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[collect] ElectroBlocks-for-Arduino

ElectroBlocks is a "drag and drop" app for programming the Arduino. You use this with Serial Monitor, Bluetooth, NeoPixels, LED Matrix, IR Remotes and much more. It also has a debug block which will pause the program and print out all the variables. You can also save and see the code view as well. (2020-09-09, C++, 0KB, 下载0次)


[collect] Tennis-Roboreturn-Class-Project

The project consists of a battery-powered Robot vehicle that moves on an elevated surface, and releases tennis balls when it detects an opening on the side of the platform. It includes an ultrasonic sensor and servos (motorized components) controlled by an Arduino Board programmed with a software. (2023-07-11, C++, 0KB, 下载0次)
