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按分类查找All 电子书籍(204) 
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[电子书籍] python3-cookbook

Advanced Python programmers must have a deep understanding of Python language mechanism and modern programming style, involving advanced technologies widely used in standard libraries, frameworks and applications. (2020-07-27, Python, 0KB, 下载0次)


[电子书籍] 《算法设计编程实验(第2版)试题原版和测试数据

Introduction to Algorithm PDF introduction to Algorithm PDF, which is about the data structure of e-books, mainly based on Python implementation, more inclined to mathematics (2021-04-09, Python, 59611KB, 下载0次)


[电子书籍] 《Python+Cookbook》第三版中文v3.0.0

Python Cookbook(第3版)中文版介绍了Python应用在各个领域中的一些使用技巧和方法,其主题涵盖了数据结构和算法,字符串和文本,数字、日期和时间,迭代器和生成器,文件和I/O,数据编码与处理,函数,类与对象,元编程,模块和包,网络和Web编程,并发,实用脚本和系统管理,测试、调试以及异常,C语言扩展等。
The Chinese version of Python Cookbook (3rd edition) introduces some techniques and methods of using Python in various fields. Its topics cover data structures and algorithms, strings and text, numbers, dates and times, iterators and generators, File and I/O, data coding and processing, functions, classes and objects, metaprogramming, modules and packages, network and Web programming, concurrency, utility scripts and system management, testing, debugging and exceptions, C language extensions, etc. (2021-03-17, Python, 1809KB, 下载4次)


[电子书籍] 《零基础学Python》

《零基础学 Python》是针对零基础编程学习者研发的 Python 入门教程。从初学者角度出发,通过通俗易懂的语言、流行有趣的实例,详细地介绍了使用 IDLE 及 Python 框架进行程序管理的知识和技术。
"Zero basics Python" is a python introductory course for zero based programming learners. From the perspective of beginners, this paper introduces in detail the knowledge and technology of program management using idle and python framework through easy to understand language and popular and interesting examples. (2020-07-23, Python, 2349KB, 下载6次)


[电子书籍] Python编程:从入门到实践

本书是一本针对所有层次的Python 读者而作的Python 入门书。全书分两部分:第一部分介绍用Python 编程所必须了解的基本概念,包括matplotlib、NumPy 和Pygal 等强大的Python 库和工具介绍,以及列表、字典、if 语句、类、文件与异常、代码测试等内容;第二部分将理论付诸实践,讲解如何开发三个项目,包括简单的Python 2D 游戏开发如何利用数据生成交互式的信息图,以及创建和定制简单的Web 应用,并帮读者解决常见编程问题和困惑。
This book is an introductory book on Python for all levels of Python readers. The book is divided into two parts: the first part introduces the basic concepts that must be understood in Python programming, including the introduction of powerful Python libraries and tools such as Matplotlib, numpy and pygal, as well as lists, dictionaries, if statements, classes, files and exceptions, code tests, etc.; the second part puts theory into practice, explaining how to develop three projects, including a simple Python 2D How to use data to generate interactive information graph, and how to create and customize simple web applications, and help readers solve common programming problems and puzzles. (2020-05-13, Python, 3494KB, 下载5次)


[电子书籍] 数据科学入门(高清中文版)

数据科学入门。包括python编程入门,统计学基础知识,以及多种机器学习算法。 高清PDF中文版
Introduction to data science. It includes the introduction of Python programming, basic knowledge of statistics, and various machine learning algorithms. (2019-12-24, Python, 10563KB, 下载16次)


[电子书籍] 17-Python编程快速上手-让繁琐工作自动化

Learning python's good book, I read Liao Xuefeng's pdf, feeling too scattered. At that time, in order to batch documents, found that this book is the most appropriate, strongly recommended. (2019-08-07, Python, 12581KB, 下载5次)


[电子书籍] python基础教程第三版

python基础教程第三版 Magnus Lie Hetland著 袁国忠译 久负盛名的Python入门经典 中文版累计销量200 000+册 针对Python 3全新升级 本书是经典的Python入门教程,层次鲜明、结构严谨、内容翔实,特别是后面几章,作者将前面讲述的内容应用到10个引人入胜的项目中,并以模板的形式介绍了项目的开发过程,手把手教授Python编程实践,让读者从项目中领略Python的真正魅力。 本书既适合初学者夯实基础,又能帮助Python程序员提升技能,即使是中高级Python程序员,也能从书里找到耳目一新的内容。
beginning python from novice to professional third edition Magnus Lie Hetland (2019-04-04, Python, 73230KB, 下载9次)


