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[Windows编程] vb.net+sql毕业设计管理系统(论文+系统)

使用方法如下: 1、先打开VS2005 2、执行菜单“文件|打开|网站” 3、选定网站的主目录,如\GDMS,即default.aspx所在的目录 4、网站结构和所有内容出现在资源管理器中。 数据库部分: 1.将数据库文件 .mdf .ldf 拷贝到数据库安装的路径下的data文件夹中 如: C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL.1\MSSQL\Data 2.打开数据库服务器 右击 "数据库" 附加 按向导即可将数据库添加到本地.
1. Open VS2005 first 2. Execute menu 'File | Open | Website' 3. The main directory of the selected website, such as GDMS, which is the directory where default.aspx is located 4. The website structure and all content appear in the Explorer. (2023-05-15, Visual Basic.NET, 13457KB, 下载0次)


[其他] vbGamePlayTimer

工作中玩pokemon master,一场几分钟,用vb .net 计时,如果设定时间到了,电脑会弹出提示
Play Pokemon master at work for a few minutes. Use VB. Net to time. If the set time is up, the computer will pop up a prompt. (2020-01-06, Visual Basic.NET, 83KB, 下载0次)


[其他] SBHD2.0

VB is used to realize the function of taking documents and photos. Put the second-generation card on the second-generation card reader, and then click on the photo, you can take the photo with the camera, the photo is saved with the ID card number + name. (2019-02-02, Visual Basic.NET, 548KB, 下载5次)


[进程与线程] eheap__Ning__Liao

自己动手制作廉价MP3播放器 2004-10-29 10 27 33 作者 南开大学 廖日 坤 李宁宇 黄小惠 来源 21IC 图3
Making cheap MP3 player by yourself 2004-10-29 10 27 33 author Liao Rikun Li Ning Yu Huang Xiaohui source 21IC figure 3 (2018-12-05, Visual Basic.NET, 5KB, 下载0次)


[进程与线程] hopbhemd

I have written the Beckham head calculator, although the function is a little simple, but I really hope that you support a lot. (2018-12-05, Visual Basic.NET, 34KB, 下载0次)


[Windows编程] 342941

如何用vb做mp3播放器 1 天寒 1999年10月10日 2 超爱常 盘贵子的尚轩 1999年10月13日 1999年1
How to make mp3 player with vb on October 10, 1999, October 10, 1999 (2018-12-04, Visual Basic.NET, 3KB, 下载0次)


[对话框与窗口] 252081

Excellent editor E-Type.First-class interface, comprehensive performance can be used to compare with UEDIT32, in addition to dynamic encryption and decryption of documents (2018-12-04, Visual Basic.NET, 150KB, 下载0次)


[系统编程] dlnpx

来电显示,通过连接安装内置MODEM可以显示对方来电的号码显示,但是需要支持来电 显示的调制解调器
Caller ID, the built-in MODEM is installed through the connection to display the caller's number display, but requires a modem that supports caller ID (2018-07-30, Visual Basic.NET, 66KB, 下载2次)


[网络编程] 定时访问网页

本程序为 Visual Studio 2017 VB.Net 程序,只能在windows系统上运行,用于定时访问网页,适用于微信要从服务器上 每2个小时获取新的 access_token值,通过访问指定的网页把access_token值保存下来。本程序有源代码和EXE文件,可以即时使用。
This program for Visual Studio 2017 VB.Net program, can only run on the windows system, used for regular access to the web page, suitable for WeChat to get a new access_token value every 2 hours from the server, by accessing the specified web page to save the value of access_token. This program is active code and EXE file, can be used instantly. (2018-06-09, Visual Basic.NET, 914KB, 下载3次)


[网络编程] 电子邮件收发系统

发送和接收电子邮件,对于某些执行特殊任务的应用程序而言,是一个十分有用的功能。例如,一个监视网络服务器资源使用情况的工具软件,如果它具有自动发送电子邮件的功能,那么当它发现服务器的资源使用已经接近事先设定的临界状态时,便可以向系统管理员发送一封告警的电子邮件,从而使系统管理员能够及时地采取措施,以避免重大事故的出现。在Visual Basic中,应用程序可以通过调用微软公司的MAPI(Messaging Application Programming Interface,消息应用程序编程接口),实现收发电子邮件的功能。
Sending and receiving e-mail is a very useful function for some applications that perform special tasks. For example, a tool software that monitors the use of a network server resource, if it has the ability to automatically send e-mail, can send an alarm email to the system administrator when it finds that the server's resources are already near the pre set critical state, so that the system administrator can be sent to the system administrator. Take timely measures to avoid major accidents. In Visual Basic, the application can implement the function of sending and receiving e-mail by calling the Microsoft Corp's MAPI (Messaging Application Programming Interface, the message application programming interface). (2018-05-04, Visual Basic.NET, 143KB, 下载1次)


