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按平台查找All DOS(1354) 

[其他] cnvrtwfm

泰克数字示波器保存下来的.isf格式的波形图片 1.?将*.isf文件与cnvrtwfm.exe存放到同一个文件夹(整个路径避免诸如“_”等特殊字符,建议将文件夹放在dos默认路径下) 2.?开始-运行-输入cmd,调出dos界面,如果是将“1.”中的文件夹放在了dos默认路径下,此处直接输入指令“cnvrtwfm -l -8- myfile.isf”,Enter回车后即可生成*.csv文件,其中“l”是字母,myfile是*.isf文件名。(若未放在默认路径下则需输入完整路径后在输入“cnvrtwfm -l -8- myfile.isf”) 上面反复提到的“dos默认路径”就是你在开始里面输入cmd后出来的那个路径,如下所示?
The.Isf format of the waveform picture saved by the Tek digital oscilloscope 1.. *.isf file and cnvrtwfm.exe stored in the same folder (the entire path to avoid such as "_" and other special characters, recommended the folder on the DOS default path) 2. I began to run out of the input CMD, DOS interface, if will be "1." in the DOS folder in the default path, the direct input of the command "cnvrtwfm -l -8- myfile.isf", Enter enter can generate *.csv files, where "L" is the alphabet, myfile is the name of *.isf. (if you are not placed under the default path, enter the "cnvrtwfm -l -8- myfile.isf" after entering the complete path.) The "Dos default path", as mentioned above, is the path you come out after you start inputting CMD, as shown below. (2018-01-12, DOS, 29KB, 下载15次)


[图形图象] boundary_matchwave

End-point effects appear in empirical mode decomposition, and the program deals with end-point effects using waveform matching (2016-12-21, DOS, 2KB, 下载5次)


[VHDL/FPGA/Verilog] protel99se

Good drawing software, cracks and genuine no difference. Support offline simulation, support VHDL programming language programming, simulation of the fact that the waveform capture. (2016-11-21, DOS, 57114KB, 下载6次)


[单片机开发] ITE8712

主板上提供一个可按分或秒计时的,最长达255级的可编程看门狗定时器,WDT超时事件发生时系统复位。 本程序(DEMOC.c)是基于ITE8712芯片的看门狗驱动程序
The motherboard, or can provide a second time, and the most up to 255 programmable watchdog timer , WDT time-out system reset time of the incident. This procedure (DEMO.c) is based on the chip ITE8712 watchdog driver (2015-06-15, DOS, 19KB, 下载2次)


[驱动编程] F81216D_wdt

主板上提供一个可按分或秒计时的,最长达255级的可编程看门狗定时器,WDT超时事件发生时系统复位。 本程序(F81216D.c)是基于Fintek81216D芯片的看门狗驱动程序
The motherboard, or can provide a second time, and the most up to 255 programmable watchdog timer , WDT time-out system reset time of the incident. This procedure (F81216D.c) is based on the chip F81216D watchdog driver (2015-06-15, DOS, 11KB, 下载1次)


[其他嵌入式/单片机内容] Train_9

8086 compilation prepared using a keyboard control procedures occurred, with the keys of the keyboard 1-8 tone, you can play your own (2013-08-27, DOS, 1KB, 下载3次)


[VHDL/FPGA/Verilog] boxing

Design the line and program, realize the digital signal to the analog signal conversion, enter the digital quantity are given by the program. Produce square wave and triangle wave and the sine wave, and observation of the analog signal output oscilloscope waveform (2012-04-05, DOS, 1KB, 下载4次)


[其他] LABview

Based on 51 single-chip AD conversion process (2011-12-09, DOS, 198KB, 下载17次)


[单片机开发] 1

本系统是基于AT89S52单片机的数字式低频信号发生器。采用AT89S52 单片机作为控制核心,外围采用数字/模拟转换电路(DAC0832)、稳压电路(MC1403)、运放电路(LM324)、按键和LED显示灯电路等。
The system is based on the AT89S52 microcontroller digital low frequency signal generator. AT89S52 microcontroller core used as a control, external digital/analog converter (DAC0832), voltage regulator circuit (MC1403), operational amplifiers (LM324), buttons and LED indicator light circuit. (2011-05-12, DOS, 579KB, 下载11次)


[系统编程] guolu

Boiler water level control system in order to ensure the safe operation of the boiler to prevent full of water, water accidents, improve automation and reduce the labor intensity of MCU-based automatic control system of boiler water level would come into being (2011-04-26, DOS, 6KB, 下载10次)


