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按分类查找All 弱点检测代码(151) 
按平台查找All Python(151) 

[弱点检测代码] HeapMemoryAnalyzer

Analyzer of heap memory operations for C C++ programs. Detects: Memory Leak, Double Free. Determines the total number of the operations, and the maximum amount of heap memory used. (2024-05-12, Python, 0KB, 下载0次)


[弱点检测代码] DMARCShield

DMARCShield is a Python program for email authentication and security. It offers a DMARC checker to ensure domain security, and a spoofing email sender to test for vulnerabilities. Protect your email communication and keep your domain safe with MailSecure. (2024-05-02, Python, 0KB, 下载0次)


[弱点检测代码] apache-traversal

该漏洞利用基于几个影响Apache 2.4.49的CVE漏洞。我们使用URL编码的字符来访问服务器上的某些文件或其他受限资源。某些系统上可能的RCE。
This exploit is based on a few CVE vulnerabilities affecting Apache 2.4.49. We use URL-encoded characters to access certain files or otherwise restricted resources on the server. Possible RCE on certain systems as well. (2024-04-16, Python, 0KB, 下载0次)


[弱点检测代码] ai-driven-software-vuln-analyzer

Artificial Intelligence-Driven Software Vulnerability Scanner, a framework that can be leveraged during the Software Development Lifecycle to help fill the gap left by traditional static code analyzers (2024-03-27, Python, 0KB, 下载0次)


[弱点检测代码] Fake-Vouch

一个功能齐全的Fake Vouch Python脚本,使用Discord API自动向启动服务器发送消息
A fully functioning Fake Vouch Python script using Discord API to automate messages to startup servers (2024-03-02, Python, 0KB, 下载0次)


[弱点检测代码] tinyfilemanager-2.4

Tiny file Manager项目的Tiny file Manager<=2.4.6中的tinyfilemanager.php中的文件上传功能存在路径遍历漏洞,允许具有有效用户帐户的远程攻击者将恶意php文件上传到webroot,并在目标服务器上实现代码执行。
A Path traversal vulnerability in the file upload functionality in tinyfilemanager.php in Tiny File Manager Project s Tiny File Manager <= 2.4.6 allows remote attackers with valid user accounts to upload malicious PHP files to the webroot and achieve code execution on the target server. (2024-02-04, Python, 0KB, 下载0次)


[弱点检测代码] Port-Scanner

A port scanner is an application which is made to probe a host or server to identify open ports. Bad actors can use port scanners to exploit vulnerabilities by finding network services running on a host. They can also be used by security analysts to confirm network security policies. (2024-01-03, Python, 0KB, 下载0次)


[弱点检测代码] django-ows-lib

Well layered ows lib with a client implementation to communicate with ogc services with django based objects, including xml mapper classes to serialize and deserialize ows xml files, such as capabilities. (2023-11-02, Python, 0KB, 下载0次)


[弱点检测代码] ssti-flask-hacking-playground

App with Server Side Template Injection (SSTI) vulnerability - possible RCE - in Flask. Free vulnerable app for ethical hacking / penetration testing training. (2022-09-15, Python, 0KB, 下载0次)


[弱点检测代码] Shodan_Search

基于Shodan API,它显示与输入的ip或主机名相关的服务器的开放端口和安全漏洞。,
Based on the Shodan API, it displays the open ports and security vulnerabilities of the server related to the entered ip or hostname., (2021-04-17, Python, 0KB, 下载0次)


[弱点检测代码] MistakePass

这是一个用Python编写的安全密码检查器,它使用从havibenpwned API中获取的数据来验证密码您是否...,
This is a secure password checker written in Python that uses data harvested from haveibeenpwned API to verify whether the password you are using has already been leaked. (2023-05-27, Python, 0KB, 下载0次)
