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[云计算] genome-shell-utility

a genome shell utility to help you with the project management and organization. It will automatically create the folders and transfers the files to the sever and will move around. Also coding the same using the hashicorp language so that it will automatically create the aws, google or the azure instance and will launch the server analysis (2024-03-29, Shell, 0KB, 下载0次)


[云计算] aws-graviton-md-example

使用优化的编译器设置帮助MD客户在Graviton 3E实例(特别是hpc7g)上运行工作负载
Helping MD customers run workloads on Graviton 3E instances (especially hpc7g) with optimized compiler settings (2024-01-25, Shell, 0KB, 下载0次)


[云计算] gcp-asm3-demo

完成在Google Cloud上迁移和托管动物收容所管理器(ASM3)所需的步骤。包括创建和管理GKE Kubernetes实例和存储在GCR上的映像
Going through the steps required to migrate and host Animal Shelter Manager (ASM3) on Google Cloud. Includes creating and managing a GKE Kubernetes instance and images stored on GCR (2019-04-01, Shell, 0KB, 下载0次)


[云计算] stackscript

创建并用于为云平台(例如Linode、Vultr a...)设置服务器的简单而灵活的堆栈脚本集...
Simple and flexible set of stackscripts created and used to set up a server for cloud platforms (e.g. Linode, Vultr and maybe AWS & Azure). (2021-12-27, Shell, 2KB, 下载0次)


[云计算] logtwine

将Supermechanical的绳线传感器数据记录到Wolfram Cloud data Drop的简单脚本
A simple script to log Supermechanical s Twine sensor data to Wolfram Cloud Data Drop (2016-10-01, Shell, 3KB, 下载0次)


[云计算] cloudwatch-kinesisfirehose-s3-shell

该脚本有助于创建一个环境来测试AWS Cloudwatch日志对AWS Kinesis Firehose De的订阅筛选器...
This script helps to create an environment to test AWS Cloudwatch logs subscription filter to AWS Kinesis Firehose Delivery Data Stream using a AWS S3 bucket as final destination. (2020-04-13, Shell, 935KB, 下载0次)


[云计算] openvpn

A Docker file to build images for AMD & ARM devices with a installation of OpenVPN server to secure your data communications, whether it s for Internet privacy, remote access for employees, securing IoT, or for networking Cloud data centers. (2022-09-08, Shell, 17KB, 下载0次)


[云计算] -cloud-functions-refarch-data-processing-cloudant

IBM Cloud Functions无服务器参考体系结构,用于执行代码以响应数据库更改。
An IBM Cloud Functions serverless reference architecture for executing code in response to database changes. (2019-04-23, Shell, 81KB, 下载0次)


[云计算] oud-functions-refarch-data-processing-message-hub

IBM Cloud Functions无服务器参考体系结构,用于响应消息或处理数据记录流。
An IBM Cloud Functions serverless reference architecture for responding to messages or handling streams of data records. (2019-04-25, Shell, 104KB, 下载0次)


[云计算] ibm-cloud-functions-data-processing-cloudant

在IBM Cloud Functions上使用Apache OpenWhisk创建一个无服务器、事件驱动的应用程序,分别执行代码...
Create a serverless, event-driven application with Apache OpenWhisk on IBM Cloud Functions that executes code in response to database changes from Apache CouchDB or IBM Cloudant. (2019-04-23, Shell, 470KB, 下载0次)


[云计算] ibm-cloud-functions-data-processing-message-hub

在IBM Cloud Functions上使用Apache OpenWhisk创建一个无服务器、事件驱动的应用程序,分别执行代码...
Create a serverless, event-driven application with Apache OpenWhisk on IBM Cloud Functions that executes code in response to messages or to handle streams of data records from Apache Kafka or IBM Message Hub. (2019-06-04, Shell, 435KB, 下载0次)


[云计算] server-ip-addresses

Daily updated list of IP addresses CIDR blocks used by data centers, cloud service providers, servers, etc. (2023-06-11, Shell, 419KB, 下载0次)


[云计算] sparkleshare-git-hook

This Git hook sends update messages to a notification server, so that manual git pushes to a repository also will be noticed by SparkleShare clients. (2015-01-13, Shell, 1KB, 下载0次)


[云计算] JenkinsECS

詹金斯ECS,。。。弹性计算云(Amazon EC2)裸机。这种方法就像在本地服务器上安装Jenkins...
We want to make a scalable , recoverable Jenkins build cluster which does its capacity planning according to the scalability rule that we define during creation. What it means is we are trying to make a build pipeline which does its own capacity planning, will take minimum manual effort to setup/recover and is leveraging the cloud services of (2019-03-29, Shell, 14KB, 下载0次)
