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按平台查找All Visual C++(212) 

[文件操作] C-CPPhead_files

C++ 头文件是C++编程很重要的一个方面,很多初学者对C++头文件的理解不是很到位~本文档对C、C++ 的常用的头文件进行了总结,对初学者非常有用~
C++ C++ header file is a very important aspect of the program, many beginners C++ headers understanding is not in place ~ This document C, C++ common header file summarizes, very useful for beginners- (2016-03-29, Visual C++, 38KB, 下载1次)


[文件操作] 6

Programmed use fread () function and fwrite () function to read and write operations to the disk file, first with fwrite () function writes to the file lowercase letters f1, then call dx () function to read the document, which will be lowercase letters uppercase letters and output, two functions for reading and writing binary data. (2016-02-10, Visual C++, 33KB, 下载0次)


[文件操作] file

Programming requires the establishment of a text file, and do not cross each word without spaces, words constituted by a sequence of characters and is case sensitive, statistics total number of occurrences of a given word in a text file, retrieve the output of a word appears in the text line number, frequency and location appear in the row. (2014-05-26, Visual C++, 2KB, 下载2次)


[文件操作] file

Stream files stored in the form of log log log randomly generated string of numbers, new to add, display all log log query and display the log file can be time. Find support multithreading, the learning system programming material. (2013-08-04, Visual C++, 402KB, 下载2次)


[文件操作] Getmyfile

it is dll which can get the data from a file.it can help people who are not familiar with the VC.so it is a very important dll.it is dll which can get the data from a file.it can help people who are not familiar with the VC.so it is a very important dll. (2012-11-19, Visual C++, 41KB, 下载8次)


[文件操作] exefanbianyi

EXE file written in VB decompiler tool, this tool can see the EXE inside a function, program code, etc., of great help for learning programming. (2011-10-15, Visual C++, 162KB, 下载75次)


[文件操作] OperateFile

VC++拷贝、删除和移动文件的演示,呵,虽然很简单,但是很基础 ,每一个VC的编程高手都是从这里学起的,不要小看它简单,当初本人也研究了两天呢
VC++ copy, delete and move files in the demo, oh, although very simple, but very basic, every VC is a master of programming by learning from here, do not underestimate it simple, I had also studied it for two days (2011-04-25, Visual C++, 20KB, 下载63次)


[文件操作] BookMan

The subjects in the form of knowledge to organize notes into the computer, making learning convenient and efficient use of knowledge. Using the RichEdit control, you can add a variety of object data packets. Used in a variety of programming, is developed vc mfc beginner programmers are useful reference. (2011-04-10, Visual C++, 212KB, 下载5次)


[文件操作] wenjiancaozuo

本人买的一本书的例子的一章。第3章完成+文件操作编程实例43-59(2).rar - RAR 压缩文件, 解包大小为 7,059,388 字节是VC++2005做的 还蛮实用的
I bought a book example of a chapter. Chapter 3+ file operations to complete Programming Example 43-59 (2). Rar- RAR compressed file, unpack size of 7,059,388 bytes is the VC++2005 do quite practical (2010-05-06, Visual C++, 1647KB, 下载2次)


[文件操作] csharpword

C#生成文本为Word格式的文件,需要Office的编程组件,主要是以下几个,请事先准备好,在Office2003版本以上都会有此组件,需要自定义安装:   Interop.Microsoft.Office.Core.dll   Interop.VBIDE.dll   Interop.Word.dll
C# to generate text for the Word format file needs to Office programming components, mainly the following, please prepared in advance, in the Office2003 version of the above will have this component requires a custom installation: Interop.Microsoft.Office.Core. dll Interop.VBIDE.dll Interop.Word.dll (2010-03-24, Visual C++, 213KB, 下载6次)


[文件操作] DiscardFirstBytes_v2.0

discard the first byte from a source file,this new editon,you can drap source file and not to select source file s path (2009-12-22, Visual C++, 215KB, 下载28次)


