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按平台查找All MultiPlatform(1515) 

[android开发] 164666

The matlab simulation of direct sequence spread spectrum system can give readers a clear understanding of the concept and waveform effect of spread spectrum communication. (2019-03-28, MultiPlatform, 1KB, 下载0次)


[进程与线程] sigbal-hoyt

最新征途登陆器E源码 本登录器源码为易语言编写 仅提供学习帮助! (2018-01-18, MultiPlatform, 849KB, 下载5次)


[系统编程] 296778

易语言源码传奇登录器-网关-封包加密-自动更新 (2018-01-04, MultiPlatform, 31KB, 下载36次)


[单片机开发] VSI1

电压型逆变器的建模 用MATLAB/Simulink建立电压型逆变器的模型
model of voltage source inventer in matlab/simulink (2016-03-15, MultiPlatform, 15KB, 下载4次)


[人工智能/神经网络/深度学习] Design-and-MATLAB-

Design and MATLAB simulation of the variable voltage variable frequency (2012-04-21, MultiPlatform, 726KB, 下载22次)



改主板设计是源于三相控制,用于逆变器的主控板,支持LCD,KEY,SVPWM ,AD 等 功能齐全。
Change the motherboard design is derived from phase control for inverter, the master control board, support LCD, KEY, SVPWM, AD and other functions. (2011-08-20, MultiPlatform, 324KB, 下载148次)


[其他书籍] MUltism_signalfashengqi

Multisim software combines in a virtual lab environment, combined with what they have learned professional courses, self-design commonly used in timers and all kinds of generator circuit and the simulation, by emulation debug circuit functions to achieve. Through experiments to master the ability to design a variety of complex circuits, test methods and circuit design skills. (2010-01-27, MultiPlatform, 1025KB, 下载28次)


[其他] avrfft+lcd12864

在proteus下仿真的FFT试验!!!所得出的频谱波形在LCD12864 上显示
Under the simulation in Proteus FFT test! ! ! The resulting spectrum waveform shown in LCD12864 (2008-12-16, MultiPlatform, 23KB, 下载285次)


[数据库系统] 1234duomo

导弹的宽带多模导引头系统含有宽波段相控阵收发单元,它采用了晶片级相控阵 装置,带宽约2GHz~35GHz。多模中频单元有选择地生成雷达和干扰波形并测量反射雷达和外部RF能量辐射的参数。制导处理器控制前端装置以便主动或半主动雷达搜索、跟踪以及同时搜索、跟踪、寻的多部防御雷达,并针对这些防御雷达有选择地采取有效的电子对抗措施。指定突击目标的确认通过把接收的RF信号与预定的防御系统参数、高分辨力目标轮廓和预装目标地理坐标数据库进行相关来实现。
err (2008-11-24, MultiPlatform, 55KB, 下载27次)


[单片机开发] OpenChoice

OpenChoice® PC通信软件 通过USB在Windows PC与新型TDS1000B/2000B系列数字示波器之间快速简便地进行通信。传送和保存设置、波形、测量和屏幕图。 National Instruments SignalExpress 泰克版互动测量软件 为新型TDS1000B/2000B系列数字示波器优化的全面互动测量软件环境。可以使用直观的拖放用户界面,即时采集、生成、分析、比较、导入和保存测量数据和信号, 而不要求任何编程。
OpenChoice ? PC Communication Software through the USB in the Windows PC with the new series of digital oscilloscopes TDS1000B/2000B between the fast and easy way to communicate. Send and save the settings, waveforms, measurements and screen Fig. National Instruments SignalExpress Tektronix Edition interactive measurement software for the new series of digital oscilloscopes TDS1000B/2000B optimized comprehensive interactive measurement software environment. Can use the intuitive drag-and-drop user interface, real-time acquisition, generation, analysis, comparison, import and save measurement data and signals, without requiring any programming. (2008-06-06, MultiPlatform, 27721KB, 下载566次)


