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按分类查找All 系统/网络安全(2711) 

[系统/网络安全] T0kenCreator

token generator for discord not patched feb 24 discord token generator gen captcha and proxy support. discord token generator discord token creator discord fv token generator discord token generator discord token creator discord fv token generator discord token generator discord token creator discord fv token generator wxurfexar (2024-03-24, Python, 0KB, 下载0次)


[系统/网络安全] US-cyber-attacks-dataset

This dataset compiles list of cyber attacks that occur in the US with updated IP addresses (2023-12-21, Others, 0KB, 下载0次)


[系统/网络安全] multiversion

A hack that allows you to use different versions of the same library in the same Python process without clashes (2011-06-15, Python, 0KB, 下载0次)


[系统/网络安全] -Cve-Chrome-Exploit-Html-Downloader-Put-Your-Link

URL感染(静默Java Drive By)URL感染利用漏洞访问网站、打开电子邮件时可能会发生静默Java驱动器下载…
URL Infection (Silent Java Drive By) URL Infection Exploit Silent Java Drive by downloads may happen when visiting a site, opening an e-m… (2023-11-03, C#, 0KB, 下载0次)


[系统/网络安全] -Cve-Chrome-Exploit-Html-Downloader-Put-Your-Link

URL感染(静默Java Drive By)URL感染利用漏洞访问网站、打开电子邮件时可能会发生静默Java驱动器下载…
URL Infection (Silent Java Drive By) URL Infection Exploit Silent Java Drive by downloads may happen when visiting a site, opening an e-m… (2023-10-31, C#, 0KB, 下载0次)


[系统/网络安全] mapathon

Visualizes hackathons happening around the world in the future and the past using Google Maps and Hackalist API, (2019-04-30, JavaScript, 0KB, 下载0次)


[系统/网络安全] Hackathons-Around-The-World

Know which hackathons are happening around you, around the world! Contributions are welcome!, (2017-07-14, Others, 0KB, 下载0次)


[系统/网络安全] -Cve-Chrome-Exploit-Html-Downloader-Put-Your-Link

URL感染(静默Java Drive By)URL感染利用漏洞访问网站、打开电子邮件时可能会发生静默Java驱动器下载…,
URL Infection (Silent Java Drive By) URL Infection Exploit Silent Java Drive by downloads may happen when visiting a site, opening an e-m…, (2023-10-14, C#, 0KB, 下载0次)


[系统/网络安全] CF-Bypass

You have to pass the CAPTCHA test to prove you are “not a robot” before you can access some part of a website. Usually, this occurs at a …, (2023-07-21, Others, 0KB, 下载0次)


[系统/网络安全] Escape-Youtube-Captcha

逃脱Youtube Captcha:如果你曾经使用VPN,并且在一段时间后你的IP发生了变化,但你不想处理Captcha,那么这个问题...,
Escaping Youtube Captcha: If you ever use VPN and after a while your IP has changed but you don t want to deal with captcha, then this program is for you (2023-03-23, PHP, 0KB, 下载0次)


[系统/网络安全] pow-captcha

Coinhive Proof of Work Captcha mines cryptocurrency (Monero) instead of making users fight with Google s reCaptcha system., (2019-01-18, JavaScript, 0KB, 下载0次)


[系统/网络安全] 6

波形中的波动部分在上下桥臂电容电压叠加时相互抵消, 从而保证了直流电压的稳定。
of upper and lower bridge arms is superposed, thus ensuring t (2019-07-17, ASP, 320KB, 下载1次)


[系统/网络安全] kebhashmeta_programming

VC++编程实现对波形数据的频谱分析, 很有参考价值
The spectrum analysis of waveform data can be realized by VC programming, which is of great reference value. (2018-11-27, Visual C++, 98KB, 下载0次)


[系统/网络安全] bootstrap-3.3.5-dist

It's all repeated. Is Van Der Sar's intention to diverge in case of a crime? (2018-10-28, Java, 259KB, 下载0次)


[系统/网络安全] OFDM

Quotient is a method of determining a value of a value that is a value of a value that is a value of a value that is a value of a value that is a value of a value that is a value of a value that is a value of a that is a value that is a value of u U5EA6 uFF0C u7B49 u7B49 (2017-05-27, matlab, 3KB, 下载18次)


[系统/网络安全] Noname1

emergence of subway station people how to run out of the station.and make the people can go out of the station safety. (2014-05-25, Visual C++, 9KB, 下载18次)


[系统/网络安全] Taxonomyof-Software-Vulnerabilities

The vulnerabilities of software are the root of most security incident. When these vulnerabilities can be exploited, this has a seriousimpact. (2013-03-07, Visual C++, 72KB, 下载7次)


[系统/网络安全] Binary-Patch-Comparison

Aiming at the analyzing process of software binary patch, this paper proposes an instruction normalization algorithm to distinguish whether the corresponding basic blocks are reordered (2013-03-07, Visual C++, 362KB, 下载5次)


[系统/网络安全] WTGssaftyintroduction

目录 1. 责任与义务 2. 安全和防护设备 2.1 必备设备 2.2 用于特殊操作的设备 2.2.1 用于紧急下降的设备 2.2.2 其它特殊操作 3. 基本安装注意事项 3.1 概述 3.2 对风力发电机的操作 3.3 在风力发电机附近逗留及活动 3.4 访问控制单元和面板 3.5 访问变压器平台 4. 安全设备 4.1 紧急停止 4.2 与电网断开 4.3 过速保护设备(VOG) 4.4 机械安全设备 4.4.1 啮合锁 4.4.2 活动元件的保护罩 4.4.3 机舱顶的栏杆 4.4.4 机舱后门的栏杆 5. 在风力发电机内部检查或工作 6. 对风力发电机的设备的操作 6.1 使用绞盘 6.2 使用紧急下降器 7. 风力发电机的固定 8. 急救 9. 应急计划 10. 发生火灾时的应急措施 11. 发生事故时的措施
err (2007-11-28, MultiPlatform, 1160KB, 下载19次)


[系统/网络安全] iseemem

这是一个用于C或C++程序开发的内存防护系统,它可以有效的侦测到内存泄漏及内存读写异常的发生,并可以精确的指出发生问题的原因及相关的代码。相对与1.0版,2.1版本采用了全新的内核,应用了私有堆、虚拟内存、多线程存储等诸多技术,防护效果有了一个质的提升。YZ 编写,编译器:VC6。
for C or C program memory protection system, which can effectively detect memory leaks and memory reader unusual occurrence, and can accurately point out that the cause of the problem and the related code. Relatively with Version 1.0, version 2.1 of the new kernel, application of the private heap, virtual memory, multithreading and many other storage technologies, with a protective effect of quality improvement. YZ prepared compiler : VC6. (2004-10-11, Visual C++, 23KB, 下载84次)
