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[数据结构] DSA

Welcome to the Beginner s DSA Hub, a place designed especially for newcomers to the world of Data Structures and Algorithms. If you re taking your first steps in programming and want to grasp the fundamentals of DSA, you ve landed in the right spot. (2023-10-19, C++, 0KB, 下载0次)


[数据结构] DataStructures

Apply design and development principles in the construction of software systems of varying complexity. Demonstrate proficiency in the concepts of an object oriented programming language (C++). Demonstrate basic understanding of commonly used data structures. Analyze the strengths and weaknesses of algorithms utilizing different data structures. (2023-09-20, C++, 0KB, 下载0次)


[数据结构] 2008

国家集训队2008论文集 Day1 1.曹钦翔《数据结构的提炼与压缩》 2.郑暾《平衡规划——浅析一类平衡思想的应用》 3.刘弈《浅谈信息学中状态的合理设计与应用》 4.顾研《浅谈随机化思想在几何问题中的应用》 5.周梦宇《码之道——浅谈信息学竞赛中的编码与译码问题》 6.肖汉骏《例谈信息学竞赛分析中的“深”与“广”》 7.方戈《浅析信息学竞赛中一类与物理有关的问题》 8.吕子鉷《浅谈最短径路问题中的分层思想》 9.周小博《浅谈信息学竞赛中的区间问题》 10.俞华程《矩阵乘法在信息学中的应用》 Day2 1.程芃祺《计算几何中的二分思想》 2.高逸涵《部分贪心思想在信息学竞赛中的应用》 3.陈丹琦《基于连通性状态压缩的动态规划问题》 4.张煜承《一类算法复合的方法》 5.陈瑜希《Pólya计数法的应用》 6.余林韵《运用化归思想解决信息学中的数列问题》 7.任一恒《非完美算法初探》 8.高亦陶《从立体几何问题看降低编程复杂度》 9.苏煜《对块状链表的一点研究》 10.周冬《两极相通——浅析最大—最小定理在信息学竞赛中的应用》
Proceedings of the National Team 2008 Day1 1 Cao Qin Xiang "refined and compressed data structures." 2 Cheng Tun. "Balanced plan- Analysis of the application of a class of balanced thinking." 3. "Rational design and application of Information Science in the state," Liu Yi 4. Care and research, "On randomized thought in geometric problems in the" 5 Zhoumeng Yu, "Road yards- Talking informatics contest encoding and decoding problem." 6 Xiaohan Jun "case talk informatics competitions Analysis" deep "and" wide "" 7 Fang Ge, "Analysis of information science and physics contest a class-related issues." 8 Lu Hong Son "on the shortest path problem in hierarchical thinking." 9 Zhou Xiaobo, "On the informatics contest range problem" 10. Yu Hua Cheng "matrix multiplication in Informatics Applications" Day2 1 Cheng Peng Kee "computational geometry in two minutes thinking" 2. Manhattan Han "section greedy thinking in the application of information science contest" 3 Chen Danqi "based (2014-06-10, C++, 15111KB, 下载11次)


[数据结构] SuffixArray

后缀数组是处理字符串的有力工具。后缀数组是后缀树的一个非常精巧的 替代品,它比后缀树容易编程实现,能够实现后缀树的很多功能而时间复杂度也 并不逊色,而且它比后缀树所占用的内存空间小很多。可以说,在信息学竞赛中 后缀数组比后缀树要更为实用。本文分两部分。第一部分介绍两种构造后缀数组 的方法,重点介绍如何用简洁高效的代码实现,并对两种算法进行了比较。第二 部分介绍后缀数组在各种类型题目中的具体应用。
Suffix array is a powerful tool for dealing with strings. Suffix array suffix tree is a very delicate Alternatives, it is easier than programming suffix tree, the suffix tree can achieve a lot of functions and the time complexity is Not inferior, but it is much smaller than the suffix tree occupies memory space. We can say that in informatics contest Suffix array to be more practical than the suffix tree. This article in two parts. The first part describes two suffix array construction The method focuses on how to use simple and efficient implementation of the code, and the two methods were compared. Second Section describes the specific application types suffix array of topics. (2014-06-10, C++, 300KB, 下载7次)


[数据结构] Huffman-algorithm-code

哈夫曼树是一种树形结构,用哈夫曼树的方法解编程题的算法就叫做哈夫曼算法。树并不是指植物,而是一种数据结构,因为其存放方式颇有点象一棵树有树叉因而称为树。 最简哈夫曼树是由德国数学家冯。哈夫曼 发现的,此树的特点就是引出的路程最短。 概念理解:1.路径 从树中一个节点到另一个节点之间的分支构成这两个节点之间的路径。2.路径长度 路径上的分支数目称作路径长度。
Huffman tree is a tree structure, Huffman tree algorithm method to solve programming problems is called the Huffman algorithm. Tree does not mean the plant, but a data structure, because of its storage methods have quite a bit like a tree which is called Shucha tree. Minimalist Huffman tree by the German mathematician Von. Huffman discovered feature of this tree is drawn from the shortest. Understanding of the concept: a path from one node to the tree branch paths between other nodes between the two nodes. 2 the number of branches on the path length of the path is called the path length. (2014-01-20, C++, 8KB, 下载1次)


