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[数据结构] libara

libara is a library for constructing random access memory interfaces. Operations are asynchronous and are provided data (2018-02-09, C, 0KB, 下载0次)


[数据结构] playbook-android-sortedlist

A demonstration of SortedList data structure and how it can completely pump up recycler view s adapter in Android (2017-03-13, Java, 0KB, 下载0次)


[数据结构] json_spirit

C++ JSON Library including both a json-data-structure and parser (based on Boost.Spirit). The goal: use json structures in C++ like you do in python or javascript. (2021-01-12, C++, 0KB, 下载0次)


[数据结构] parsley

Parsley is a simple language for extracting structured data from web pages. Parsley consists of an powerful selector language wrapped with a JSON structure that can represent page-wide formatting. (2015-08-30, Shell, 0KB, 下载0次)


[数据结构] PreOrderTree

数据结构树的初步实现 写了迭代器 还有树的先序遍历 但是iterator 的operator 没有实现
Preliminary data tree also wrote a tree traversal iterator iterator s operations but did not realize operator (2015-05-28, Visual C++, 2KB, 下载3次)


[数据结构] strtab

By hash table, a buffer to achieve a string table (2014-11-17, Visual C++, 8KB, 下载3次)


[数据结构] binarytree

Define a class that implements the generic IEnumerator <T> interface and create an enumerator for the binary class (2014-03-18, C#, 5KB, 下载3次)


[数据结构] SoftwareTest

本例是软件测试课的用例,用以测试电信通话中话费计算时出现的各种问题,尤其是夏至日和冬至日的时间转换问题,以及一个JUnit的简单测试用例。   对电话账单来说,春季和秋季的标准时间与夏时制时间的转换会带来有意思的问题。春季,这种转换发生在(3月末、4月初的)星期日凌晨2:00时,这时时钟要设置为凌晨3:00时。对称的转换通常发生在10月最后一个星期日,时钟要从2:59:59调回到2:00:00。    请为采用以下费率计算用户的每月通话费:    通话时间<=20分钟时,每分钟收费0.05美元,通话时间不到1分钟时按1分钟计算。    通话时间>20分钟时,收费1.00美元,超过20分钟的部分,每分钟0.10美元,不到1分钟时按1分钟计算。    假设:    通话计费时间从被叫方应答开始计算,到呼叫方挂机时结束。    没有超过20个小时的通话。 网上没有找到代码只好自己写一个了。
Google s translation is not reliable. This case, the software testing course use cases to test telecommunications call charge calculating various problems, especially in the time of the summer solstice and the winter solstice conversion issues, as well as a simple JUnit test cases. For phone bill, spring and fall between standard time and daylight savings time conversion will bring interesting question. , This conversion occurred in the spring (end of March, early April) 2:00 am Sunday morning, when the clock is set to 3:00 pm. The symmetric transition typically occurs the last Sunday in October, the clock from the 2:59:59 transferred back to 2:00:00. Monthly call charges calculated using the following rates: Talk time <= 20 minutes, costs $ 0.05 per minute, talk time less than 1 minute 1 minute. Talk time> 20 minutes and costs $ 1.00, more than a 20-minute parts, $ 0.10 per minute, less than 1 minute 1 minute. Assumptions: Call billing time from the called party answers, (2013-05-02, Java, 238KB, 下载20次)


[数据结构] E10700104hf

Huffman coding is a very popular way of encoding, the program is a Huffman coding and decoder. (2012-12-06, Visual C++, 406KB, 下载3次)


[数据结构] hfm--

hfm 哈夫曼编译码器 功能完整 严尉敏数据结构课程设计 5.2 含报告 。
5.2 containing the report of the hfm Huffman codec fully functional Yan Wei-min data structures course design. (2012-07-01, Visual C++, 229KB, 下载10次)


[数据结构] tm

A small virtual machine is a small virtual machine is (2012-06-26, Visual C++, 6KB, 下载7次)


[数据结构] PageProcedure-

Analog page memory management procedures (including the best replacement FIFO replacement, the least recently used replacement algorithm) (2012-04-05, Visual C++, 3870KB, 下载2次)


