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按分类查找All Unreal(67) 
按平台查找All Python(67) 

[Unreal] Blender-Car-Streamliner

A Car Centered Focused Blender Addon, helps with modeling, rigging and exporting your car model to Unreal Engine, plus more (2024-03-09, Python, 0KB, 下载0次)


[Unreal] UE4_Location_Data_Processor

An unpacker for position data exported by the Unreal Engine project for Spatial Development made for University of Magna Grecia, Italy. The program builds animation data and a heatmap of where people have walked as data for later review. (2022-08-08, Python, 48372KB, 下载0次)


[Unreal] detect-app

检测python解释器正在哪个应用程序中运行。-----------------------------支持Ansible AutoCAD Blender...
Detect which app the python interpreter is running in.??---------------------------- Supports Ansible AutoCAD Blender Calibre Cinema 4D Clarisse Flame Fusion Gaffer Gimp Houdini Inkscape Katana Krita Mari Marmoset 3ds Max Maya Modo MotionBuilder Natron Nuke RV Revit Shotgun Scribus Softimage SubstanceDesigner SubstancePainter Unreal (2023-04-02, Python, 9KB, 下载0次)


[Unreal] UE5Template

不需要Visual Studio的Unreal Engine 5的模板C++项目。从终端运行,使用任何编辑器。
Template C++ project for Unreal Engine 5 without the need of Visual Studio. Run from terminal, use any editor. (2022-06-11, Python, 6KB, 下载0次)


[Unreal] UE4-Manager-for-Linux

这是用于GNU Linux的Unreal Engine 4的非正式管理器(安装UE4,更新它并允许下载...
This is an unofficial manager for the Unreal Engine 4 for GNU/Linux (Installs UE4, updates it and allows to download content from the Marketplace) (2022-02-23, Python, 85KB, 下载0次)


[Unreal] UEShaderScript

UEShaderScript is a free Blender Plugin that allows for saving and dynamically loading shader maps and textures. It is built for all 3d assets exported from Unreal Engine. (2022-12-13, Python, 26824KB, 下载0次)


[Unreal] Pivot-Painter-for-Blender

Pivot Painter是一个用于创建3d模型的Blender插件,它将在Unreal Engine 4中使用Pivot涂料工具的着色器
Pivot Painter is a Blender addon to create a 3d model, that will use the Pivot Painter Tool s shaders in Unreal Engine 4 (2019-11-15, Python, 40KB, 下载0次)
