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[图标/字体] Rewired-Glyphs

Guavaman的Rewired Unity Asset的扩展,提供了一个简单易用的API,用于在运行时向播放器显示输入图标...,
An expansion for Guavaman s Rewired Unity Asset that provides a simple to use API for showing input icons to the player at runtime based on their input method and bindings. (2023-10-23, C#, 0KB, 下载0次)


[图标/字体] Blazor_WASM_SingnalR_Chat

Blazor Web Assembly Server Project for API s Mud Blazor Signal R for Chat and Real time Messages .Net 6 SDK Custom Authentication message right & left side redirection when notification highlighted the person name when his chat window is open Press Enter to send message These points done Need to Implement Dark Mode and Light Mode Theme Typing (2022-08-25, C#, 333KB, 下载0次)


[图标/字体] Bauble

Bauble是一个利用WPF用C#编写的dock launcher。作为启动器,它包含应用程序图标的动画列表...
Bauble is a dock launcher written in C# utilizing WPF. As a launcher, it contains an animated list of application icons, and will open their program on click. (2021-04-21, C#, 2974KB, 下载0次)


[图标/字体] FIcon

FIcon is a utility that adds a Tag sub-menu to the context menu of a folder in Windows Explorer. It allows you to change the colour of a folder icon with ease, which helps you to stay organised. (2020-12-04, C#, 280KB, 下载0次)


[图标/字体] FluentListView

FluentListView是.NET ListView的C#包装器,支持模型绑定列表、在位项编辑、拖动和...
FluentListView is a C# wrapper around a .NET ListView, supporting model-bound lists, in-place item editing, drag and drop, icons, themes, trees & data grids, and much more. This is a fork of ObjectListView with a focus on performance. (2020-01-16, C#, 4067KB, 下载0次)
