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[工具库] py-mc-lib

py-mc-lib 是一款专为简化Minecraft整合开发而设计的Python库,它集成了丰富的功能,旨在帮助开发者便捷地处理与Minecraft相关的任务,包括但不限于游戏版本的下载、启动、服务器管理以及与游戏内事件交互。
Py mc lib is a Python library designed to simplify the integration and development of Minecraft. It integrates rich functions and aims to help developers conveniently handle tasks related to Minecraft, including but not limited to the download, startup, server management and interaction with in-game events of the game version. (2024-03-29, Python, 0KB, 下载0次)


[工具库] mailchimp

This repository contains the source code for an application built to streamline the process of adding data to Mailchimp using their API. The application, developed in Python, reads data from a CSV file, converts it to JSON format, and then posts the JSON data to Mailchimp s servers using the provided API key and client ID (2024-03-07, Python, 0KB, 下载0次)
