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按分类查找All 后台框架(63) 
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[后台框架] Library-Management

这是一个专注于库管理web应用程序的后端应用程序和REST API的项目。这是使用Java和spring框架实现的,并使用apachetomcat服务器配置运行。
This is a project that focuses on the Backend application and REST APIs of a library management web application. This is implemented using Java and spring framework and run using the apache tomcat server configuration. (2024-03-10, Java, 0KB, 下载0次)


[后台框架] GadgetGallore-javaproject

开发了一个基于java的电子商务网站,专门从事电子产品。使用HTML、CSS和JavaScript开发响应性用户界面,确保吸引人的无缝用户体验。使用Java和Spring Boot开发后端解决方案,为web应用程序提供可扩展和高效的服务器端功能。
Developed a java based e-commerce website specializing in electronic items. Developed responsive user interfaces using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, ensuring an engaging and seamless user experience. Developed back-end solutions with Java and Spring Boot, delivering scalable and efficient server-side functionalities for web applications. (2024-01-28, Java, 0KB, 下载0次)


[后台框架] Restaurant-Recommendation-Web-Application-J2EE-

Developed a restaurant search and recommendation web app run on Tomcat Server to improve personal experience do restaurant seekers. The front-end includes a HTML page (Angular.js ) to interact with user. The back-end includes java servlet, Restful-Apis to process users’ requests. (2018-06-22, Java, 0KB, 下载0次)