[数据结构] Data-Structure-Course-Design

Data Structure Course Design: unary sparse polynomial calculator source code, I wrote last year. Now share out (2011-06-19, Visual C++, 236KB, 下载4次)


[数据结构] calculator

A simple and practical calculator function code realization, facilitating understanding learning c++ program and data structure and algorithms. (2011-01-09, Visual C++, 1792KB, 下载2次)


[数据结构] Queue

using the append and remove of data elements in the query complete the dynamic changing of clientthread and serverthread。 (2010-08-26, Visual C++, 6KB, 下载1次)


[数据结构] data-structure-design

Data structure course design. Includes three topics: 1. Bank management system. 2. Airways reservation system. 3. Text editor (2010-05-07, Visual C++, 253KB, 下载2次)


[数据结构] 3

一元稀疏多项式计算器.cpp 主要是完成两个一元多项式的相加、相减,并将结果输出。
Dollar sparse polynomial calculator. Cpp notably the completion of two unary polynomial addition, subtraction, and the resulting output. (2010-01-08, Visual C++, 2KB, 下载3次)


[数据结构] huffmanTree

哈夫曼编/译码器:利用哈夫曼编码进行通信可以大大提高信道利用率,缩短信息传输入时间, 降低成本,但是,这要求发送端通过一个编码系统对待传输数据先进行编码,在 接收端将传来的数据进行译码。对于双工信道(可双向传输的信道),每端都需 要一个完整的编/译码系统。
Huffman encoder/decoder: the use of Huffman coding can greatly improve the communication channel utilization, information Chuan shorter input time, reduce costs, however, this requires the sending end through a coding system to treat the first encoded data, in the receiving end to decode the data came from. For duplex channel (which can be two-way transmission channel), each client requires a full encoder/decoder system. (2008-11-23, Visual C++, 66KB, 下载23次)


[数据结构] pl0(2)

对PL0原编译器进行了以下的扩充:1.增加以下保留字else(elsesym), for(forsym),to(tosym),downto(downtosym),return(returnsym),[(lmparen),](rmparen) 2.增加了以下的运算符:+=(eplus),-=(eminus),++(dplus),--(dminus) 取址运算符&(radsym),指向运算符@(padsym) 3.修改单词:修改不等号#为<> 4.扩充语句:(1)增加了else子句 (2)增加了for语句 5.增加运算:(1).++运算 (2).--运算;(3).+=运算 (4).-=运算;(5).&取址运算; (6).@指向运算; 6.增加类型:(1).增加多维数组a[i1][i2][i3]……[i(n-1)][i(n-2)][in] (2).增加指针类型(任何变量都能存放指针,但不支持指针的指针,如b:=@@a应该改写为c:=@a,b:=@c) 7.将过程procedure扩展为函数:(1).允许定义过程时在其后加参数(var a, var b,……..,var n) (2)允许通过指针向函数形式参数传地址;(3)允许返回值;可以用 a:=p(a,b,c….,n) 返回 (2008-05-22, C/C++, 424KB, 下载150次)


[数据结构] Simulate_Process_Scheduling_Implement_by_C

模拟进程调度的C语言实现 一、 实验目的 体会UNIX 系统的进程调度方法,并通过一个简单的进程调度模拟程序的实现,加深对进程调度算法,进程切换的理解。 二、 实验内容 采用静态优先数的方法,编写一进程调度程序模拟程序。模拟程序只对你所设置的“虚拟PCB”进行相应的调度模拟操作,即每发生“调度”时,显示出当前运行的“PCB名字”、优先数、运行时间等,而不需要对系统中真正的PCB等数据进行修改。
C UNIX Two experimental use of static content priorities in a way, to prepare a process scheduler simulation program. Simulation program only right you have set up a "virtual PCB" accordingly scheduling simulation operation, that is, each occurrence "Dispatch" shows that the current operation "PCB name" priority number, running time, without the need for a real system, such as PCB data changes. (2006-03-31, C/C++, 2KB, 下载36次)
