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按平台查找All Visual Basic(66) 

[对话框与窗口] pvqtyf

如何用vb做mp3播放器 1 天寒 1999年10月10日 2 超爱常 盘贵子的尚轩 1999年10月13日 1999年1
How to make mp3 player with vb on October 10, 1999, October 10, 1999 (2018-11-04, Visual Basic, 3KB, 下载0次)


[对话框与窗口] vb-lock

vb hang lock beautiful translucent form, I found a lot of hang lock does not support the WIN7 under the hang so wrote this hang lock, win7 the same by writing to the registry to disable the Task Manager logout.... (2012-05-15, Visual Basic, 207KB, 下载19次)


[对话框与窗口] mofang_OfficeScan_tray

仿officescan杀毒软件界面,哈哈,公司安装了 officescan 我把它干掉了后,用了我的界面,我还上传了仿landesk rcgui的界面,用来隐藏QQ,浏览器的 魔高一丈
Imitation officescan antivirus software interface, ha ha, the company installed the officescan I put it to kill the latter, with my interface, I also uploaded imitation landesk rcgui interface, used to hide the QQ, the browser' s law is strong (2010-08-17, Visual Basic, 92KB, 下载5次)


[对话框与窗口] xrrj

After running this program has no visible form, Task Manager application does not show, for operational, not to make changes in the process, to end the end of works in process 1 on the line, the program runs 10 minutes after pop-up " system warning" dialog box, in fact, false (2010-05-18, Visual Basic, 1KB, 下载8次)


[对话框与窗口] FlexCell.NET

FlexCell表格控件 for .NET是采用VB.NET开发的表格/报表控件,提供了6种单元格类型和6种图表类型,提供了合并单元格、虚表、打印和打印预览等功能,支持数据绑定、剪贴板操作、XML文件的导入和导出,不需要Excel运行库支持就可以输出为Excel WorkBook。软件包中附带报表设计器,只需很少的代码就可以制作出图文并茂的报表和程序界面。
FlexCell form control for. NET is developed in VB.NET form/report controls, provided the six kinds of cell types and six kinds of chart types, provided the combined cell, virtual tables, print and print preview features to support data binding, clipboard operations, XML import and export files do not have Excel runtime support can be output to Excel WorkBook. Package included report designer, just a small code can be produced with the aid of diagrams and statements of the program interface. (2009-04-24, Visual Basic, 1026KB, 下载216次)


[对话框与窗口] WmCopy

这是一个基于对话框的MFC程序,能够将本地的Windows Media文件在当前机器的一个端口 上广播,或者推向另外一台Windows Media服务器进行再发布。
This is a dialog-based MFC procedures, can be a local Windows Media documents in the current machines a port on the radio. Another push or a Windows Media server for re-release. (2006-10-20, Visual Basic, 20KB, 下载5次)