[电子书籍] Python编程:从入门到实践(美)

本书是一本针对所有层次的Python读者而作的Python入门书。全书分两部分:第一部分介绍用Python编程所必须了解的基本概念,包括matplotlib、NumPy和Pygal等强大的Python库和工具介绍,以及列表、字典、if语句、类、文件与异常、代码测试等内容;第二部分将理论付诸实践,讲解如何开发三个项目,包括简单的Python 2D游戏开发,如何利用数据
This book is an introductory book on Python for all levels of Python readers. The book is divided into two parts: the first part introduces the basic concepts that must be understood in Python programming, including the introduction of powerful Python libraries and tools such as matplotlib, NumPy and Pygal, as well as lists, dictionaries, if statements, classes, files and exceptions, code testing and so on; the second part puts theory into practice and explains how to develop three One project, including simple Python 2D game development, and how to use data. (2018-08-20, Python, 15699KB, 下载11次)


[电子书籍] Python 3.4 入门指南 官方中文版.pdf

Python 是一门简单易学且功能强大的编程语言。 它拥有高效的高级数据结构,并且能 够用简单而又高效的方式进行面向对象编程。 Python 优雅的语法和动态类型,再结 合它的解释性,使其在大多数平台的许多领域成为编写脚本或开发应用程序的理想语 言。
Python is a simple and easy to learn and powerful programming language. It has an efficient high-level data structure, and it can It is easy and efficient to do object oriented programming. Python elegant syntax and dynamic type, then knot Its interpretability makes it ideal for scripting or developing applications in many areas of most platforms. (2018-06-08, Python, 2884KB, 下载7次)


[电子书籍] byte-of-python

之前上传过一个中文版,这个是英文版。《A Byte of Python》是一本关于用Python 语言编程的书。可以作为初学这的入门教程。也可以供计算机相关人员参考。
Before uploading a Chinese version, this is the English version. A Byte of Python is a book about programming in Python language. It can be used as an introductory tutorial for the first study. It can also be used for reference by computer related personnel. (2018-06-02, Python, 2062KB, 下载2次)


[电子书籍] A Byte of Python3(中文版)

《A Byte of Python》是一本关于用Python 语言编程的书。可以作为初学这的入门教程。也可以供计算机相关人员参考。
<A Byte of Python> is a book about programming in Python language. It can be used as an introductory tutorial for the first study. It can also be used for reference by computer related personnel. (2018-06-02, Python, 645KB, 下载2次)


[电子书籍] Python编程快速上手 让繁琐工作自动化

本书是一本面向实践的Python 编程实用指南。本书的目的,不仅是介绍Python 语言的基础知识,而且还通过项目实践教会读者如何应用这些知识和技能。本书的 第一部分介绍了基本的Python 编程概念,第二部分介绍了一些不同的任务,通过编 写Python 程序,可以让计算机自动完成它们。第二部分的每一章都有一些项目程序, 供读者学习。每章的末尾还提供了一些习题和深入的实践项目,帮助读者巩固所学 的知识。附录部分提供了所有习题的解答。
This book is a practical guide to practical Python programming. The purpose of this book is not only to introduce Python The basic knowledge of language is also taught through project practice to teach readers how to apply these knowledge and skills. This book The first part introduces the basic concept of Python programming. The second part introduces some different tasks. Write Python programs to enable computers to automatically complete them. There are some project procedures in each chapter of the second part. For readers to learn. At the end of each chapter, some exercises and in-depth practical projects are also provided to help readers consolidate their learning. Knowledge. The appendix provides the answers to all the exercises. (2018-05-03, Python, 12412KB, 下载12次)


[电子书籍] Python

Python编程:从入门到实践》,本书作者Eric Matthes,译者袁国忠,由人民邮电出版社于2016年7月出版。PDF电子书和配套的源码。 个人看过不少Python的入门书籍,只有这本是从头看到尾,并动手实践的。讲得通俗易懂,非常好!
Python Crash Course. A Hands-on, Project-Based Introduction to Programming. PDF e-book and supporting source code. (2018-04-08, Python, 10675KB, 下载14次)


