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[超算/并行计算] Parallel-Programming-HPC

This repo was made for the "Parallel Programming for HPC" exam at the University of Trieste that I took during my studies in Data Science and Scientific Computing (2024-04-07, Makefile, 0KB, 下载0次)


[C/C++基础] threadpoolfirst

Implement a thread pool (the first version), use composition and inheritance, inheritance polymorphism, STL container, smart pointer, function object, binder, variable parameter template programming, etc. The any type of C++17 and semaphore semaphore of C++20 are implemented by our own code. (2024-03-05, Makefile, 0KB, 下载0次)


[Leetcode/题库] RustProgrammingLanguage

This repository documents my journey through The Rust Programming Language book. It includes my personal notes, code examples, and additional challenges I ve tackled. It s a comprehensive resource for anyone looking to learn or deepen their understanding of Rust, providing real-world applications and insights gained throughout my study (2024-01-06, Makefile, 0KB, 下载0次)


[单片机开发] COMPE_375_Lab_5_Anishvar_Singaram

An interesting lab from my Embedded Systems Programming course which had us use PWM waveforms to create musical sounds on an ATmega328PB … (2023-11-01, Makefile, 0KB, 下载0次)


[C/C++基础] simulation-grains-epfl

Repository containing the result of my first C++ semester project, part of the Programmation II course in the first year of the Physics BSc at EPFL. The goal was to implement a real-life physics implementation of sand grains in different environments, with a graphical simulation component. (2020-11-21, Makefile, 0KB, 下载0次)


[C/C++基础] MyPL

Programming language designed for the purpose of studying compilation and runtime processes. As a side note, OCaml was also introduced to contrast with imperative languages. (2023-05-30, Makefile, 0KB, 下载0次)


[C/C++基础] programming-tests

编程测试是不存储的,包括不并行的程序desarrollados en C++y construidos mediante CMAKE con la finalidad de poder ser ejecados de manera独立于重要的环境。
Programming tests es un repositorio que consiste en un par de programas desarrollados en C++ y construidos mediante CMAKE con la finalidad de poder ser ejecutados de manera independiente sin importar el entorno en el que se encuentre. (2021-12-22, Makefile, 0KB, 下载0次)


[C/C++基础] prg22107_231

Repo containing projects from Object Orientd Programming Course, final project in econ folder is the basis for a managment game on C++ and Qt, and is contained on the econ folder of this repo (2023-07-03, Makefile, 0KB, 下载0次)


[模式识别(视觉/语音等)] Scpel-Deep-Vision

只是另一个用Scpel编写的开放式计算机视觉库-一种用于Deep Vision的系统反射元编程语言-近似ado...,
Just another OPEN Computer Vision library written in Scpel - A systems reflective meta-programming language for Deep Vision - Closely adopted from OpenCV-C++ (2023-09-22, Makefile, 0KB, 下载0次)


[C/C++工具库] Pure-pursuit

In ROS, using C++ programming language, a combination of inertial navigation system (INS) and human driver is employed to collect GPS waypoints along a known path. Then, a combination of the pure pursuit algorithm and PI controller is used to achieve vehicle trajectory tracking control. (2023-07-13, Makefile, 0KB, 下载0次)


[collect] golang-debugger-book

From a debugger s view, Let s explore the computer world! How does compiler, linker and debugger coordinate with each other around the program written in specific programming language? How does a debugger work? If we develop a debugger for go programming language, we must master go type system, runtime... and some Operating System internals. OK,... (2023-03-08, Makefile, 0KB, 下载0次)


[collect] learning_rust_with_intellij

This repository is about learning the programming language Rust. I ve started as a beginner on this project and I hope I can be able to improve my skills during my self-taught process. (2020-09-26, Makefile, 0KB, 下载0次)


[Linux/Unix编程] Serial-Port-Programming-using-Python-and-PySerial

Cross Platform Serial programming on Linux and Windows Systems using Python and PySerial (2022-10-15, Makefile, 0KB, 下载0次)


[自动驾驶] tonomous-Microcontrolled-Lawn-Mower-Core-Program-

自主微控制器割草机核心程序-,在MPLABX IDE上用C语言编程了一个基于ARM的微控制器,作为双轮驱动割草机的大脑...
Programmed an ARM based micro-controller in C on MPLABX IDE to serve as the brain for a dual wheel powered Lawn Mower with functionality for password enabled activation, user remote controlled movement via a button based controller, autonomous driving with pre-configured paths and safety detection with continuous feedback for the user via USART ... (2021-02-18, Makefile, 292KB, 下载0次)


[自动驾驶] CarND-E2E_Autonomous_Navigation

Programming a real self driving car: Detecting and stopping at traffic lights, respecting speed limits, jerk and acceleration limits. (2019-02-03, Makefile, 4940KB, 下载0次)


[模式识别(视觉/语音等)] OpenCV-iOS

OpenCV iOS,OpenCV(开源计算机视觉)是一个用于实时计算机视觉的编程函数库。这个项目...
OpenCV (Open Source Computer Vision) is a library of programming functions for real time computer vision. This project is a port of the OpenCV library for Apple iOS. It includes two XCode projects: one for iPhone, the other one for iPad. (2021-10-20, Makefile, 24942KB, 下载0次)
