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按平台查找All C++(182) 

[界面编程] spemimilation-robust

This is an interface program written in WTL that has a memory-viewing service that writes the resulting memory data to the next text file for the Debug target (2018-08-08, C++, 167KB, 下载0次)


[界面编程] The-core-idea-of-CPP

本书系统地介绍了标准c++和面向对象程序设计的思想与实现。全书共分18章:前两章简要地介绍了c++语言及其相关的基础知识;第3章到第16章详细地分析、阐述了c++语言的本质特性和设计思想;第17章介绍了c++的一些高级特性,如运算符重载、模板和异常处理等内容;第18章讲述了一些图形用户界面(gui)的相关知识。 本书概念清晰,分析透彻,内容通俗易懂,既可作为高等院校计算机及相关专业的教材,又可供程序员和编程爱好者参考使用。
This book describes the standard c++ and ideas and implementation of object-oriented programming. The book is divided into 18 chapters: the first two chapters briefly describes c++ basics of the language and its associated Chapter 3 to Chapter 16, a detailed analysis to explain the nature of the features and design ideas c++ language Chapter 17 describes the c++ Some advanced features, such as operator overloading, templates and exception handling, etc. Chapter 18 describes some of the graphical user interface (gui) of relevant knowledge. The book concept is clear, thorough, easy to understand content, both as institutions of higher learning computers and related materials, and available for programmers and programming enthusiasts reference. (2014-03-21, C++, 9343KB, 下载2次)