[电子书籍] Python编程:从入门到实践

本书是一本针对所有层次的Python 读者而作的Python 入门书。全书分两部分:第一部分介绍用Python 编程所必须了解的基本概念,包括matplotlib、NumPy 和Pygal 等强大的Python 库和工具介绍,以及列表、字典、if 语句、类、文件与异常、代码测试等内容;第二部分将理论付诸实践,讲解如何开发三个项目,包括简单的Python 2D 游戏开发如何利用数据生成交互式的信息图,以及创建和定制简单的Web 应用,并帮读者解决常见编程问题和困惑
This book is a Python introductory book for Python readers at all levels. The book is divided into two parts: the first part introduces the basic concepts of programming with Python must understand, including Matplotlib, NumPy and Pygal, the powerful Python libraries and tools, as well as lists, dictionaries, and if statements, with the exception of documents and code test content; the second part will explain how to develop the theory into practice, three the project, including the development of the Python 2D game simply how to use the data to generate interactive information, and create and customize a simple Web application, and help readers solve common programming problems and puzzles (2018-03-30, Python, 12626KB, 下载6次)


[电子书籍] byte-of-python

Python入门,《A Byte of Python》是一本由 Swaroop C H 编写,旨在于介绍如何使用 Python 语言进行编程的自由图书。它以教材与指南的形式为入门者介绍 Python 语言。如果你对电脑知识的了解仅限于如何保存文本文件的话,那这本书就是为你准备的。
"A Byte of Python" is a free book on programming using the Python language. It serves as a tutorial or guide to the Python language for a beginner audience. If all you know about computers is how to save text files, then this is the book for you. (2018-03-26, Python, 2057KB, 下载1次)


[电子书籍] 《Python+Cookbook》Third edition of Chinesev2

作者: David M. Beazley / Brian K. Jones 出版社: 人民邮电出版社 原作名: Python Cookbook 3rd Edtioni 译者: 陈舸 出版年: 2015-5-1 页数: 684 定价: 108.00元 装帧: 平装 ISBN: 9787115379597 《Python Cookbook(第3版)中文版》介绍了Python应用在各个领域中的一些使用技巧和方法,其主题涵盖了数据结构和算法,字符串和文本,数字、日期和时间,迭代器和生成器,文件和I/O,数据编码与处理,函数,类与对象,元编程,模块和包,网络和Web编程,并发,实用脚本和系统管理,测试、调试以及异常,C语言扩展等。
The Python Cookbook (Version 3) Chinese version introduces some tips and methods for using Python in various fields, covering topics such as data structures and algorithms, strings and text, numbers, dates and times, iterators, and builds File and I / O; Data Encoding and Processing; Functions; Classes and Objects; Meta-programming; Modules and Packages; Web and Web Programming; Concurrency; Utility Scripting and Systems Management; Testing; Debugging; Anomalies; (2018-01-25, Python, 1995KB, 下载12次)


[电子书籍] think-python.pdf

think python书本的中文版pdf材料 第一章:编程之路 第二章:变量,表达式,语句 第三章:函数 第四章:案例学习:交互设计 第五章:条件循环 第六章:有返回值的函数
think python pdf 1 The way of the program 2 Variables, expressions and statements 3 Functions 4 Case study: interface design 5 Conditionals and recursion 6 Fruitful functions (2018-01-16, Python, 1664KB, 下载5次)


[电子书籍] python核心编程(第二版)

python最经典的学习书籍,本书描述了Python程序的基本构件:类型、操作符、语句、函数、模块、类以及异常,介绍了更多高级主题,包括复杂的实例。 本书适合Python初学者,以及已经入门但想继续学习和提高自身Python技巧的程序员。
The most classic Python learning books.This book describes the basic components of Python program: type, operator, statement, function, module, class and exception. It introduces more advanced topics, including complex instances. This book is suitable for Python beginners, as well as programmers who have been introduced but want to continue to learn and improve their Python skills. (2017-12-21, Python, 4906KB, 下载9次)


[电子书籍] Python编程:从入门到实践

本书是一本针对所有层次的Python 读者而作的Python 入门书。全书分两部分:第一部分介绍用Python 编程所必须了解的基本概念,包括matplotlib、NumPy 和Pygal 等强大的Python 库和工具介绍,以及列表、字典、if 语句、类、文件与异常、代码测试等内容;第二部分将理论付诸实践,讲解如何开发三个项目,包括简单的Python 2D 游戏开发如何利用数据生成交互式的信息图,以及创建和定制简单的Web 应用,并帮读者解决常见编程问题和困惑。
This book is a Python introductory book for all levels of Python readers. The book is divided into two parts: The first part introduces the basic concepts that must be understood in Python programming, including powerful Python libraries and tools such as matplotlib, NumPy and Pygal, as well as lists, dictionaries, if statements, classes, files and exceptions, code tests, etc. Content; the second part put the theory into practice, explain how to develop three projects, including simple Python 2D game development how to use data to generate interactive information map, and create and customize simple Web applications, and to help readers solve common programming Problems and confusion. (2017-09-06, Python, 12988KB, 下载25次)
