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[网络编程] pmsq

Multi Trojan VB source code generator, the preparation of this Trojan Generator, including upgrades, spent a lot of hard work, sharing what for reference purposes only. Simple, just fill out the mail recipient can receive the letter. Trojan functions: camera, screen, keyboard logging, Pirates of the QQ, get CDEF disk directory infected removable disk (2011-08-19, Visual Basic, 837KB, 下载43次)


[网络编程] DVdtj

Top Software Development Forum can be posted in two ways, one is to simulate the way to, through the auto-fill in a form to submit, this method can always observe the release process, but memory-intensive, efficiency is relatively low, a packet sent by the other species method, through the Ethereal software to intercept Posted data submitted to the network and then use VB' s WINSOCK control to submit data to the server, because it does not load the extra pages released so fast, more efficient. The following Web site announced a set of moving machine source code 7.1 version of the post on the forum, this version of the identification code has been joined. (2010-02-21, Visual Basic, 606KB, 下载107次)


[网络编程] AutoRegister

注册机器人,可疯狂注册,自动更改网络IP地址 .如果加以扩展的话可以做一个论坛注册器 此源码简单示例,供学习使用,有兴趣的朋友可以看下源码和思路。 数据库在App_Data 文件夹中,为sql2005数据库,不用附加即可使用。
Registration robots, can be crazy registration, automatically change the network IP address. To be extended if the words can do a forum registrar simple example of this source for learning to use, interested friends can Kanxia source code and ideas. Database in the App_Data folder, as a sql2005 database that can be used without additional. (2010-01-29, Visual Basic, 2802KB, 下载8次)


[网络编程] PortScanner

Fast port scanner VB source code, can quickly scan your computer or local area network security risks exist in all the ports. Proceedings incidental to backdoor Trojan and information database, the main features of the scanning speed, scan 32,000 ports only need less than a minute. You can update the database of Troy and the back door in order to process the information to compare and find suspicious open ports. Some code is converted to a better domain name and IP conversion function with each other on network programming VB friends have a certain reference value. (2009-05-11, Visual Basic, 144KB, 下载42次)


[网络编程] p2p

P2P 之 UDP穿透NAT的原理与实现(附源代码) 原创:shootingstars 参考:http://midcom-p2p.sourceforge.net/draft-ford-midcom-p2p-01.txt baidu 论坛上经常有对P2P原理的讨论,但是讨论归讨论,很少有实质的东西产生(源代码)。呵呵,在这里我就用自己实现的一个源代码来说明UDP穿越NAT的原理。 首先先介绍一些基本概念: NAT(Network Address Translators),网络地址转换:网络地址转换是在IP地址日益缺乏的情况下产生的,它的主要目的就是为了能够地址重用。NAT分为两大类,基本的NAT和NAPT(Network Address/Port Translator)。 最开始NAT是运行在路由器上的一个功能模块。 最先提出的是基本的NAT,它的产生基于如下事实:一个私有网络(域)中的节点中只有很少的节点需要与外网连接(呵呵,这是在上世纪90年代中期提出的)。那么这个子网中其实只有少数的节点需要全球唯一的IP地址,其他的节点的IP地址应该是可以重用的。 因此,基本的NAT实现的功能很简单,在子网内使用一个保留的IP子网段,这些IP对外是不可见的。子网内只有少数一些IP地址可以对应到真正全球唯一的IP地址。如果这些节点需要访问外部网络,那么基本NAT就负责将这个节点的子网内IP转化为 (2007-08-18, Visual Basic, 54KB, 下载103次)


[网络编程] netstuff

This program queries the network and shows the Domains/Servers/Workstations structure. It also shows the users of each Server or Workstation and can send messages to the selected PC. This programs works only on a Windows NT 4.0 Machine! 查询网络,显示 域/服务器/工作站的结构,它也显示用户,并将信息发送到指定的PC,只能在NT 4上工作
This program queries the network and shows the Domains/Servers/Workstations structure. It also shows the users of each Server or Workstation and can send messages to the selected PC. This programs works only on a Windows NT 4.0 Machine! Inquiries Network show Domain/server/workstation in the structure, it also shows users and the information is sent to a designated PC, it can only work on NT 4 (2005-10-18, Visual Basic, 7KB, 下载8次)
