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按分类查找All 单片机开发(73) 
按平台查找All JavaScript(73) 

[单片机开发] array-gpio

array gpio是使用直接寄存器控件的Raspberry Pi的低级javascript库。
array-gpio is a low-level javascript library for Raspberry Pi using a direct register control. (2024-05-24, JavaScript, 0KB, 下载0次)


[单片机开发] DMAS-Mastermind

引入DMAS Mastermind,您的光滑和直观的TypeScript行计算器,专为掌握算术运算的艺术而设计。以风格和精度无缝地处理加法、减法、乘法和除法的复杂性。
Introducing DMAS Mastermind-your sleek and intuitive TypeScript line calculator designed exclusively for mastering the art of arithmetic operations. Seamlessly tackle the complexities of addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division with style and precision. (2024-03-26, JavaScript, 0KB, 下载0次)


[单片机开发] farrel-api

本项目的目的是使用本机内置OPC UA服务器测试从西门子PLC中提取数据。目标是提取流程数据,并使用API使其可用。
The purpose of this project is to test pulling data from a Siemens PLC using the native built-in OPC UA server. The goal is to pull process data and make it available using an API. (2023-12-20, JavaScript, 0KB, 下载0次)


[单片机开发] discord-dmall

DMall is a simple discord.js bot that DM all the users from a server., (2022-05-07, JavaScript, 0KB, 下载0次)


[单片机开发] node-beagle-boot

用于BeagleBone的node.js USB引导加载程序服务器,用于将其引导到大容量存储模式,
A node.js USB bootloader server for BeagleBone for booting it into mass storage mode, (2018-12-12, JavaScript, 0KB, 下载0次)


[单片机开发] rgb-led

一个共阳极RGB LED的调色器,使用jscolor进行网页选色,然后实时通过Websocket传输到后端python脚本中,脚本通过GPIO的PWM脉宽调制实现对RGB亮度的控制,最终混合出制定颜色。
A color modulator of common anode RGB LED, which uses jscolor to select colors for web pages, and then transmits them to the back-end python script in real time through the Websocket. The script controls the RGB brightness through the PWM pulse width modulation of GPIO, and finally mixes the specified color. (2017-11-03, JavaScript, 21KB, 下载0次)


[单片机开发] build-light

A daemon for single-board/development-board computers that polls your continuous integration server and reports build status via a traffic light. (2015-03-02, JavaScript, 6KB, 下载0次)


[单片机开发] node-red-contrib-modbus-serial

Modbus subset RTU commands for 2 & 4 channel RS485 Relay PLC Controller UART Serial port Switch (2017-02-15, JavaScript, 11KB, 下载0次)


[单片机开发] iot_water

智慧水务物联网系统是用户单位基于智能水表(包含但不限于NB- lot水表等智能表)、智能消火栓、智能阀门、数据采集终端(RTU或PLC)及其他前置传感器和设备在供水方面的应用管理系统,由这些设备采集到监测点的各种数据
The Intelligent Water IoT System is an application management system for water supply based on intelligent water meters (including but not limited to NB lot water meters), intelligent fire hydrants, intelligent valves, data acquisition terminals (RTU or PLC), and other front-end sensors and equipment used by user units. These devices collect various data from monitoring points (2022-10-01, JavaScript, 63338KB, 下载0次)


[单片机开发] extjs6

在本文,在展示如何编写Ext JS 6通用应用程序代码以使控制器和视图模型能适用于特定视图又是共享的。 本文的重点是通用应用程序,而不是只能用于纯classic或纯Modern的应用程序。特别是,app文件夹在通用应用程序中具有独特的用途。
Sencha Ext JS is the most comprehensive MVC/MVVM JavaScript framework for building feature-rich enterprise web applications (2015-10-02, JavaScript, 917KB, 下载4次)


[单片机开发] wenduchuanganqi

Temperature sensor of simple production, the main using DS18B20 and 51 single chip microcomputer. Used for testing temperature at ordinary times, decide how much to dress (2015-07-05, JavaScript, 35KB, 下载3次)


[单片机开发] bootstrap-switch-master

bootstrap时间选择器,此项目是bootstrap-datetimepicker 项目 的一个分支,该项目在load 过程增加了对 ISO-8601 日期格式的支持。
bootstrap time picker, this project is an offshoot of bootstrap-datetimepicker Project, the project load process adds support for ISO-8601 date format. (2014-07-01, JavaScript, 217KB, 下载2次)


[单片机开发] LABjs-2.0.3

LABjs 的核心是 LAB(Loading and Blocking):Loading 指异步并行加载,Blocking 是指同步等待执行。LABjs 通过优雅的语法(script 和 wait)实现了这两大特性,核心价值是性能优化。LABjs 是一个文件加载器。
LABjs lets you load pretty much any script file, whether you control it or not, with no intrusion or convention for dependencies, other than the order and blocking that you define. It keeps track of what you ve asked for and what has downloaded, and lets you only define a handler once for a group of scripts that will execute together in parallel. The API style (with chaining) makes is very easy to convert a set of script tags in your page into code to load them, without having to worry that race conditions will cause issues for scripts loading in the wrong order if there are explicit dependencies involved. (2014-01-09, JavaScript, 13KB, 下载3次)
