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按平台查找All TypeScript(103) 

[物联网] lnu-iot-moisture-backend

An IoT project I did in a course at Linnaeus University. A thing, a moisture sensor, is sending the moisture level from a plant via an MQTT broker (CloudMQTT) to a backend server. A frontend is displaying the data that is fetched from the backend server. Notifications are sent from the backend to the user’s connected Telegram account via a (2021-11-14, TypeScript, 100KB, 下载0次)


[物联网] lnu-iot-moisture-frontend

An IoT project I did in a course at Linnaeus University. A thing, a moisture sensor, is sending the moisture level from a plant via an MQTT broker (CloudMQTT) to a backend server. A frontend is displaying the data that is fetched from the backend server. Notifications are sent from the backend to the user’s connected Telegram account via a (2022-01-13, TypeScript, 422KB, 下载0次)


[物联网] iot-device-simulator

The IoT Device Simulator solution is a Graphical User Interface (GUI) based engine designed to enable customers to get started quickly assessing AWS IoT services without an existing pool of devices. The IoT Device Simulator helps effortlessly create and simulate thousands of connected devices that are defined by the customer. (2023-04-27, TypeScript, 994KB, 下载0次)
