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[嵌入式/单片机/硬件编程] Wireguard-DNScrypt-VPN-Server

Fast setup wireguard server script, with dnscrypt and adblocking, maleware blocking, more blocking if you need. Use case eg. always on vpn and adblocking on ios or android, and be more secured in unknown networks. (2023-06-27, Shell, 0KB, 下载0次)


[嵌入式/单片机/硬件编程] raspberry-pi-cross-compilers

最新的GCC交叉编译器和本机(ARM&ARM64)CI为所有Raspberry Pis.生成的预编译独立工具链,
Latest GCC Cross Compiler & Native (ARM & ARM64 ) CI generated precompiled standalone toolchains for all Raspberry Pis. , (2022-08-08, Shell, 0KB, 下载0次)


[嵌入式/单片机/硬件编程] ePSXe64Ubuntu

ePSXe64Ubuntu是一个交互式脚本,在x86-64 Debian、Ubuntu...上使用BIOS HLE和核心插件安装ePSXe Linux(x64)和着色器...,
OBSOLETE - ePSXe64Ubuntu is an interactive script that installs ePSXe Linux (x64) & shaders using BIOS HLE and Core Plugins on x86-64 Debian, Ubuntu, Linux Mint, and their derivatives. (2023-06-20, Shell, 0KB, 下载0次)
