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[文件操作] NCE

特色: 1)采用遍历文件夹的方法搜索全部文件 2)采用了wide char宽字符编程,其处理函数与早期C、C++库函数略有不同 3)本程序在VC9(Visual Studio 2008 SP1)环境编译通过 功能简介: 本程序应朋友之邀而作 朋友拿到新概念英语1~3册的MP3文件,命名规律为: Lesson(n).MP3,Lesson(n).LRC。 但是n的字符数是变化的,如Lesson(1).mp3, Lesson(143.MP3)等。 这样的文件命名让朋友的MP3随身听很难顺序播放课文录音。 本程序将EXE文件所在同一文件夹下面的共200多个长文件名改为“8.3”格式 主文件名的最后3字符为保留的顺序号(不足3字符的数字前面补0)。 例如:Les(001).MP3 Les(143).LRC
Functions Description: This program invitation of a friend and get to make friends New Concept English 1- 3 of MP3 files, naming rules as: Lesson (n). MP3, Lesson (n). LRC. However, n the number of characters is changing, such as Lesson (1). Mp3, Lesson (143.MP3) and so on. This file naming my friends MP3 player is difficult to the order of play texts recording. EXE file in this program following the same folder where more than 200 long file name changed to " 8.3" format, the file name Finally, the main character to preserve the order of 3 number (less than 3 the number preceded by 0 characters). For example: Les (001). MP3 Les (143). LRC (2011-06-22, Visual C++, 6KB, 下载7次)


[文件操作] csharpexcel

C#调用OFFICE组件生成Excel表格示例,注意本程序需要以下OFFICE组件,这些组件要求你必须装有OFFICE2003及以上版本,因为这结版本中才有微软可编程再生库资源,尤其是下列几个控件是必不可少的:   Interop.Excel.dll   Interop.Microsoft.Office.Core.dll   Interop.VBIDE.dll
C# calling OFFICE component generates Excel table example, note that this program requires the following OFFICE components, these components require you to be equipped with OFFICE2003 and above, because this guitar only versions of Microsoft libraries programmable renewable resources, in particular the following points a control is essential: Interop.Excel.dll Interop.Microsoft.Office.Core.dll Interop.VBIDE.dll (2010-03-24, Visual C++, 246KB, 下载9次)


[文件操作] textedit

This program is the input to be formatted text file containing a simple layout operation. First conduct a general setting, the file format page design and text can be decomposed into two modules content design, page set includes top, footer, page tagging, page length and page width parameter settings text formats include the left distance, word spacing, left aligned, and paragraphs set further detailed design, based on C language programming environment of molecular procedures for the preparation of various ministries, and finally to connect together, to conduct an overall debugging, program is running stable, time and space complexity is low, and the The results fully in line with the subject requirements. (2010-02-04, Visual C++, 3KB, 下载8次)


[文件操作] ExcelAcces

针对Excel表格文件操作的编程实现:通过本文及配套示例源码你可以更加灵活的控制Excel表格文件,其中包括创建新Excel文件、写入表格数据、读取表格数据(包括对原建Excel文件自已手工添加的行、列数据的准确读取),删除已有Excel表格,对表格中指定行、列、单元格进行查询、插入、替换等操作,同时还可以将生成的Excel 文件转换为按指定分隔符分隔的其它文本格式的文件
Excel spreadsheet file for the programming operation: Through this article and associated sample source code you can be more flexible control of Excel spreadsheet file, including creating a new Excel file, write the form data, read the form data (including the original hand-built their own Excel files add rows, columns of data an accurate reading), delete the existing Excel table, the table specified in the rows, columns, cell query, insert, replace and other operations, but also can be generated Excel files into a specified separator delimited text format files of other (2009-12-12, Visual C++, 240KB, 下载22次)


[文件操作] ExcelAccessSrc

Excel spreadsheet file for programming operations, through the paper and supporting the sample source code you can control more flexible Excel spreadsheet file, including creating a new Excel file, write the form data, read the form data (including the original hand-built their own Excel files add rows, columns of data an accurate reading), delete the existing Excel table, the table specified in the rows, columns, cell query, insert, replace and other operations, but also can be generated Excel files into a specified separator other delimited text format files. (2009-11-20, Visual C++, 683KB, 下载22次)


[文件操作] exp2.src

Using C++ Programming extract WordPad RTF file format of the text characters, can only extract the text, test time can not be aggressive like Chinese, can only be extracted to the English characters, the program is actually used in the RTF file defined characters at border control, if they know how to use the control site, we can extract RTF form of picture information. (2009-07-27, Visual C++, 727KB, 下载16次)


[文件操作] files

模拟UNIX文件系统的设计及实现 即:多用户、多目录的文件系统的设计------用VC或Delphi编程模拟文件系统的管理 二、目的 通过OS文件子系统的设计、增强OS设计的技巧,达到提高解决实际OS的设计能力的提高。 三、内容 多用户的多级目录的文件系统设计。
UNIX File System Simulation Design and Implementation of namely: multi-user, multi-directory file system design------ VC, or Delphi programming using the file system management simulation II, the purpose of the adoption of OS file system design, enhanced OS techniques designed to enhance the design of the solution of practical OS capabilities. Third, the content of multi-user multi-level directory of the file system design. (2009-06-30, Visual C++, 487KB, 下载17次)


