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[数据库编程] plbzle

制作一个漂亮的VCD播放器,提供完整DELPHI源码 (2018-05-05, Delphi, 343KB, 下载0次)


[数据库编程] 06910508

文件切割器32bit原码,File cutter 32bit original code (2018-03-11, Delphi, 46KB, 下载1次)


[数据库编程] 471733

DELPHI的窗体设计器相同的控件,可让你的程序在运行时设计窗体, 解压后有个FormDesigner bpl,将它add到 (2017-10-16, Delphi, 86KB, 下载1次)


[数据库编程] 超级Access密码破解器 1.50

to find out access password
to find out access password (2017-10-12, WINDOWS, 295KB, 下载1次)


[数据库编程] Scanner

Bar code scanner, keyboard input bar code, automatic storage and can output Excel form (2016-04-29, C#, 2851KB, 下载7次)


[数据库编程] 1

DIPI\AccountEdit.cpp ....\AccountEdit.h ....\Autil.cpp ....\Autil.h ....\CLinkList.cpp ....\CLinkList.h ....\data.txt ....\DIPI.APS ....\DIPI.cpp ....\DIPI.h ....\DIPI.rc ....\DIPI.vcxproj ....\DIPI.vcxproj.filters ....\DIPI.vcxproj.user ....\DIPIDlg.cpp ....\DIPIDlg.h ....\dp.txt ....\DpMain.cpp ....\DpMain.h ....\licence.dat (2015-05-09, Visual C++, 2KB, 下载4次)


[数据库编程] Test_WebService

Android mobile phone, Baidu map, to achieve the various functions, 安卓程序的服务器,提供数据库中的数据给远程安卓客户端 Android app server, providing data to the remote Android client (2014-05-19, Visual C++, 59KB, 下载9次)


[数据库编程] redianou

The program can collect the measured temperature sensor pt100 temperature value, and store it in the database (2013-11-14, LabView, 36KB, 下载6次)


[数据库编程] SocketFilesTran-pic-to-database

Server to receive software used for receiving image information, and stored in the database (2013-07-14, C#, 75KB, 下载5次)


[数据库编程] TriggerNesting

C# database triggers the nested instance, a C# source code examples of database triggers (2013-05-19, C#, 309KB, 下载2次)


[数据库编程] serchSqlServer

从局域网中搜索搜有的SQL SERVER 的服务器名+progressbar换色。
From the local area network to search search some SQL SERVER SERVER name+ progressbar change color. (2012-07-26, Delphi, 467KB, 下载15次)


[数据库编程] ADOSQL

ADO Connection in SQL Server VC6.0, presentation connection, read, modify, delete, query, fuzzy query, up/down a record browsing. Contains information on (2011-02-07, Visual C++, 1532KB, 下载83次)


[数据库编程] DatabaseEditer

一个Access 数据库编辑器,教你如何使用Access 数据库进行编程。
An Access database editor, teach you how to use Access database programming. (2011-01-28, Visual Basic, 101KB, 下载7次)


[数据库编程] zh

但如果确实想进行字符集改变,则可通过以下几步来实现: 备份数据库后删除原数据(可物理备份,如使用Export,请注意确保字符集不发生转换或数据无损失); 使用Internal用户更新sys.props$表中的字符集
But if really want to change the character set, you can be achieved through the following steps: Back up the database to delete the original data (which can be physical backup, such as using Export, please note that the character set conversion or data does not occur without loss) use the Internal Users Update sys.props $ table character set (2010-09-25, SQL, 1KB, 下载4次)


[数据库编程] sql

List of SQL Server, SQL database list, the implementation of the text SQL script (2010-07-21, Visual C++, 1373KB, 下载12次)


[数据库编程] gudaojinghun2

Far Cry 2 changes to device specially good this game is a good offer can be used to amend the game. (2009-07-19, Windows_Unix, 967KB, 下载3次)


[数据库编程] thplus_execsql

比SQLSERVER自带的查询分析器更简洁实用,可以连接本地SQL快速执行sql脚本,也可以连接远程的SQL服务器。SQL Server客户端可以不安装了哦!
sqlserver query easy! (2009-05-04, Delphi, 414KB, 下载12次)


[数据库编程] C2000

C2000软件开发基础.doc 例1、SCI寄存器的宏定义 例2、采用宏定义方法访问SCI寄存器 例3、SCI寄存器文件结构定义 例4、SCI寄存器文件结构变量 例5、将变量分配到数据段 例6、将数据段映射到寄存器对应的存储空间 例7、通信控制器和控制寄存器1的位定义 例8、通信控制器和控制寄存器1的共同体定义 例9、使用共同体定义寄存器文件结构体 例10、在C/C++中使用位区操作寄存器 例11、TMS320X280x PCLKCR0位区定义 例12、产生的位区访问汇编代码 例13、使用.all共同体成员优化代码 例14、使用Shadow寄存器优化代码 例15、IQ Math应用举例
C2000 software development foundation. Doc Cases 1, SCI register macro definition of Example 2, using the definition of method Acer register SCI patients 3, SCI register file structure of the definition of cases 4, SCI register file structure variables Example 5, the variable assigned to the data segment cases 6, the data segment is mapped to the register corresponding to 7 cases of storage space, communications controller and the control register 1, bit 8 of the definition of cases, communication controllers and control register 1 of the Community definition of 9 cases, the use of the Community definition of the structure of register file structure 10 in C/C++ DC operation using register cases of 11, TMS320X280x PCLKCR0 the definition of cases of DC 12, DC generated assembly code to visit 13 patients, the use of. all members of the Community of 14 cases of optimized code, use the Shadow Register optimized code cases of 15, IQ Math Applications (2008-10-19, C/C++, 17KB, 下载53次)


[数据库编程] server

With socket++, Zthread, occi even database development deal with business network middleware server program (2007-11-16, Unix_Linux, 176KB, 下载184次)


[数据库编程] 实验 7 备份和恢复数据库

一. 1、备份数据库market。 2、还原数据库market。 3、假设market数据库在Mybak本地磁盘设备上作了5次备份,包括一次全库备份,两次差异备份和两次日志备份,现在存储介质发生故障,需要从备份中恢复。
one. A backup database market. 2, reduction database market. 3, assuming that the database market Mybak local disk devices made five backup, including a full backup for two different backup and two log backup, storage media failure the need to recover from the backup. (2006-01-03, SQL, 37KB, 下载32次)
