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按平台查找All Java(102) 

[多国语言处理] matcher-java

The string matching library based on the parser combinator supports common operations of regular expressions, as well as recursively defined syntax rules, such as bracket matching, arithmetic expressions, etc (2024-03-09, Java, 0KB, 下载0次)


[多国语言处理] zxing-qrcode-example

使用谷歌的 Zxing 库生成二维码图片,在服务器环境中解决了二维码图片中汉字乱码和马赛克问题。
Google s Zxing library is used to generate two-dimensional code images, which solves the problems of Chinese characters and mosaics in two-dimensional code images in the server environment. (2024-01-02, Java, 0KB, 下载0次)


[多国语言处理] Spell-Checker

The Java Spell Checker is an application designed to assist users in detecting and rectifying misspelled words within a specified text file. (2024-01-01, Java, 0KB, 下载0次)


[多国语言处理] Spell-Checker

Used Java to develop a spell checker; which goes through all words in a .txt file, correcting them and publishing the updated version to a new .txt file (2023-02-13, Java, 0KB, 下载0次)


[多国语言处理] SpellChecker

I implemented a Trie in order to spell check a series of documents or phrases. The spell checker determines a list of possible words that are one or two edit distances away from the actual word including insertions, deletions, replacements, and transpositions. (2019-12-12, Java, 0KB, 下载0次)


[多国语言处理] wrongSpellDetector

The Spell Checker is a Java project that checks for spelling mistakes in a .txt file. It uses JFileChooser to allow the user to select a dictionary and file to check, stores the dictionary words in an ArrayList for efficient searching, and compares the spelling of the words in the file to the dictionary to identify errors. (2023-03-06, Java, 0KB, 下载0次)


[多国语言处理] spell-check-maven-plugin

The maven plugin for spell checker with specific files contains text which shows in UI or message (2023-01-16, Java, 0KB, 下载0次)


[多国语言处理] Notepad-Text-Editor

Java-based text editor with stack-based Cut, Copy, Paste functionality, along with File handling, font formatting, and background color customization. (2023-08-18, Java, 0KB, 下载0次)


[多国语言处理] fontchooser

这个易于使用的Java Swing字体选择器组件允许用户通过选择字体系列名称和安装的字体v..来选择字体...,
This easy to use Java Swing font chooser component allows users to select a font by selecting a font family name and the installed font variants. (2023-07-31, Java, 0KB, 下载0次)


[多国语言处理] pdf-unstamper

Remove textual watermark of any font , any encoding and any language with pdf-unstamper now!, (2021-07-30, Java, 0KB, 下载4次)


[多国语言处理] Lucene

针对简单的Lucene全文搜索引擎的一个练习,使用了IK分词器数据 库 的表 字 段就是实体的 字 段,如果需要扩展就需改变LuceneManager中创建索引部分的代码,和搜索部分的代码,
For an exercise of the simple Lucene full-text search engine, the table field of the database using the IK word breaker is the field of the entity. If you need to expand it, you need to change the code of the index creation part and the search part in Lucene Manager, (2018-01-19, Java, 0KB, 下载0次)


[多国语言处理] SecretTranslator

一个 字 符串加密器。可以编写自己的 字 典。支持加密中文 字 符。需要相同的密码解密。这是我在gitHub的第一个项目仓 库 ,值得记忆。,
A string encryptor. You can write your own dictionary. Support encryption of Chinese characters. The same password decryption is required. This is my first project warehouse in gitHub, which is worth remembering., (2019-02-13, Java, 0KB, 下载0次)


[多国语言处理] exportData

通过freemarker将数据 库 中的数据 字 典导出到html上,需要手动复制到word中,推荐搜狗浏览器打开html页面,
Export the data dictionary in the database to html through freemarker, which needs to be manually copied to word. Sogou browser is recommended to open the html page, (2018-03-20, Java, 0KB, 下载0次)


[多国语言处理] commondraw

私人工程暂不提供接口文档,完成draw的 库 ,实现功能有1.colorpicker 颜色选择器控件2.brushpicker(drawpickertool)笔刷选择器支持铅笔,钢笔,圆珠笔,毛笔,mark笔,喷枪笔等效果,3.doodleview扩展surfaceview 实...,
Private projects do not provide interface documents for the time being, but complete the library of draw. The implementation functions include 1. colorpicker color selector control 2. brushpicker (drawpickertool) brush selector supports pencil, pen, ballpoint pen, brush, mark pen, airbrush pen and other effects, 3. doodleview extends the surfaceview reality, (2015-12-10, Java, 0KB, 下载0次)


[多国语言处理] ansj_seg-master

The Chinese word segmentation device can segment entity words and realize text word segmentation algorithm based on N-gram (2019-05-28, Java, 24700KB, 下载0次)


[多国语言处理] je

Vulnerable to the word in the search engines is essential, mainly for the Chinese. Chinese word segmentation is difficult to achieve perfectly, so you can get the inspiration from the study easily (2012-07-16, Java, 872KB, 下载17次)


[多国语言处理] IKAnalyzer2012

IKAnalyzer2012 very easy to use a lucene-based Chinese Word Breaker, there are two sub-word mode, intelligent word patterns and most fine-grained segmentation model. (2012-04-20, Java, 2037KB, 下载17次)


[多国语言处理] dbtest

A variety of small examples, the state of the character converter, switch, etc. in English, a database (2011-05-06, Java, 3675KB, 下载5次)


[多国语言处理] QueryFrame

字符查询器,输入一个字符可以查相应的Unicode码,同样,输入一个Unicode码可以查相应 的字符
Character Finder, enter a Unicode character can check the corresponding code, the same, enter a Unicode character code can check the corresponding (2010-12-01, Java, 1KB, 下载2次)


[多国语言处理] KAV7key-2009.10.01-05CBA02F

This is an interface based on a lucene analyzer in Chinese, he used a two-way method of segmentation (2009-07-23, Java, 5KB, 下载2次)