[文件操作] zhenfengzhuang

Programming frame package. Encapsulated only in the data frame the head and tail add a specific binary data, you can read and write binary files directly read out the way and then the beginning and end of the added inclusion of opinions on line. (2009-12-14, Visual C++, 2KB, 下载67次)


[文件操作] IconSnapSrc

VC++ to prepare a crawl EXE icon wizard, can be used as a small program we have, if you see some of the procedures is very beautiful icon, then this tool can help you easily extract icon very convenient, and compact program code for the study. (2009-07-17, Visual C++, 46KB, 下载16次)


[文件操作] FileToArray

读取txt文件 在vc环境下编程 可以按行读也可以完整读取
Read txt file in vc programming environment can be a complete line can also be time to read (2009-06-01, Visual C++, 1KB, 下载213次)


[文件操作] ReadFile_inVC

VC文件读取: 刚开始学习VC,也不知道从何下手,可能最想做的就是将一个文件读入内存中来。说起来就是那么简单一句话:读取文件!可是真正编程序的时候又不知道怎么办了?
VC document read: just started to learn VC, do not know where to start, may be the most want to do is to read a file to memory. It is as simple as to say a word: read the file! But when the real-programmed not know how to do it? (2009-01-28, Visual C++, 2KB, 下载29次)


[文件操作] SSFile

Office documents, QQ news records are MSGEx.db Compound Document format. Its structure is rather complicated. The use of this procedure can easily view, add, delete its contents. A foreign website. Collected: beautyearth@163.com. Programming Language: VC6.0. (2008-09-16, Visual C++, 73KB, 下载125次)


[文件操作] DelVCTempFolders

This procedure involved and documents folder traversal visits and treatment, to realize the project VC compiler generated Debug and Release folder automatically deleted. For people who like programming, you can save a lot of hard disk space Oh. (2007-08-13, Visual C++, 64KB, 下载14次)


[文件操作] splitor

完全使用标准 C++ 编写的文件分割合并程序。采用面向过程的编程风格,也就是俗称的 C 风格。希望各路高手踊跃发言,指出其不足之处,提出整改意见、方案等。
Completely using standard C++ Partition the documents prepared by the merging process. Process-oriented programming style, which is commonly known as the C style. Hope that each expert will speak up and point out the inadequacies of the views put forward reform, programs such as. (2007-08-07, Visual C++, 7KB, 下载24次)


[文件操作] ltWAIT

4-11 最优服务次序问« 问题描述:设有n 个顾客同时等待个顾客的服务次序才能使平总和除以n。« 编程任务:对于给定的n个顾客需要的服务时间,编程计算最优服务次序。« 数据输入:由文件input.txt给出输入数据。第一行是正整数n,表示有n 个顾客。接下来的1 行中,有n个正整数,表示n个顾客需要的服务时间。« 结果输出:将编程计算出的最小平均等待时间输出到文件output.txt。输入文件示例 输出文件示例input.txt output.txt1056 12 1 99 1000 234 33 55 99 812532.
4-11 optimal order asked laquo services; Problem description : n with customers while waiting for customer service so that the order can be divided by the sum of n-ping. Laquo; Programming tasks : to the n needs of its customers time and programming services for calculating optimal order. Laquo; Data input : from the document input.txt given input data. The first line is a positive integer n, n said a customer. Following a visit, n is an integer, n said the needs of the customer service hours. Laquo; Results output : Programming will calculate the average waiting time for the smallest output to a file output.txt. Examples of input document output files example input.txt output.txt1056 12 1 99 1000 234 33 55 99 812532. (2005-05-20, Visual C++, 63KB, 下载14次)


[文件操作] zoomtest

saved in TXT documents from the image read from a cosmetic image array to the RBI, with zooming and roaming capabilities. Learning to read documents, operation and the array of portal images programming examples. (2005-03-24, Visual C++, 76KB, 下载64次)
