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按分类查找All 区块链开发(157) 
按平台查找All GO(157) 

[区块链开发] max-transfer-activity

There is a tracker of maximum transfer activity (send or receive ERC20 tokens) on Ethereum mainnet in 100 latest blocks (2024-02-28, GO, 0KB, 下载0次)


[区块链开发] bbs

bbs是SOCKS和HTTP代理的路由器。它公开SOCKS5(或HTTP CONNECT)服务,并基于请求的目标将传入的请求转发到代理或代理链。可以使用PAC脚本(如果使用PAC支持构建)或通过JSON文件配置路由。
bbs is a router for SOCKS and HTTP proxies. It exposes a SOCKS5 (or HTTP CONNECT) service and forwards incoming requests to proxies or chains of proxies based on the request s target. Routing can be configured with a PAC script (if built with PAC support), or through a JSON file. (2023-12-22, GO, 0KB, 下载0次)


[区块链开发] evm-indexer

EVM blockchain indexer with Golang concurrency. Sync up to latest state of blockchain while listening for all happenings on the network and persist in local database. Expose REST/GraphQL API for querying or real-time notifications with filters. (2023-08-21, GO, 0KB, 下载0次)


[区块链开发] rp

rp: "Request Pipeline". A Go language Gin-based framework for building server endpoints more easily via chains of well-defined, modular execution stages. (2023-08-07, GO, 0KB, 下载0次)


[区块链开发] evm-crown-relayer

A powerful Go-based bridge relayer designed to mirror and record smart contract events from EVM-compatible networks, such as Polygon, to CrownPlatform. Enhance your NFT ecosystem with seamless double registration and innovative soulbound tokens across multiple blockchains. (2023-05-15, GO, 22KB, 下载0次)


[区块链开发] FactomCode

Factom Servers begin by providing proof of existence services, but then move on to provide proof of existence of transforms. A list of such entries can be thought of as a FactomChain. A FactomChain can be used to implement private tokens, smart contracts, smart properties, and more. (2017-12-28, GO, 143KB, 下载0次)


[区块链开发] chain-details

Chain Details是一个将验证器、委托人和行权账户(从genesis文件)数据生成CSV文件的工具...
Chain Details is a tool to generate validator, delegator and vesting accounts(from genesis file) data into a CSV file for further use cases. (2023-05-10, GO, 53KB, 下载0次)


[区块链开发] go-tableland

Go implementation of the Tableland database/validator - run your own node, handling on-chain events and serving read-queries (2023-05-17, GO, 23997KB, 下载0次)


[区块链开发] chainmetric-network

chainmetric-network,Hyperledger Fabric network for IoT enabled permissioned blockchain with sensor requirements control Smart Contracts (2021-10-12, GO, 6111KB, 下载0次)


[区块链开发] chainmetric-iot

chainmetric iot,嵌入式物联网传感器系统,用于收集环境数据并将其发布到许可的区块链网络上
chainmetric-iot,Embedded IoT sensor system for harvesting environment data and publishing it onto the permissioned blockchain network (2021-07-17, GO, 11465KB, 下载0次)


[区块链开发] Six910

Six910,Six910 Cart是一个用于构建在线购物车系统的电子商务平台服务器,并具有加密货币支付...
Six910 Cart is an ecommerce platform server for building online shopping cart systems and has a cryptocurrency payment module built on BTCPay Server and others; it is written in golang and uses Dependency Injection. This is the REST services for the complete backend including admin panel and switchable templates. (2023-04-12, GO, 11178KB, 下载0次)


[区块链开发] Namecoin-light

Namecoin light,一个用于Namecoin名称的轻量级p2p解析器。允许瘦客户端在不需要的情况下查找namecoin.bit网站...
A lightweight p2p resolver for Namecoin names. Allows for thin clients to lookup namecoin .bit websites without needing the full namecoin blockchain (2015-08-11, GO, 4KB, 下载0次)


[区块链开发] ethereum-wallet-generator

Blazing fast multiple Ethereum and Crypto vanity wallet generator?? Generate a ten thousand beautiful crypto wallets in a sec ???? Awesome ethereum vanity address generator?? (2023-04-21, GO, 41KB, 下载0次)


[区块链开发] blockchain-analyzer

区块链分析器,分析Hyperledger Fabric对等体中存储的账本数据(关键更新和操作数据,如区块数量...
Analyze ledger data stored within a Hyperledger Fabric peer (key updates and operational data such as number of blocks and transactions). (2020-08-01, GO, 110063KB, 下载0次)


[区块链开发] ette

ette,EVM-based Blockchain Indexer, with historical data query & real-time notification support (2023-01-13, GO, 12643KB, 下载0次)


[区块链开发] WebCalculator

WebCalculator,中国电子科技大学 计算机科学与工程学院 互联网+ Go语言与区块链 半期设计《Web计算器的实现》
WebCalculator, School of Computer Science and Engineering, University of Electronic Science and Technology of China, Internet plus Go language and blockchain half design, Implementation of Web Calculator (2019-12-07, GO, 7KB, 下载0次)


[区块链开发] btcplex

BTCplex is an open source Bitcoin block chain browser written in Go, it allows you to search and navigate the block chain. , (2021-02-07, GO, 51KB, 下载0次)
