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它经过及时编程,以显示如何防护在Arduino Cloud中创建的各种数据,即使OPTA已失去与互联网或外部电源的连接。此外,本教程还将介绍如何在程序从互联网脱机时运行程序而不进行OPTING。
It is programmed in time to show how to arm the various data created in the Arduino Cloud even if the OPTA has lost connection to the internet or external power. Also, this tutorial will also be available on how to run a program without OPTING when it is offline from the internet. (2024-02-07, C++, 0KB, 下载0次)


[云计算] midgard

Midgard是Beam Kotlin的包装器,允许更简洁和更具表现力的代码。它删除了Beam样板代码,并提出了更多的函数式编程风格
Midgard is a wrapper on Beam Kotlin, allowing more concise and expressive code. It removes Beam boilerplate code and proposes more Functional Programming style (2023-06-02, kotlin, 0KB, 下载0次)


[云计算] action-cloudos-cli

![:octocat:](https:github.githubassets.com images icons emoji octocat.png)github操作,使用官方API客户端CloudOS cli以编程方式与Lifebit CloudOS平台交互
![:octocat:](https: github.githubassets.com images icons emoji octocat.png) Github action to programmatically interact with the Lifebit CloudOS platform using the official API client cloudos-cli (2023-03-20, Shell, 7KB, 下载0次)


[云计算] Spring-Family-Examples

Spring Boot、 Spring Cloud 和 Spring Data 使用的各种示例,以最简单、最实用、最纯粹为标准,帮助Java编程爱好者快速掌握 Spring Boot 和 Spring Cloud 各组件的使用。
Various examples used by Spring Boot, Spring Cloud and Spring Data are based on the simplest, most practical and purest standards to help Java programming enthusiasts quickly master the use of Spring Boot and Spring Cloud components. (2021-02-23, Java, 260KB, 下载0次)


[云计算] cloudfront-access-log-to-cloudwatch-metrics

CloudFront has some nice statistics burried within console, unfortunetly neither programmatical access to those data or exposure to CloudWatch is offered out of the box. Let s say you want to compliment your existing monitoring data for CloudFront distribution with some nice data which are available only within web console. This SAM Lambda will ... (2019-07-18, Python, 422KB, 下载0次)


[云计算] cloud-foundry-cap-azure-cities

根据SAP云应用程序编程模型构建的参考应用程序。它使用SAP HANA数据库来...
Reference application built according to the SAP Cloud Application Programming Model. It uses an SAP HANA database for structured data, an Azure storage account for unstructured data, and SAP Fiori Elements for the user interface. (2021-03-15, JavaScript, 6545KB, 下载0次)


[云计算] kube-mpi

High performance computing (HPC) depends on the distributed parallel programming API called the Message Passing Interface (MPI). Cloud native technologies depend on fault tolerance and resiliency normally associated with stateless applications. HPC applications are generally stateful and hence supporting programming models such as MPI have not (2021-08-24, Python, 13115KB, 下载0次)


[云计算] edge-proxy

edge-proxy,2022第三届云原生编程挑战赛-赛道2:针对边缘计算场景的ACK@Edge高效的边缘自治方案 队伍: 唔想返工
Edge proxy, 2022 The Third Cloud Native Programming Challenge - Track 2: ACK@Edge Efficient edge autonomy solution team: Do not want to rework (2023-01-09, GO, 362KB, 下载0次)


[云计算] Intelligent-remote-video-monitoring

Intelligent remote video monitoring, this system uses Raspberry Pi 3B+as an embedded computing platform, combined with CSI cameras and a two degree of freedom rotating pan tilt. The main body uses Python and PHP programming, applies cutting-edge technologies such as I2C communication and OpenCV, and penetrates the internal and external network data transmission through Frp intranet to achieve remote real-time video monitoring, motion detection, and screenshot mailing (2022-06-25, PHP, 13029KB, 下载0次)


[云计算] binghe

Binghe shares various programming languages, development technologies, distributed and microservice architectures, distributed databases, Distributed transaction, cloud native, big data and cloud computing technologies and penetration technologies. In addition, various interview questions and techniques will be shared. (2021-12-19, Others, 31284KB, 下载0次)


[云计算] technology-binghe

Technology binghe, which mainly includes the articles on [Glacier Technology] WeChat official account, is the author of Glacier, "Massive Data Processing and Big Data Technology Practice", and "MySQL Technology Complete: Development, Optimization and Operation and Maintenance Practice". It aims to share various programming languages, development technologies, distributed and microservice architectures, distributed databases, Distributed transaction, cloud natives, big data and cloud computing technologies (2023-03-01, Others, 194KB, 下载0次)
