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[论文] Rust_notes

This repository compiles valuable notes on the Rust programming language and its compiler. The information is sourced from official documentation and academic papers. The code examples include selections from the official Rust book as well as original creations. (2024-03-28, TeX, 0KB, 下载0次)


[其他] PathTracing-Notes

Brief notes of Monte Carlo path tracing, explaining the math behind in order to implement it in any programming language. (2023-11-27, TeX, 0KB, 下载0次)


[论文] tum-seminar-paper-ownership-types

Research paper on "Ownership types in theory and practice (in Rust)" for TUM seminar course "Next-Gen Programming Interfaces and Compilers" (2023-11-23, TeX, 0KB, 下载0次)


[论文] ProjectPaper-2

Development and demonstration of a proof-of-concept for the integration of programming frameworks for high performance computing into a container-based workflow orchestrator. (2023-11-19, TeX, 0KB, 下载0次)


[绘图程序] psycho

This is a book in Romanian on algorithms and programming contest strategies. It is written in LaTeX and TikZ. The original dates from 1997 and was written in Word. I converted the figures, formulae and tables and fixed some typos, but left the text and code untouched (for better or worse). (2018-03-31, TeX, 0KB, 下载0次)


[论文] mse-paper-debugging-of-rxjs-based-applications

RxJS is a popular library to implement data-flow-oriented applications with JavaScript using reactive programming principles. This way of programming bears new challenges for traditional debuggers: Their focus on imperative programming limits their applicability to problems originated in the declarative programming paradigm. The goals of this (2020-11-16, TeX, 0KB, 下载0次)


[collect] zx-next-dev-guide

ZX Spectrum Next汇编程序开发人员指南。可从发行版页面免费下载PDF,或在[https...](https:bit.ly zx next assembler dev guide)上下载印刷线圈装订书籍,
Guide for ZX Spectrum Next assembler developer. Available as free to download PDF from releases page, or printed coil bound book at https://bit.ly/zx-next-assembler-dev-guide (2023-03-27, TeX, 0KB, 下载0次)


[Python编程] awesome-python-cheatsheets

为正在学习Python编程的Java开发人员提供的参考备忘单:[https:medium.com nestedif cheatsheet Python for-Java-d...](https:medial.com nestedifcheatsheet-Python for Java-developers-98f75c94a1a),
A reference cheat sheet for Java developers who are learning Python programming: [https: medium.com nestedif cheatsheet-python-for- java-d…](https: medium.com nestedif cheatsheet-python-for-java- developers-98f75c94a1a), (2023-01-16, TeX, 0KB, 下载0次)


[数值算法/人工智能] R_Programming_Guidebook

汇编了一本编程书,其中包含关于R、SQL、Web Scraping和经济计量工具工作的注释和示例。
Assembled a programming book with notes and examples on the workings of R, SQL, Web Scraping, and Econometric Tools. (2023-02-23, TeX, 0KB, 下载0次)


[collect] work-samples

Samples of my work in programming and data analysis. (2022-10-31, TeX, 0KB, 下载0次)


[matlab编程] 2019_APMCM

In 2019, I participated in the first prize of the Asia Pacific Undergraduate Mathematical Modeling Competition, in which I was responsible for programming. Including contest questions, papers, data and MATLAB code. (2022-05-22, TeX, 0KB, 下载0次)


[数值算法/人工智能] pph

Sujet:艺术与编程:Le code est il de l Art-Le Projet Personnel en Humane s(PPH)est un travail de ré...
Sujet : Art & Programmation : Le code est-il de l art ? - Le Projet Personnel en Humanités (PPH) est un travail de réflexion personnel, réalisé en semi- autonomie, sur un sujet librement choisi par l’élève dans le champ des Sciences Humaines et Sociales. (2022-05-30, TeX, 69042KB, 下载0次)


[人工智能/神经网络/深度学习] Introduction-to-Machine-Learning

Sharing both theoretical and programing ideas, that I came across at Introduction to Machine Learning course. notes, homework solution and python assignment (2023-02-16, TeX, 1745KB, 下载0次)
