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[云计算] spark-streaming-sql-s3-connector

Apache Spark Structured Streaming S3连接器,用于使用Amazon S3事件通知读取S3文件到AWS SQS
An Apache Spark Structured Streaming S3 connector for reading S3 files using Amazon S3 event notifications to AWS SQS (2024-02-13, Scala, 0KB, 下载0次)


[云计算] energy-aware-openwhisk

Apache OpenWhisk FaaS项目的能量感知适应,其中服务器基于可再生能源和位置排放进行分配。
An energy aware adaptation for the Apache OpenWhisk FaaS project, where servers are allocated based on renewable energy and emissions from a location. (2023-11-14, Scala, 0KB, 下载0次)


[云计算] snowplow

The enterprise-grade behavioral data engine (web, mobile, server-side, webhooks), running cloud-natively on AWS and GCP (2023-06-08, Scala, 318KB, 下载0次)


[云计算] MLDistributed

动手撸各种分布式模式下的ML算法,包括参数服务器,Spark(数据分布式), tensorflow(数据流图)等等
Hands on ML algorithm in various distributed modes, including parameter server, Spark (data distribution), tensorflow (data flow diagram), etc (2022-02-13, Scala, 10KB, 下载0次)


[云计算] BigData-Competition

The third prize solution of the national big data competition and the second prize solution of the provincial competition. One click installation of big data environment script and automatic deployment of cluster environment, including zookeeper, hadoop, mysql, hive, spark and some basic environments. It has passed the actual server test with excellent results. Only a few people need to enter passwords (2021-12-20, Scala, 9370KB, 下载0次)


[云计算] jgit-spark-connector

jgit-spark-connector is a library for running scalable data retrieval pipelines that process any number of Git repositories for source code analysis. (2019-02-13, Scala, 8170KB, 下载0次)


[云计算] spark-validator

A library you can include in your Spark job to validate the counters and perform operations on success. Goal is scala/java/python support. (2018-02-01, Scala, 25KB, 下载0次)


[云计算] splash

Splash是一个灵活的Spark shuffle管理器,支持用户定义的存储后端,用于洗牌数据存储和exc...
Splash, a flexible Spark shuffle manager that supports user-defined storage backends for shuffle data storage and exchange (2022-04-12, Scala, 477KB, 下载0次)


[云计算] spark-jobserver

Spark的REST作业服务器。请注意,这不是主线开源版本。为此,请访问[https:github.c...](https:github.com spark-jobserver spark-jobserver)
REST job server for Spark. Note that this is *not* the mainline open source version. For that, go to [https: github.c…](https: github.com spark- jobserver spark-jobserver) (2017-05-19, Scala, 166KB, 下载0次)


[云计算] kyuubi

Apache Kyuubi是一个分布式多租户网关,用于在数据仓库和湖泊上提供无服务器SQL。
Apache Kyuubi is a distributed and multi-tenant gateway to provide serverless SQL on data warehouses and lakehouses. (2023-06-11, Scala, 11345KB, 下载0次)