[系统/网络安全] WTGssaftyintroduction

目录 1. 责任与义务 2. 安全和防护设备 2.1 必备设备 2.2 用于特殊操作的设备 2.2.1 用于紧急下降的设备 2.2.2 其它特殊操作 3. 基本安装注意事项 3.1 概述 3.2 对风力发电机的操作 3.3 在风力发电机附近逗留及活动 3.4 访问控制单元和面板 3.5 访问变压器平台 4. 安全设备 4.1 紧急停止 4.2 与电网断开 4.3 过速保护设备(VOG) 4.4 机械安全设备 4.4.1 啮合锁 4.4.2 活动元件的保护罩 4.4.3 机舱顶的栏杆 4.4.4 机舱后门的栏杆 5. 在风力发电机内部检查或工作 6. 对风力发电机的设备的操作 6.1 使用绞盘 6.2 使用紧急下降器 7. 风力发电机的固定 8. 急救 9. 应急计划 10. 发生火灾时的应急措施 11. 发生事故时的措施
err (2007-11-28, MultiPlatform, 1160KB, 下载19次)


[编译器/解释器] mcs_src

C# compiler source code. Micorsoft open source code, C# prepared. (2007-01-11, MultiPlatform, 358KB, 下载35次)


[技术管理] PT2259_s_1

Digital Potentiometers, Digital Potentiometers alternative aircraft, \ Digital Potentiometers replace mechanical potentiometers (2006-08-14, MultiPlatform, 131KB, 下载38次)


[VHDL/FPGA/Verilog] FIR_1

FIR filter Verilog, has implemented six lines of program design. (2006-05-02, MultiPlatform, 1KB, 下载352次)


[WEB开发] cfdgnjsq

1.计数器数字图片和统计图标两种机制共存,众多设置可调。 2.Script脚本和Img非脚本两种方式调用计数器,Img非脚本方式计数器可以在任何能插入图片的地方使用。 3.独有的错误自动修复机制,能在计数器发生错误后自动修复。 4.完全杜绝并发线程容易对数据库造成的损坏,在流量大的网站上使用表现很稳定。 5.缓存机制,在缓存中保存数据,操作常见动作,大量减少对数据库的增加,删除频繁的操作。
1. Counter digital photos and statistics icon coexistence of the two mechanisms, many set up adjustable. 2.Script scripts and script-squares method called two counters, script-squares method counter can be inserted in any pictures used. 3. Unique automatic error recovery mechanism that can counter the error occurred after the automatic restoration. 4. Altogether concurrent threads of the database easy to damage caused by the flow of website use a very stable performance. 5. Cache mechanism, the preservation of data cache, operating common actions, the significant reduction in the database, delete frequent operation. (2006-04-30, MultiPlatform, 799KB, 下载3次)


[嵌入式/单片机/硬件编程] 从体系结构的演变看高性能微处理器的发展趋势

With the demand for high-performance computing, computer architecture undergone great changes. As the core components of computer microprocessors, its performance and complexity (number of transistors, clock frequency and peak), in accordance with Moore's Law also increase. Microprocessor performance is largely due to improvements in the structure and development of VLSI technology improvements. Architecture development embodied in the three main areas, namely water-more instructions and fired more operating instructions. (2005-12-08, MultiPlatform, 99KB, 下载52次)


[VHDL/FPGA/Verilog] verilog hdl教程135例

Easy and simple VerilogHDL programs to help you to get to the language quickly. (2005-10-18, MultiPlatform, 155KB, 下载2042次)


[其他书籍] 滤波器的设计

about filter design. i hope it would help. (2005-07-21, MultiPlatform, 624KB, 下载88次)


[其他] 二进制串行-1计数器

大学计算机数字逻辑实验作业 用Multisim仿真软件编写 计数器 用双D触发器74Ls74构成四位二进制串行计数器 二分频计数原理
University computer digital logic operations using Multisim experimental simulation software used to prepare counter-D Trigger 74Ls74 constitute four serial binary frequency counter two hours counting Principle (2005-07-08, MultiPlatform, 27KB, 下载24次)


[文章/文档] service code

Proxy Server source code (2004-12-12, MultiPlatform, 8KB, 下载15次)
