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[企业管理] PasswordManager

Password Manager is a simple, console-based application written in C# that allows users to manage their passwords. It provides basic functionalities such as adding, deleting, updating, and retrieving account information as well as generating and checking passwords. This program is insecure and not meant for production-use. (2024-03-17, C#, 0KB, 下载0次)


[企业管理] TraceReader

Microsoft Dynamics CRM的跟踪读取器可帮助您读取由Microsoft Dynamics CRM(4.0,2...)生成的跟踪文件...
Trace reader for Microsoft Dynamics CRM helps you reading the trace files generated by Microsoft Dynamics CRM (4.0, 2011 and 2013) on a graphical interface. Filters help you to display only relevant information. This is a backup of the trace reader source from CodePlex which is retiring soon. This repository was upgraded via VS 2017 and I ve (2018-01-09, C#, 92KB, 下载0次)


[企业管理] CANYIN

员工使用本餐饮信息管理系统应可以实现以下功能:  1.  使用辅助工具(日历、记事本、计算器)  2.  查询统计(收入日报)  3.  使用帮助菜单  4.  退出系统  管理员使用本餐饮信息管理系统应可以实现以下功能:  1.  进行基础信息的查询修改(开桌信息、职员信息、食品信息)  2.  使用辅助工具(日历、记事本、计算器)  3.  进行系统维护(权限管理)  4.  系统设置(密码修改、系统锁定)  5.  查询统计(收入日报)  6.  使用帮助  7.  退出系统
The restaurant staff use information management system should be able to perform the following functions: 1. Use the auxiliary tool (calendar, notepad, calculator) 2 query statistics (income daily) 3 Use the Help menu 4. exit the system administrator to use the catering information management system should be able to achieve the following functions: 1. query modification based on information (on the table information, staff information, food, information) 2 auxiliary tools (Calendar, Notepad. calculator) 3. system maintenance (rights management) 4. System Setup (password changes, system lock) 5. Query Statistics (daily income) 6. Use the Help System 7. Exit (2015-12-10, C#, 2220KB, 下载5次)


[企业管理] Office

智能Office办公系统源码 新一代网络智能办公系统,系统集成了三十多项强势功能,是企业降低办公成本、促进信息化、提高办公效率的得力助手,系统具有以下特点: 1、客户机无需安装专用软件,使用浏览器即可实现全球办公; 2、支持多级部门/成员单位模式,全面面向集团应用; 3、内置工作流系统,通过傲视同群的“智能表单设计”、灵活的自定义流程,实现各项业务流程的管理,文件流转及审批; 4、内置聊天室功能,可以及时进行沟通。
Office (2009-09-22, C#, 3000KB, 下载105次)
