细信息(域名,数据类型,大小,AllowNulls)。 来源: http://www.freevbcode.com/ShowCode.Asp?ID=5459
(Reprint) Use this utility to write your database table structure to a word file. You can select tables, or write all tables. In the word file you will be able to see complete details of the table (FieldName, Datatype, size, AllowNulls) with databse name and server name. uses this tool to be possible yours database form structure compilation to be a word document. You can choose the table, or compilation all tables. You can see in the word document has the database name and the server name form detailed information (domain name, data type, size, AllowNulls). Origin: Http://www.freevbcode.com/ShowCode.Asp? ID=5459 (2004-07-07, Visual Basic, 8KB, 下载10次)