[WEB开发] 17

The work through OA network intelligent office system is a universal network office software for enterprises and institutions. It combines the rich experience and advanced technology of the long term management software development in the cloud creation technology. The system uses the leading B/S (Browser / server) operation mode, making the network office free from regional restrictions. The system is free version for small and medium-sized enterprises, easy to install, maintain, safe and convenient, support virtual host space, support mobile phone version system. (2018-04-12, Visual Basic.NET, 14587KB, 下载1次)


[WEB开发] 7

McBlog是魔方动力旗下的一款博客管理系统。系统采用.NET4.0+SQL SERVER 2008开发,适合个人博客建站,可用于科技、娱乐、资讯、产品等等类型的博客。McBlog采用伪静态技术,可以自定义为.html等等类型的网页后缀。本博客系统结合魔方采集器,可以实现自动采集文章,无需人工干预。
McBlog is a blog management system under the power of magic cube. The system is developed by.NET4.0+SQL SERVER 2008, which is suitable for personal blog establishment, and can be applied to science and technology, entertainment, information, products and other types of blogs. McBlog adopts pseudo static technology, and can be customized to.Html and so on. This blog system combined with magic cube collector can automatically collect articles without manual intervention. (2018-04-12, Visual Basic.NET, 14227KB, 下载1次)


[.net编程] vb.netV2.1

刷卡后自动读取卡RFID卡卡片信息 RFID卡读卡器参数设置 RFID卡卡片信息写入
Automatically read card RFID card card information after brushing card Parameter setting of RFID card reader RFID card card information writing (2018-01-20, Visual Basic.NET, 976KB, 下载3次)


[单片机开发] ADYY

A/D conversion: read into the potentiometer voltage at the tap V0, and to determine the comparison. LED3, LED4 light voltage 2V <V0 <3V, LED3, LED4, LED5 light when the voltage 3V <V0 <2V, when the voltage is 3V <V0 < LED4, LED5, LED6 and LED6 are lit when the voltage is 4V <V0 <5V, and the LED3, LED4, LED5, (2016-10-22, Visual Basic.NET, 1KB, 下载1次)


[网络编程] chess

play the chess game via the internet (2016-08-01, Visual Basic.NET, 14KB, 下载2次)


[WEB开发] shopmall

免费的在线翻译服务可即时翻译文本和网页。 该翻译器支持: 中文(简体), 阿尔巴尼亚语, 阿拉伯语, 阿塞拜疆语, 爱尔兰语, 爱沙尼亚语,
Free online translation services can be instantly translated text and web pages. The translator support: Chinese (Simplified), Albanian, Arabic, Azerbaijani, Irish, Estonian, Basque and Belarusian (2015-12-23, Visual Basic.NET, 25344KB, 下载1次)



ad7175的测试spi通讯是否正常的verilog HDL程序,读取ad7175中的id寄存器值。
ad7175 spi communication test whether the normal verilog HDL program that reads the ad7175 id register values. (2015-08-31, Visual Basic.NET, 1334KB, 下载54次)


[WEB开发] testforweb

问哒哒是web2.0系统,提供一个供师生们交流学术问题的平台,一问多人参与,评论,分享等多种模式于一体系统。 具有以下功能: 1、学生和老师用户可以在线提问或者搜索问题及其答案。 2、学生和老师用户可以在线实名回答和分享问题及其答案。 3、学生和老师可以匿名回答问题 4、静态页面JS浏览量,实时更新 5、发布问题具有审核功能 6、回答的问题具有支持和反对 7、JS可以调用任何类别、任何数量的问题 8、发布问题和回答有验证码功能 9、发布和回答问题有编译器功能,可以引用图片,增加效果文字 10、具有完善的邮件系统 11、具有版主权限
a question web。。。 (2015-08-31, Visual Basic.NET, 1117KB, 下载3次)


[单片机开发] siluqiangdaqi_FPGA_Quartus-II

实现四路抢答,电路具有第一抢答信号的鉴别和锁存功能,在主持人将复位按钮按下后开始抢答,并用EDA实训仪上的八段数码管显示抢答者的序号,同时扬声器发出“嘟嘟”的响声,并维持3秒钟,此时电路自锁,不再接受其他选手的抢答信号。 一个计分电路,每组在开始时设置为100分,抢答后由主持人计分,答对一次加10分,答错一次减10分。 设计一个犯规电路,对提前抢答和超时抢答者鸣喇叭示警,并显示犯规的组别序号。
Achieve four answer. The circuit have a first answer signal to identify and latch function, after the moderator began to answer the reset button is pressed, and EDA training with eight digital tube display on the meter s serial number answer, while speaker beep sound, and maintained for 3 seconds, and the circuit self-locking, no longer accept the other players answer signal. A scoring circuit, each set of 100 points at the start, scoring after the answer by the moderator, the correct answer to a 10 points, got it wrong once by 10 points. Design a foul circuit for advance Responder and Responder were honking warning timeout and display group numbers foul. (2015-08-04, Visual Basic.NET, 1004KB, 下载6次)


[Windows编程] example

Review sites, virtual interactive website uation capabilities to self-development, using a MySQL , is open-source software can be run directly on the server (2015-03-29, Visual Basic.NET, 3769KB, 下载6次)
