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[电子书籍] 笨办法学 Python(第四版)

别于其它入门书籍的特点如下: ? 注重实践。本书提供了足够的练习代码,如果你完成了所有的练习(包括 加分习题),那你已经写了上万行的代码。要知道很多职业程序员一年也 就写几万行代码而已。 ? 注重能力培养。除了原序言提到的“读和写”、“注重细节”、以及“发现不同” 这样的基本能力以外,本书还培养了读者自己专研问题和寻求答案的能力。 ? 注重好习惯的养成。本书详细地讲解了怎样写出好的代码、好的注释、好 的项目。这会让你在后续的学习中少走很多弯路。
Unique to other introductory books are the following: Focus on practice. This book provides plenty of practice code, and if you've completed all the exercises (including bonus exercises), you've written thousands of lines of code. Many professional programmers write tens of thousands of lines of code a year. Focus on ability development. In addition to the basic abilities of "reading and writing," "attention to detail," and "discovering differences," as mentioned in the original introduction, the book also cultivates the reader's ability to research questions and seek answers. Focus on good habits. This book explains in detail how to write good code, good comments, and good projects. This will save you a lot of detours later on. (2019-07-12, Python, 1699KB, 下载14次)


[电子书籍] 简明Python教程

《A Byte of Python》是一本由 Swaroop C H 编写,旨在于介绍如何使用 Python 语言进行编程的自由图书。它以教材与指南的形式为入门者介绍 Python 语言。如果你对电脑知识的了解仅限于如何保存文本文件的话,那这本书就是为你准备的。
A Byte of Python is a free book written by Swaroop CH to introduce how to program in Python. It introduces Python language to beginners in the form of textbooks and guides. If your understanding of computer knowledge is limited to how to save text files, this book is for you. (2018-08-09, Python, 1695KB, 下载6次)


[电子书籍] Linux串口通信编程大全

串行通信接口标准经过使用和发展,目前已经有几种。但都是在 RS-232 标准的基础上 经过改进而形成的。所以,以 RS-232C 为主来讨论。RS-323C 标准是美国 EIA(电子工业联合 会)与 BELL 等公司一起开发的 1969 年公布的通信协议。它适合于数据传输速率在 0~ 20000b/s 范围内的通信。这个标准对串行通信接口的有关问题,如信号线功能、电器特性 都作了明确规定。由于通行设备厂商都生产与 RS-232C 制式兼容的通信设备,因此,它作为 一种标准,目前已在微机通信接口中广泛采用。
The serial communication interface standard has been used and developed. But it's all on the basis of the RS-232 standard Formed by improvement. Therefore, it is discussed mainly by RS-232C. The RS-323C standard is the United States EIA (Electronic Industry Union) (2018-06-08, Python, 2439KB, 下载2次)


[电子书籍] byte-of-python

《A Byte of Python》是一本由 Swaroop C H 编写,旨在于介绍如何使用 Python 语言进行编程的自由图书。它以教材与指南的形式为入门者介绍 Python 语言。如果你对电脑知识的了解仅限于如何保存文本文件的话,那这本书就是为你准备的。 本压缩包中含有截至2017年10月15日最新中英文双语、多格式资源 英文版本最后更新于2017年10月5日(作者暂未给出详细版本号,大版本号4.0) 中文版本最后更新于2017年7月28日,版本号4.06c
A Byte of Python is a free book written by Swaroop C H that aims to introduce how to program in the Python language. It introduces the Python language to beginners in the form of textbooks and guides. This book is for you if your knowledge of the computer is limited to how to save the text. (2018-01-25, Python, 8370KB, 下载5次)
