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[游戏] Space-InvadersPygame

带有Python和Pygame的Space Invaders Game是一款动作丰富的街机游戏,玩家可以控制一艘火箭船,在目标是获得高分的同时炸穿敌方外星人的波浪,通过现代Pyython编程技术提供怀旧的游戏体验。
The Space Invaders Game with Python and Pygame is an action-packed arcade experience where players control a rocket ship, blasting through waves of enemy aliens while aiming to achieve high scores, offering nostalgic gameplay with modern Python programming techniques. (2024-04-20, Python, 0KB, 下载0次)


[游戏] Programming-fundamentals

Programming assignment for fundamentals assignment. first task was to use a sorting algorithms to sort a table containing olympic medals won by 3 teams. Second and more important task was to create a sudoku game that can be played in the console. Also has an option to play against the computer which uses a backtracking algorithm. (2024-03-30, Python, 0KB, 下载0次)


[游戏] MineSweeper

Building a Minesweeper game in Python is a fun and educational project that combines various programming concepts such as data structures, algorithms, and user interface design. Minesweeper is a classic single-player puzzle game where the player must uncover hidden mines on a grid using clues provided by adjacent cells. (2024-03-18, Python, 0KB, 下载0次)


[游戏] Pathfinding-Game-using-A--Algorithm

Formulated a simple path finding game using Pygamelib for GUI, and A Algorithm for finding the optimal paths in the game. This experience enhanced my comprehension of algorithms and their practical applications while demonstrating the real-world utility of Python programming. (2024-03-06, Python, 0KB, 下载0次)


[游戏] Black-Jack-Card-Game

Welcome to the exciting world of BlackJack, a Python3-based card game developed by Vaibhav. This project is not just about playing cards; it s a testament to Vaibhav s journey in mastering Python programming. Brace yourself for an immersive experience as you delve into the realms of strategy (2024-03-02, Python, 0KB, 下载0次)


[游戏] PyRPS-Online

PyRPS Online:用Python开发的网络化多人岩纸剪刀游戏,利用Pygame库进行图形用户界面和套接字编程,实现实时客户端-服务器通信。该游戏允许两名玩家通过网络连接,并在简单、直观的界面中相互玩石头剪刀。
PyRPS Online: Networked, multiplayer Rock Paper Scissors game developed in Python, leveraging the Pygame library for graphical user interface and socket programming for real-time client-server communication. The game allows two players to connect over a network and play Rock Paper Scissors against each other in a simple, intuitive interface. (2024-02-17, Python, 0KB, 下载0次)


[游戏] RTU_Artificial_Intelligence_1_Game_Task

RTU Artificial Intelligence 1 Game Task是一个Python项目,演示游戏开发中的人工智能概念。使用Pygame,它创建了一个具有网格方块的简单游戏环境。参与者学习集成用于控制游戏元素的人工智能算法,提供游戏开发和人工智能编程的动手体验。
RTU Artificial Intelligence 1 Game Task is a Python project demonstrating AI concepts in game development. Using Pygame, it creates a simple game environment with grid squares. Participants learn to integrate AI algorithms for controlling game elements, providing hands-on experience in both game development and AI programming. (2024-02-16, Python, 0KB, 下载0次)


[游戏] obEspoir

obespoir 是一款个人独立开发的彻底分布式的开源游戏框架,主要基于python3.7 进行开发,采取了 asyncio,uvloop 等异步编程技术,保障高性能的同时,从框架层面彻底解决生产环境中单节点或服务的高可用需求问题
Obespoir is a completely distributed open source game framework independently developed by individuals. It is mainly developed based on python 3.7. It adopts asynchronous programming technologies such as asyncio and uvloop to ensure high performance while thoroughly solving the high availability requirements of single nodes or services in the production environment from the framework level (2020-04-07, Python, 149KB, 下载0次)


[游戏] Games

The file contains tutorials and source code for using python to write some small games, from the most basic lists and tuples to the final airplane war games. it is suitable for elementary learners of python programming to practice as some simple projects. (2018-05-31, Python, 5109KB, 下载5次)


[游戏] game

#在这个实现中,一个卡(不是10)被表示 #由2个字符的字符串组成,其中第一个字符代表一个等级,第二个字符代表一个套装。 #等级10中的每张牌都被表示为3个字符的字符串,前两个是等级,而第三个是西装。
# In this implementation a card (that is not a 10) is represented # by a 2 character string, where the 1st character represents a rank and the 2nd a suit. # Each card of rank 10 is represented as a 3 character string, first two are the rank and the 3rd is a suit. (2018-03-27, Python, 2KB, 下载1次)