[文件操作] BinFileEx_VcCode

BinFileEx.DLL是一个封装了用于生成保存各种常用数据到自定义二进制文件的类和函数的动态链接库,用它创建的二进制文件中可以存储以下数据类型: 整型数据、双精度浮点数据、字符串、文件类型[指每一个文件的内容作为一个数据项看待]。 所创建的二进制文件可以正确的被读出来。如果你在编程中想建立一个属于自已格式的二进制文件,此文件中保存自已在程序中生成的各种数据和文件。 BinFileEx.DLL还封装了用于得到汉字内码和由内码得到全部字母、汉字和符号的类和函数的动态链接库,用它可以随时将内码同全部字母、汉字和符号将转换。 BinFileEx.DLL还封装了十进制/十六进制/二进制间的相互转换Win32 API函数,同时封装了整数或浮点数同内存中的储存格式间的相互转换。 此动态链接库的全部源代码对外开放。
Binary File VC Code (2009-02-19, Visual C++, 755KB, 下载80次)


[文件操作] UnixFileSysSim

一、题目: 模拟UNIX文件系统的设计及实现 即:多用户、多目录的文件系统的设计------用VC或Delphi编程模拟文件系统的管理 参考教材或课件上的有关文件系统的章节(教材和课件的第8章和第9章、教材上的第13章或教材上的第14章)。 二、目的 通过OS文件子系统的设计、增强OS设计的技巧,达到提高解决实际OS的设计能力的提高。 三、内容 多用户的多级目录的文件系统设计。 四、要求 1. 多用户 :usr1,usr2,usr3,……,usr8 (1-8个用户) 2. 多级目录:可有多级子目录; 3. 具有login (用户登录) 4. 系统初始化(建文件卷、提供登录模块) 5. 文件的创建: create 6. 文件的打开:open 7. 文件的读:read 8. 文件的写:write 9. 文件关闭:close
err (2008-11-11, Visual C++, 290KB, 下载61次)


[文件操作] x

项目简介:此系统主要用于将计算机磁盘或文件Trace以3D形式进行动态存储回放,需要利用Diskmon 和 Filemon两款软件提取日志文件。 项目描述:软件运行于Windows平台,用Visual Studio 2005编程及OpenGL作为3D引擎,通过Diskmon和Filemon两款软件提取日志文件,实现了对一段时间内计算机磁盘或文件Trace动态存储回放软件。
Project Profile: This system is mainly used in computer disk or file the form of Trace to 3D dynamic storage playback, need to use two software Diskmon and Filemon log file extract. Project Description: Software running on the Windows platform, using Visual Studio 2005 programming and OpenGL as the 3D engine, the adoption of two Diskmon and Filemon log file extraction software to achieve a period of time on computer disk or file Trace dynamic storage playback software. (2008-06-12, Visual C++, 13982KB, 下载9次)


[文件操作] XXXX

C语言编程宝点之XXXX main()主函数 每一C 程序都必须有一main()函数, 可以根据自己的爱好把它放在程序的某 个地方。有些程序员把它放在最前面, 而另一些程序员把它放在最后面, 无论放 在哪个地方, 以下几点说明都是适合的。 1. main() 参数 在Turbo C2.0启动过程中, 传递main()函数三个参数: argc, argv和env。 * argc: 整数, 为传给main()的命令行参数个数。 * argv: 字符串数组。 在DOS 3.X 版本中, argv[0] 为程序运行的全路径名 对DOS 3.0 以下的版本, argv[0]为空串("") 。 argv[1] 为在DOS命令行中执行程序名后的第一个字符串 argv[2] 为执行程序名后的第二个字符串 ... argv[argc]为NULL。 *env: 安符串数组。env[] 的每一个元素都包含ENVVAR=value形式的字符 串。其中ENVVAR为环境变量如PATH或87。value 为ENVVAR的对应值如C:\DOS, C: \TURBOC(对于PATH) 或YES(对于87)。 Turbo C2.0启动时总是把这三个参数传递给main()函数, 可以在用户程序中 说明(或不说明)它们, 如果说明了部分(或全部)参数, 它们就成为main()子程序 的局部变量。
err (2007-11-02, Visual C++, 8KB, 下载7次)


[文件操作] 一个递归删除指定目录和文件的例子

使用Visual C++编程久了,编写的工程多了,如果我们没有及时删除工作目录下的Debug或者Release目录,就会有大量的垃圾的中间文件存留在我们的系统中。占用我们大量的硬盘空间。但是,如果我们每次编译完一个工程就手动去删除这些多余的文件,是比较麻烦的一件事情。为了解决这个不便,我花了一点时间写了递归删除指定目录和文件的小工具。
use Visual C Programming long, the preparation of the works and more, and if we did not work in time to delete the directory Debug or Release directory, there will be a lot of garbage in the middle document retention in our system. We occupy a lot of hard drive space. However, if every time we build a project on End to manually delete these unnecessary documents, the trouble is a thing. To solve this inconvenience, and I spent some time writing a recursive delete specified files and directories of small tools. (2005-12-15, Visual C++, 15KB, 下载72次)
