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按平台查找All Shell(108) 

[建站系统] open_shell

Luffy Toolbox, like a shining multi facet gem, gathers endless server magic, Docker magic, VPS skills and station building art. It is like a technological fairyland. With its magical power, it opens the door to the digital world for you., (2023-09-20, Shell, 0KB, 下载0次)


[建站系统] wpdriveby

一个用于cPanel服务器管理员的bash脚本,这些管理员会遇到由wp-login.php和或xmlrpc.php atta导致的负载峰值...
A bash script for cPanel server admins who experience loads spikes resulting from wp-login.php and/or xmlrpc.php attacks on Wordpress sites (2016-04-11, Shell, 1KB, 下载0次)


[建站系统] EngineScript

EngineScript是一个基于Ubuntu构建的超高速WordPress服务器,针对Cloudflare和Digital Ocean进行了优化
EngineScript is a super fast WordPress server built on Ubuntu and optimized for Cloudflare and Digital Ocean (2023-05-08, Shell, 182KB, 下载0次)


[建站系统] reCaptcha2_validation-free

使用Google的reCaptcha 2保护您的用户WordPress实例。一旦在服务器范围内安装,它将使您从...
Protect your users WordPress instances with a reCaptcha 2 from Google. Installed once server-wide, it frees you from a need to do anything on PHP application s side. (2021-12-15, Shell, 119KB, 下载0次)


[建站系统] packer-examples

打包器模板,用于创建运行各种应用程序的机器图像,例如,具有Bedrock Wordpress fu的LEMP堆栈...
Packer templates which create machine images running various applications, e.g., LEMP stack with Bedrock-Wordpress fully-configured, ready to install immediately upon instancing. (2019-03-16, Shell, 41KB, 下载0次)


[建站系统] docker-caddy-wordpress

Wordpress和Caddy Web服务器的“一体式”多容器Dockerised部署,用于在您的...
An "all-in-one" multi-container Dockerised deployment of Wordpress & the Caddy webserver for rapid deployment on your webhost (such as AWS & Amazon Linux) (2019-03-12, Shell, 3KB, 下载0次)


[建站系统] wptangtoc-ols

S m nh c a chung t i trong vi c xay d ng m t ph n m thi t l p váqu n tr Web服务器mi n ph máhi u sut t nh t。
S m nh c a chúng t i trong vi c xay d ng m t ph n m m thi t l p và qu n tr webserver mi n phí mà hi u su t t t nh t. (2023-02-05, Shell, 1237KB, 下载0次)


[建站系统] ubuntu-1804

Curso GRáTIS Linux Ubuntu服务器18.04.x LTS-REPOSITóRIO CONGELADO-Esse REPOSITóRIO n o irámais receiber atuali...
?? Curso GRáTIS Linux Ubuntu Server 18.04.x LTS - REPOSITóRIO CONGELADO - Esse repositório n?o irá mais receber atualiza??es. Novo repositório: vaamonde/ubuntu-2004 (2021-12-09, Shell, 2184KB, 下载0次)
