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[Windows编程] tplinktlwdr7800sms

Searching To quickly locate topics on a particular subject in the documentation, enter a query in the Search field. Use the Search frame () to display the Search view. You can narrow the scope of your search by selecting only the sections you are interested in. (2020-04-23, VBA, 4044KB, 下载0次)


[通讯编程] echep

尽管频率合成技术已经经历了大半个世纪的发展史,但直到今天,人们对 它的研究仍然在继续,现在,我们可以开发出输出频率高达IG的
Although frequency synthesis technology has gone through the development history of more than half a century, until now, people are still studying it, now, we can develop the output frequency as high as IG (2018-07-30, VBA, 148KB, 下载0次)


[Linux/Unix编程] vymcvs

Original code, using VHDL to achieve the 64-point mean filter, experimental testing, the effect is good, can be easily modified to arbitrary point mean filter, the use of multi-point sliding operation, reduce the (2018-07-30, VBA, 1KB, 下载0次)


[数据库编程] 201312081725067054

How do you add a blank item in the drop-down list of combo boxes? This is also frequently used in ACCESS programming. Use it for everyone. See if it works. (2017-09-24, VBA, 30KB, 下载1次)


[Windows编程] office-2003devba-help

office 2003 VBA的全套编程手册,记得要把MSOHLP11解压放在手册目录中,不然chm文件会提示脚本错误,并且有些图片格式显示不正常
a full set of office 2003 VBA Programming Guide, remember to MSOHLP11 decompression in manual directory, otherwise chm file will prompt script error, and some picture format is not normal (2014-10-07, VBA, 17413KB, 下载2次)


[数学计算] year

Meteorological data processing often involves the calculation of the annual number of days and months days, share the two VB programming is often used in the function here: the annual number of days and months the number of days (2013-01-12, VBA, 2KB, 下载2次)


[教育系统应用] score

利用Excel VBA编写的学生成绩管理系统,附有详细的源码和教程。学习VBA编程的好资料
Student achievement management system, written in Excel VBA source code and tutorials with detailed. Learning VBA programming (2012-11-22, VBA, 1180KB, 下载121次)


[文件操作] Sentence-300-For-EXCEL-VBA

EXCEL VBA开发常用语句例句300句,已经进行过分类整理,每句例句后还有详细解释,对用VBA开发EXCEL扩展功能的编程者十分有帮助。
EXCEL VBA developed commonly statements listen, have been sorting, after the end of each listen also explained in detail, very helpful to the expansion of functional programming with VBA development EXCEL. (2012-07-21, VBA, 234KB, 下载4次)



Contains a number of vba and lisp instance, a comprehensive and detailed to enhance the reader' s programming thinking in the explanation of the specific problem instance, and refine the program features (2012-06-13, VBA, 185KB, 下载23次)


[matlab编程] VB-matlab

I collect mixed on VB and MATLAB programming information. More detailed description of the interface technology between the two (2011-05-15, VBA, 3393KB, 下载80次)


[文件操作] VBA-design

Through VBA programming, you can repeat the tedious work of some simple operations to complete, not only improves the work efficiency, but also avoid repeating the errors during the operation possible. I believe Microsoft' s Office software in China has been more and more people understand and accept the application, but also believe that more people can use the VBA programming to allow the software to better customer service and to meet more specific requirements of users. (2011-04-08, VBA, 37536KB, 下载34次)


[Windows编程] mortage

房贷计算器 用excel编程 简单方便 只需了解贷款额度 和年限 利率 就可以算出每期贷款
Excel mortgage calculator program with easy to understand loan amount and period of just interest rate loans can be calculated each (2010-11-18, VBA, 476KB, 下载6次)


[Windows编程] sgbzds

有三个杯子,分别能盛水 10 升、7 升、3 升。已知只有第一个杯子里有 10 升水,利用三个杯子相互倒水,最少经过多少次后,可以平分这 10 升水?   本文利用 VB 编程方法求解,可任意设置三个水杯容量、每个水杯初始水量、倒水最后结果每个杯子水量。
有三个杯子,分别能盛水 10 升、7 升、3 升。已知只有第一个杯子里有 10 升水,利用三个杯子相互倒水,最少经过多少次后,可以平分这 10 升水?   本文利用 VB 编程方法求解,可任意设置三个水杯容量、每个水杯初始水量、倒水最后结果每个杯子水量。 (2010-06-17, VBA, 3KB, 下载4次)


[其他行业] ProcessBOM7.3

SMT off-line programming automatically when the BOM component model specifications described in the bit-numbers into component coordinates file! (2010-01-30, VBA, 69KB, 下载74次)



VBA for EXCEL in the use of Xiang Jie. The previous Chapter 7 A brief introduction of VBA programming, with case Xiangjie back, allowing beginners and faster entry of persons VBA (2010-01-28, VBA, 40804KB, 下载9次)


[其他小程序] VBA

EXCEL_VBA编程24学时教程——直到9 0年代早期,使应用程序自动化还是充满挑战性的领域。对每个需要自动化的应用 程序,人们不得不学习一种不同的自动化语言
24 hours EXCEL_VBA Programming Tutorial- until the early 9 0, so that the application of automation is still a challenging area. Automation needs of each application, people have to learn a different language automation (2009-08-01, VBA, 113KB, 下载4次)


[其他小程序] VBA

VBA学习基础 是个非常好的学习教程,特别适合于向我这样的初学者,即便没有任何编程基础,只要对OFFICE系列软件能够上手即可。
Learning VBA is a very good basis for learning course, were particularly suited to beginners like me, even if there is no basis for any programming, as long as the series of OFFICE software can be started. (2009-06-11, VBA, 2873KB, 下载11次)


[数据库系统] ExcelVBA

Excel VBA与数据库(Access)整合笔记.关于vba编程数据库方面的内容
Excel VBA and a database (Access) Notes integration. Vba programming on the contents of database (2009-04-14, VBA, 217KB, 下载34次)


[其他小程序] 4

In Excel, using VBA programming would be n (n ≥ 2)-order square matrix in situ by 90 degrees clockwise rotation. Require only a simple variable as to keep the temporary work unit. (2008-10-31, VBA, 11KB, 下载4次)


[单片机开发] Hex

VBA prepared themselves with a small procedure, for analysis similar to (2008-03-27, VBA, 28KB, 下载37次)
