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按分类查找All Internet/IE编程(78) 
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[Internet/IE编程] BHO_HelloWorld

上网网址限制功能模块采用开发IE BHO插件的形式实现,基于现有BHO的基本特征,当用户通过启动本地计算机的IE内核浏览访问任意网址之前,系统即加载网址限制模块的DLL模块,对用户发出的URL进行检测,将请求URL与模块的黑白名单列表对比,确定是否为受限URL,如果为受限RUL则终止浏览器的访问请求,否则允许其继续访问。
Internet Website limit function modules in the form of plug-ins developed IE BHO implementation, based on the basic characteristics of the existing BHO, when the user starts the local computer to access any Web browser IE kernel before the system will load the URL limit module DLL module, the user is sent detecting the URL, the request URL and the modules contrast black and white lists, determine whether the restricted URL, if the browser is terminated RUL restricted access request, or to allow it to continue to access. (2013-09-12, Visual C++, 74KB, 下载14次)


[Internet/IE编程] ATL-IE-browser

ATL 实现定制的 IE 浏览器栏、工具栏和桌面工具栏 关键字:Band,Desk Band,Explorer Band,Tool Band,浏览器栏,工具栏,桌面工具栏 一、引言   最近,由于工作的要求,我需要在 IE 上做一些开发工作。于是在 MSDN 上翻阅了一些资料,根据 MSDN 上的说明我用 ATL 胜利完成了“资本家老板”分配的任务。 (并且在白天睡觉的过程中梦到了老板给我加工资啦......) 现在,我把 MSDN 上的原文资料,经过翻译整理并把一个 ATL 的实现奉贤给 VCKBASE 上的朋友们。
ATL to implement a customized IE browser bar, toolbar and Desktop toolbar Keywords: Band, Desk Band, the Explorer Band, Tool, Band, Explorer Bar, Toolbar, Deskbar a recent Introduction, due to the requirements of the work, I need to do some development work in IE. Then read some information on MSDN, according to the instructions on MSDN victory with ATL and I completed the assigned tasks of the capitalist boss. (And sleep during the daytime dream boss gave me a pay raise ......) Now, I put the original data on MSDN translated finishing and an ATL Fengxian the VCKBASE on friends. (2012-07-25, Visual C++, 7KB, 下载15次)


[Internet/IE编程] ExploreSimple2010

自己2年前写的一个网页浏览器,功能特简单,希望给有志于这方面发展的新手起到一个抛砖的作用。 想浏览网页,很简单,只需要打开可执行文件,并点击图标 N ,输入网址即可以网上冲浪了,哈哈, 其他功能自己摸索吧。
Two years ago to write a web browser, function is particularly simple, and hope that the novice to the aspiring development in this regard to play a throwing bricks. Want to browse the web, very simple, only need to open the executable file, and click on the icon N and enter the URL that you can surf the web, and other features find their own way. (2012-06-25, Visual C++, 3442KB, 下载7次)


[Internet/IE编程] webcontorl

webcontorl 简单的浏览器代码,之前写程序发现wc的ie控件有内存泄露,后来没办法专门做一个ie控件的exe程序,向这个进程里面发送消息访问web,才解决了主程序内存不断增长的问题。
webcontorl (2012-03-30, Visual C++, 1898KB, 下载5次)


[Internet/IE编程] downloadfile

The demo is a simulation of IE downloader, download the file on the network to achieve the main function of the familiar is URLDownloadToFile (2011-08-19, Visual C++, 2865KB, 下载20次)


[Internet/IE编程] FavoritesTry

VC favorites viewer, can automatically identify the directory within the IE Favorites and the Web site, and in the form of a beautiful tree menu favorites to start multi-level directory (2011-05-09, Visual C++, 14KB, 下载23次)


[Internet/IE编程] EnumFormVal

Using the browser interface to enumerate all form IE process can be used to make the procedure automatically submit the form (2010-04-15, Visual C++, 3853KB, 下载113次)


[Internet/IE编程] PopupBlocker2_src

IE pop-up form filtering code, do BHO' s can refer to, so the browser can also be used (2010-03-25, Visual C++, 104KB, 下载17次)


[Internet/IE编程] Google-ToolBar

A bar similar to Baidu or Google search tools such as IE browser' s search tool bar for all to learn. (2010-03-21, Visual C++, 181KB, 下载13次)


[Internet/IE编程] encode630

A small file encryption devices, using des, build d: \ \ kspw.pd file, adding the relationship with the time (2010-02-24, Visual C++, 1915KB, 下载7次)


[Internet/IE编程] myweb

A simple browser, visit the website needed to achieve the basic functions, including forward, back, refresh, the page jump, progress display, etc. (2009-09-23, Visual C++, 5066KB, 下载8次)


[Internet/IE编程] FtpClient

FTP client, upload files to download, delete, rename, FTP, etc. functions. (2008-09-19, Visual C++, 123KB, 下载40次)


[Internet/IE编程] socket

With C++ Achieve the windows of the socket, use tcp to connect the server and send data packets, the re-use udp packet receive (2008-09-18, Visual C++, 2016KB, 下载63次)


[Internet/IE编程] cortvrml

Is a plug-in, can be directly used in Microsoft s browser plug-in, it s easy to use. (2008-06-24, Visual C++, 1801KB, 下载25次)


[Internet/IE编程] mfc_Isapi

mfc prepared IIS running isapi application procedures to dll file is loaded in the IIS server, the client browser can get/post request from isapi response (2008-02-23, Visual C++, 6901KB, 下载174次)


[Internet/IE编程] WebBrowser

CE version of a complete WEB browser plug-ins can be compiled to use, this is a project once the results of research. (2007-12-14, Visual C++, 55KB, 下载157次)


[Internet/IE编程] Multi_Browsers

more pages of the browser's source code. , A multi-html pages, Address bar the importation of automatic website addresses correspond to the pages. (2006-12-22, Visual C++, 256KB, 下载68次)


[Internet/IE编程] htmlbar

IE provides a plug-in, plug-time access to the Internet Explorer web page content, and the display categories of website content! (2005-12-02, Visual C++, 390KB, 下载317次)
