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按分类查找All 硬件设计(153) 
按平台查找All Java(153) 

[硬件设计] Socket-Programming-Application-in-Java

A socket programming application in Java that demonstrates Communication model between client and server. The application must be specifically designed for students in College of Information Technology to exchange messages and files among themselves. (2023-11-28, Java, 0KB, 下载0次)


[硬件设计] Analog-Circuit-Simulation

This Java project involves the creation of a simple circuit simulation program. Users input circuit components (resistors and voltage sources), and the program generates a Spice representation of the circuit. (2023-11-22, Java, 0KB, 下载0次)


[硬件设计] HISKIN_backend

HISKIN,汉阳大学,2023年,LG电子和SKT AI的软件工程和人工智能与应用项目,后端服务器使用...
HISKIN, Hanyang University in 2023, Software Engineering and AI & Applications Project with LG Electronics and SKT AI, Backend Server using Spring Boot (Java) (2023-11-10, Java, 0KB, 下载0次)


[硬件设计] BookViewProject

This is a reader supporting the advertising business, with pages able to directly add any custom View layout, including video Views. (2023-10-29, Java, 0KB, 下载0次)


[硬件设计] HeaderCollapsibleLayout

A wrapper layout that can easily split your current layout into header and body, and provides smooth header collapsing action with related event callbacks. (2018-10-16, Java, 0KB, 下载0次)


[硬件设计] like-google-maps

概念验证,用于创建模仿Google Maps应用程序中的底层观察者的协调器布局行为。,
Proof of concept to create a coordinator layout behavior that mimics the bottomsheet behvior in the Google Maps app., (2018-11-26, Java, 0KB, 下载0次)


[硬件设计] icedeploy

icedeploy 自动部署工具 部署是一个非常频繁的操作. icedeploy是一个基于无入侵原则设计的Tomcat部署工具. 该工具基于以下设计原则: 1. 服务端不可安装额外的软件 2. 客户端不可安装额外的软件 3. 服务端Tomcat不能为部署做额外的修改 4. 要部署的源代码不能为部署做额外的修改 5. 服务端不可运行额外的程序 程序中用的参数解释: localFileName -- 本地war文件路径,完整的文件名(war结尾) remoteTomcat -- 远程Tomcat的位置,路径名 remoteTemp -- 远程临时war文件位置,路径名 remoteBak -- 远程备份文件位置,路径名(可缺省,使用null) jdkHome -- jdk环境变量JAVA_...
... based on the principle of non-intrusive. The tool is based on the following design principles: 1. The server can not install addition..., (2017-12-31, Java, 0KB, 下载0次)


[硬件设计] Polysun-4diac-ControllerPlugin

开源Polysun插件,具有一组插件控制器,可用于与IEC 61499应用程序的联合模拟通信...,
Open source Polysun plugin with a set of plugin controllers that can be used for communication in co-simulations with IEC 61499 applications running on 4diac-RTE (FORTE). (2023-01-03, Java, 0KB, 下载0次)


[硬件设计] adam

The complete command-line tool Adam with the model checker and the synthesizer for distributed systems. Contains the modules: adam. Contains the repos (as submodules): libs, framework, logics, modelchecking, ui, adammc, examples, synthesizer, boundedSynthesis, high-level, server-command-line, server-command-line-protocol, webinterface-backend, (2022-05-04, Java, 0KB, 下载0次)


[硬件设计] DiagnoseM

This is a mobile application designed in Java to test and gather information about various hardware and software components and sensors of the phone. It also generates a report after testing the phone with the help of SQLite database. (2021-09-09, Java, 0KB, 下载0次)


[硬件设计] Innovative-Home-Automation-with-Security

An application designed to connect with all necessary hardwares and sensors that aim to provide an innovative home functioning with automation along with Security functions. (2022-01-16, Java, 0KB, 下载0次)


[硬件设计] Android-DSO

Mobile app to mimic the features of a Digital oscilloscope(DSO) by transmitting the amplitude values from a sampling circuit using a Bluetooth module. (2017-03-01, Java, 0KB, 下载0次)


[硬件设计] LGMVIP-Java-03

A scientific calculator is a specialized electronic device or software application designed to perform a wide range of mathematical and scientific calculations. (2023-08-31, Java, 0KB, 下载0次)


[硬件设计] iportai-adm1060-programmer

使用RS-232到I2C主机适配器(iPort AI)对模拟设备ADM1060电源管理器芯片进行编程
Program Analog Devices ADM1060 power supervisor chip using RS-232 to I2C Host Adapter (iPort AI ) (2017-08-25, Java, 0KB, 下载0次)


[硬件设计] Acme-Electronics-Shop

A repository containg a server implemented in NodeJS and a mobile app implemented with native Android. (2017-11-24, Java, 2316KB, 下载0次)


[硬件设计] Team_Selene_Solar_Calculator

Solar Calculator (mobile) A page that allows you calculate how much solar power you need to run your home `Features` 1. User visits the page 2. Enters details of electronics 3. App calculates how much solar power is needed to run the electronics (2019-10-05, Java, 3682KB, 下载0次)


[硬件设计] Delay_PIC

Proyecto hecho en java el cual te generals una sentencia de Readeo para微控制器PIC en lenguaje ensambador...
Proyecto hecho en java el cual te genera una sentencia de retardo para microcontroladores PIC en lenguaje ensamblador. Fue hecho con direcciones de la memoria RAM de un microcontrolador PIC12F508. Se puede ajustar fácilmente a otro microcontrolador de la familia Microchip. (2016-07-19, Java, 1506KB, 下载0次)


[硬件设计] resistors

A collection of algorithms helping to calculate the properties of resistors. E.g. find the closest value of a standard resistor within a given error margin for a resistance needed. The tool will tell you the standard value and the first standard series in which it was found. Voltage dividers can also be calculated, for a given in- and output (2023-04-02, Java, 51KB, 下载0次)


[硬件设计] Smart-Power-Outlet

Microcontroller code and android app to control power outlet (2020-08-16, Java, 8227KB, 下载0次)


[硬件设计] editokenizerRest

EDI tokenizer is a REST service designed and developed to be used in EAI platforms to address privacy concerns over personal identifiable information(PII) transferred through electronic messages such as EDIFACT, CSV . Implementaion of this REST interface is available for evaluation at <http://safetylocker.eu:8080/swagger-ui.html#>. Lastest build (2019-05-02, Java, 15KB, 下载0次)
