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按分类查找All 3D图形编程(63) 
按平台查找All C#(63) 

[3D图形编程] Zeno-Color-Selector

Extensible and compact color selector implemented in C# with WPF. Works as both standalone (with test application) and as an imported Control. (2022-10-02, C#, 0KB, 下载0次)


[3D图形编程] 3DPuzzleVR

个人科学项目“解剖教育3D拼图VR”。该项目专注于通过VR提供解剖模型的基本知识。使用设备HTC Vive及其运动控制器与模型及其对象交互。
An individual scientific project, "3D Puzzle VR for Anatomy Education". The project focused on delivering basic knowledge of anatomical models through VR. Using device HTC Vive and its motion controllers to interact with model and its objects. (2017-03-24, C#, 0KB, 下载0次)


[3D图形编程] GL-Tech-2

电机射线投射器feito em C#capaz de renderizar mundos bidimensionais como se fossem 3D altas taxas de quadros utilizando somete poder计算de CPU。
Motor gráfico ray-caster feito em C# capaz de renderizar mundos bidimensionais como se fossem 3D a altas taxas de quadros utilizando somente poder computacional de CPU. (2023-07-05, C#, 0KB, 下载0次)
