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[汇编语言] ampricot

Ampricot is a full-fledged and lightweight, free and open source, easy to install and use, cross-platform web server solution stack package for professional web development. (2012-10-23, PHP, 0KB, 下载0次)


[汇编语言] php-steam-inventory

Steam Inventory API的框架无关和可扩展PHP包装器<;https:steamcommunity.com目录>;
A framework agnostic _and_ extensible PHP wrapper for the Steam Inventory API <https: steamcommunity.com inventory> (2018-02-27, PHP, 0KB, 下载0次)


[汇编语言] fbsample-order

具有PrestaShop 1.7的自定义模板_and_额外步骤的订单控制器示例。
Sample order controller with custom template _and_ extra step for PrestaShop 1.7. (2022-06-23, PHP, 0KB, 下载0次)


[汇编语言] MasterSlaveDBAccess

Simple MySQL database server access class use PDO _and_ singleton pattern, support master-slave database cluster. (2016-03-30, PHP, 0KB, 下载0次)


[汇编语言] php-memcached-sessions

A PHP session handler that uses memcached to store session with multiple servers, failover _and_ replication support. (2013-03-20, PHP, 0KB, 下载0次)


[汇编语言] magento-facebook-pixel

A Magento module that will allow you to integrate the Facebook Pixel onto your website and the ability to track several standard events. (2017-08-06, PHP, 0KB, 下载0次)


[汇编语言] docker-cacti

Cacti network manager基于rrdtool的Docker映像。这包括仙人掌脊柱作为轮询器_和_额外插件
Docker image for Cacti network manager rrdtool-based. This include cacti spine as poller _and_ extra plugins (2018-02-20, PHP, 0KB, 下载0次)


[汇编语言] magento2-code-quality

一个有助于将静态代码分析器轻松应用于项目代码的模块。它在引擎盖下使用grumphp _和_ h...
A module that helps to easily apply static code analysers to the project`s code. It uses grumphp under the hood and has predefined set of rules based on Magento 2 coding standards and tuned to be less annoying. (2022-12-13, PHP, 0KB, 下载0次)


[汇编语言] WP-Map-Markers

没有维护WordPress插件来在您的网站上显示谷歌地图。使用商店定位器库_and_ API v3
NOT MAINTAINED A WordPress plugin to display Google Maps on your website. Uses the Store Locator library _and_ API v3 (2012-08-15, PHP, 0KB, 下载0次)


[汇编语言] php-ci-internationalization

CodeIgniter国际化_和_本地化库。此库帮助您检测用户的浏览器语言_和_ s...
CodeIgniter Internationalization and localization library. This library help you detect user s browser language and show corresponding language message to user (2011-12-20, PHP, 0KB, 下载0次)


[汇编语言] Mikrotik-Manager

This manages mikrotik router and Queues and also schedule for bandwidth update, auto update the bandwith.....web based codigniter application to manage group of mikrotik router (2016-06-08, PHP, 0KB, 下载0次)


[汇编语言] RESTful-API-and-SPA-Boiler

RESTful API,使用Laravel 5.7和JWT Auth_and_ SPA,使用Vue.js和Vuex、Vue路由器和Vue存储
RESTful API using Laravel 5.7 with JWT Auth _and_ SPA using Vue.js with Vuex, Vue-Router _and_ Vue Storage (2019-03-18, PHP, 0KB, 下载0次)


[汇编语言] Converter-Tool-PHP-And-MYSQL

工具转换器PHP dan Mysql,工具ini dapat mengconvert Mysql ke MySQLi dan dari PHP5 ke PHP7,dan Anda dapat meng...
Tool Converter PHP dan Mysql, tool ini dapat mengconvert MySQL ke MySQLi dan dari PHP 5 ke PHP 7, dan Anda dapat menggunakan nya dengan sangat mudah bacalah panduannya terlebih dahulu. (2020-03-25, PHP, 0KB, 下载0次)


[汇编语言] BOOM网站宝贝 v2.0

功能介绍:  强大的网站文件目录在线管理工具!弥补FTP工具的不足。是PHP网站站长的必备! ·列出服务器上的文件和目录。 ·测试文件是否可以读写。1为可,0为否。 ·在可读的情况下,能查看文件的内容。包括该文件里的敏感信息。 ·在可写的情况下,能【上传文件】、【修改属性】、【文件改名】、【编辑文件】、【新建文件】、【新建目录】。 ·【批量删除文件和目录】、【批量修改文件和目录属性】。 ·[MD5加密字符]、[批量代码生成]、[UNIX时间戳换算]。 ·另外还可返回系统环境信息。 ·管理员登陆功能。 ·以后会增加更多所能想到的实用功能。
Features: powerful site management tools directory online! FTP tools to make up for deficiencies. Is an essential PHP Webmaster! Listed on the server files and directories. Test documents can be read and write (2004-07-14, PHP, 18KB, 下载290次)