[数据结构] DP

动态规划问题。给定一个整数的二维数组,由其中若干邻近元素构成的矩形称为子数组。 编程计算所有子数组元素之和的最大值。输入为整数n,及n^2个数,输出为所有子数组元素之和的最大值
Dynamic programming problem.Given a two-dimensional array of positive and negative integers, a sub-rectangle is any contiguous sub-array of size 1*1 or greater located within the whole array. The sum of a rectangle is the sum of all the elements in that rectangle. In this problem the sub-rectangle with the largest sum is referred to as the maximal sub-rectangle.  (2013-09-11, C++, 13KB, 下载6次)


[数据结构] DSsourceCode

Data structure is essential for learning computer programming course a very important, however, a great number of tutorial books are only a few very simple example, simply can not make you a more in-depth study, so I have summarized the relevant source data structure program, hoping to help the good people in need. (2010-11-30, C++, 345KB, 下载2次)


[数据结构] make

数字构造问题 ★问题描述 给定一个只包含数字[0..9]的字符串,请使用字符串中的某些字符,构建一个能够整除 15最大的整数。注意,字符串中的每个字符只能使用一次。 ★编程任务 求由给定字符串构造的能够整除15的最大整数。 ★数据输入 由文件input.txt给出输入数据。输入数据为一个只包含数字[0..9]字符串,字符串的长度 为1..1000。如果无法构建出该数字,请输出“impossible”。 ★数据输出 将程序运行结果输出到文件output.txt中。输出一行数字串。
★ issue of the number of structures to describe the problem to only include the number of a [0 .. 9] of the string, use some of the character string to build a 15, the largest integer divisible. Note that each string of characters can only be used once. ★ programming tasks for a given string from the structure to the greatest integer divisible by 15. ★ data input is given by the input data file input.txt. Input data include only the number of a [0 .. 9] string, the string length of 1 .. 1000. If you can not build out the figures, please output " impossible" . ★ run data output will be output to a file in output.txt. Output line number of string. (2009-07-01, C++, 1KB, 下载11次)


[数据结构] 1073

设有n 个程序{1,2,…, n }要存放在长度为L的磁带上。程序i存放在磁带上的长度是 Li,程序存储问题要求确定这n 个程序在磁带上的一个存储方案,使得能够在磁带上存储尽可能多的程序。对于给定的n个程序存放在磁带上的长度,编程计算磁带上最多可以存储的程序数。
N a procedure with (1,2, ..., n) should be kept in the length L of the tape. Procedures i stored in the tape length is Li, stored procedures to seek to establish that n-tape procedures in a stored program that makes it possible to store on tape as much as possible the procedure. For a given n programs stored in the tape length, programming calculation tape can store up to a few of the procedures. (2008-11-02, C++, 1KB, 下载35次)


[数据结构] 图论算法库 C++ 语言实现

图论算法库 C++ 语言实现 代码内容 图论算法库,包括以下算法: 单源最短路径 Dijkstra 算法 单源最短路径 Bellman-Ford 算法 最小生成树 Prim 算法 每对节点间最短路径 Flod-Warshall 算法 语言 C++ 编译平台 VisualAge C++ 4.0 作者 starfish (starfish.h@china.com) 备注 程序用C++语言编写,在VisualAge C++ 4.0下调试通过。压缩包内的Graph.h文件包含所有的库函数,其调用接口见程序内注释。其他的文件是用来测试算法的测试程序,在VisualAge C++ 4.0下编译运行。 该算法是我为参加ACM/ICPC竞赛而准备的资料,由于竞赛的对编程速度要求较高,所以为了将代码写的短一点,为了便于调试,代码的写的并不是最优的。 虽然该代码在VisualAge C++ 4.0下写成,但是很容易将其移植到MS Visual C++上。
graph algorithm for C language code content graph algorithm library, including the following algorithm : single-source shortest path algorithm Dijkstra single source shortest path Bellman-Ford algorithm youngest generation Prim algorithm for each tree node on the shortest path between Flod- Warshall ALGOL C compiler platform Vi sualAge author starfish 4.0 C (starfish.h @ china.c om) Remarks procedures using C language, the VisualAge C 4.0 debugging through. The compressed file contains all Graph.h the library, the procedure call interface, see the Notes. Other documents algorithm is used to test the test procedures in VisualAge C compiler running under 4.0. The algorithm is for me to participate in ACM/Illinois prepared to contest the information, because the competition for high speed (2006-01-12, C++, 10KB, 下载665次)


[数据结构] 9二叉树

including binary tree almost all programming algorithm, these binary tree after the first sequence which recursive and non- recursive traversal algorithm, and by the first sequence after sequence to establish a binary tree, the level traverse, for leaf nodes, sum up the numbers and the depth of the tree width. (2006-01-05, C++, 624KB, 下载621次)


[数据结构] 生产者与消费者

procedures C to simulate the operating system, the three most typical process simple static scheduling algorithm; First generation user input dynamic modeling process, the use of the 26 options are available to users of typical statement (including the circle, choose structure), can handle integer, boolean and three character expression data and calculation; the main procedures for the preparation of the programming technology : Listless statement recorded statement process, and PCB Chain, ready Queue List, blocking Queue List, the Executive Queue List, ending Queue List data processing, said the process of mutual relations, due to static state data structure is not suitable for handling data on the size of the volatile data, and dynamic queue structure suitable for data processing variabl (2005-05-15, C++, 30KB, 下载91次)