[VHDL/FPGA/Verilog] 31767644slaa234

1. 双击桌面 Xilinx ISE10.1 快捷方式打开 ISE 工程管理器(Project Navigator)。 2. 打开 Project Navigator 后,选择 File → New Project ,弹出新建工程对话框,填写工程名字,工程存放位置。注意,不要填写含有中文的名字,以免发生错误。
1. Double-click the desktop shortcut to open the ISE Xilinx ISE10.1 Project Manager (Project Navigator). 2. Open the Project Navigator, choose File → New Project, New Project dialog box pops up, fill project name, project storage location. Be careful not to fill in with the Chinese name, in order to avoid error. (2010-07-27, DOS, 34KB, 下载9次)


[嵌入式/单片机/硬件编程] Verilog

Basic package verilog program registers, counters, timers, encoders (2010-04-09, DOS, 111KB, 下载41次)


[音频处理] standwave

A simple superposition of two waveforms into a standing wave, with c language to simulate standing wave, the image can be more intuitive solution to the medium of instruction. (2009-09-29, DOS, 1KB, 下载10次)


[单片机开发] 555

555定时器是一种模拟电路和数字电路相结合的中规模集成器件,它性能优良,适用范围很广,外部加接少量的阻容元件可以很方便地组成单稳态触发器和多谐振荡器,以及不需外接元件就可组成施密特触发器。因此集成555定时被广泛应用于脉冲波形的产生与变换、测量与控制等方面。 本实验根据555定时器的功能强以及其适用范围广的特点,设计实验研究它的内部特性和简单应用。
555 timer is an analog circuit and digital circuit of the combination of the size of integrated devices, it is excellent performance for a wide range, then add a small amount of external RC components can be easily composed of single-and multi-harmonic steady-state flip-flop oscillator, and no external components can be composed of Schmitt trigger. So from time to time integration of 555 pulses are widely used in the creation and transformation, measurement and control. This experiment based on 555 timer, as well as its powerful characteristics of the application of a wide range of design experimental study of its internal features and simple application. (2009-07-16, DOS, 127KB, 下载9次)


[嵌入式/单片机/硬件编程] DigitalCircuitExerciseAnswer

电子技术基础(第五版数字部分)康华光 课后习题解答 1 数字逻辑概论 2 逻辑代数与硬件语言描述 3 逻辑门电路 4 组合逻辑电路 5 锁存器和触发器 6 时序逻辑电路 7 存储器 8 脉冲波形的变换与产生 9 数模与模数转换器
The basis of electronic technology (the fifth edition of the digital part), Culture and Sport Exercise Huaguang answer after 1 Introduction to digital logic 2 logic algebra 3 with hardware description languages logic gate circuit 4 combinational logic circuit 5 latches and flip-flop 6 sequential logic circuit 7 pulse waveform memory 8 the transformation and have a digital-to-analog and analog 9 (2009-05-06, DOS, 298KB, 下载43次)


[单片机开发] LM324LM339

With different components, so as Sasser triangular shape, the above measured using oscilloscope waveform is almost! LM339 and LM324 is very close to the components, I have been doing with oscillation LM339, LM324 do not used oscillation. But the actual need to use oscillations, but also with signal amplification. in the circuit at the same time would require the use of these two core, in order to save costs and would like the next, LM324 oscillation can do only one more transistor. Such a core can be less, and (2009-01-15, DOS, 11KB, 下载43次)


[系统设计方案] 23462D5

Composite switch (dedicated to surge occurred relatively large environment, such as capacitor-off control) PCB design (2008-03-25, DOS, 77KB, 下载54次)


[多媒体编程] Rrecorder

based on TPC-H Universal Computer System Interface source of a digital audio recorder. Have unlimited time recording and showing tone waveform display functions. (2007-03-19, DOS, 2KB, 下载24次)


[PropertySheet] xiaokan

河北好的,觉得好多饿华盛顿吧 辐散古 发生 绵亘模范革命内模范
Hebei good, a lot of hungry Washington think it ancient divergence occurred within the stretch in an unbroken chain model revolutionary model (2006-07-23, DOS, 1215KB, 下载2次)


[VHDL/FPGA/Verilog] baud

vhdl 很好用于串行通信. 三个模快,发生时钟,发送和 接收过程
VHDL good for serial communication. Three die fast, occurred clock, sending and receiving process (2005-12-08, DOS, 122KB, 下载45次)
