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按平台查找All VBA(214) 

[collect] RemoteControlCar

Fabricated embedded system-based remote car which was communicated using infrared rays. BASCOM-AVR script was used as programming language. The car could run both forward and backward at constant speed with left and right navigation (2022-01-25, VBA, 0KB, 下载0次)


[图形图象] jvxing编程.zip

目录 翻译 go top 有道翻译 一个长方形薄板零件,其内部被切割掉了 1 个大的长方形的倾斜槽和 4 个小的长方形槽 对于这个 零件图的绘制,可以采用AutoCAD现有的矩形命令再结合 旋转 镜像等命令进行处理,但利用 AutoCAD 现有的矩形 命令在绘制这个图形时会面临相对坐标的输入和坐标值的 除法运算,给使用者带来了较大的麻烦 笔者考虑可以通 过二次开发增加一种矩形绘制命令,通过指定矩形的中心 及长 宽及旋转角度可一次性完成进行图 1 所示的倾斜矩 形槽的绘制,对于图 1 中的几个小矩形槽也可直接绘制 和 软件现有矩形命令相比,绘图
A rectangular sheet parts, its inner was cut off a large rectangle inclined slot and four small rectangular slot for figure drawing, this part can use AutoCAD existing rectangle command combining rotating mirror orders for processing, such as the use of AutoCAD existing rectangle command will face the relative coordinates when draw the graphics input and coordinate values of the division, to the user has brought great trouble I can consider through secondary development to increase a rectangular drawing commands, by specifying the center and the length of the rectangle The width and rotation Angle can be used to complete the drawing of the tilting moment groove as shown in figure 1 at one time. For several small rectangular slots in figure 1, drawing can also be directly compared with the existing rectangular commands in the software (2019-12-06, VBA, 10KB, 下载0次)


[数学计算] VBA简介

CST-VBA,The CST STUDIO SUITE tools can be controlled from a Visual Basic (VBA) script. The language of the built in BASIC interpreter is almost 100% compatible with the Visual Basic for Application language. This language may be used either for creating own structure libraries or for the automation of common tasks (2017-06-12, VBA, 305KB, 下载14次)


[进程与线程] DDp3PVjh

mutiple thread programming under VBA (2015-01-04, VBA, 35KB, 下载11次)


[其他小程序] DGSS_AuxInput_V2

Excel 2010 VBA 数字地质调查系统(DGSS)(注:中国地质调查局主持开发的地质行业软件)数据辅助输入 本人最近写了一个小工具,基于Execl2010可运行的VBA辅助工具,以解决DGSS软件中探矿工程数据输入不方便的问题。 主要思路是:通过Execl的易用性,再加上VBA编程辅助,使得数据输入不再繁琐,输入完成后可轻易地通过DGSS自有的数据导入功能导入DGSS数据库,极大地提高了工作效率。 通过本单位同仁试用,在对本工具不甚熟悉的情况下,钻孔数据输入比在DGSS中速度提高10倍以上。
Excel 2010 VBA DGSS Auxiliary input tools (2013-09-28, VBA, 1091KB, 下载10次)


[数据库编程] Movierental

影碟出租系统,vb编程,内容索引:VB源码,数据库应用,出租系统   VB影碟出租系统,完成出租系统的常规功能,调试时需要你的电脑安装有OFFICE2003,否则会报错,程序用到有控件,这是不太爽的地方,它可以完成影碟添加、出租、归还、退租、未还处理,会员续费,影碟查询、会员查询、退租查询、报废查询,影碟设置、会员设置、用户设置,每日、每月结算,结算后可以打印或生成报表。
DVD rental system (2013-03-02, VBA, 669KB, 下载4次)


[绘图程序] Autocad-VBA-primary-tutorial

Autocad VBA初级教程 (第一课:入门) (第二三课 编程基础) (第四课 程序的调试和保存) (第五课 画函数曲线) (第六课 数据类型的转换) (第七课 写文字) (第八课:图层操作) (第九课:创建选择集) (第十课:画多段线和样条线) (第十一课:动画基础)
Autocad VBA primary tutorial (the first class: introduction) (class 2 &3 programming basis) (the fourth class of debugging and preservation program) (the fifth lesson painting function curve) (the sixth lesson data type conversion) (lesson 7 writing) (lesson 8: the layer operation) (lesson 9: create selection set) (lesson 10: the picture more paragraphs line and spline line) (lesson 11: animation foundation) (2012-04-11, VBA, 12KB, 下载7次)


[绘图程序] huitu

The combination of Excel and CAD, the use of VBA programming language, proposed an automatic method of drawing the construction plans, the program gives the idea of ​ ​ figure and the main program. Change methods take full account of the problems interacting with the user, which reduces the fixed form by the constraints of Excel, make the program more user-friendly features. (2011-11-25, VBA, 515KB, 下载26次)


[其他] VBAstudy

Excel是我们常用的报表处理软件之一,对于大多数人来说只是使用它进行打印报表,没有注意其他功能,其实利用Excel内嵌的 VBA 语言完全可以快速开发出自己企业的应用系统来,而且应用系统界面与其它专业编程语言相当相似。
Excel is commonly used in one report processing software, for most people just use it to print the report, did not pay attention to other features, in fact, built using Excel' s VBA language can quickly develop their own systems to enterprise applications, and application programming interface and other professional language quite similar. (2011-11-12, VBA, 51KB, 下载15次)


[xml/soap/webservice] XFM-tutorial

MicroStation GeoGraphics XFM (XML-based Feature Modeling)引擎提供了一个可扩展的元数据驱动框架来定义 GeoGraphics中的要素。你可以管理属性、图符、标注规则和要素行为。 这个指南将解释 XFM编程中的重要概念。它的目的是使你能尽快使用 GeoGraphics XFM API。
MicroStation GeoGraphics XFM (XML-based Feature Modeling) engine provides a scalable metadata-driven framework to define GeoGraphics the elements. You can manage the properties, icons, labeling rules and elements of behavior. This guide will explain the important concepts XFM programming. Its purpose is to make you as soon as possible GeoGraphics XFM API. (2011-07-21, VBA, 2061KB, 下载3次)


[企业管理] excelMIS

Small business management system that the system uses the VBA programming language designed mainly for data management and statistical systems designed. This system is mainly carried out by the window mode of operation of the selection and statistical purposes. Thus greatly facilitating the user' s entry and management system. (2011-05-11, VBA, 201KB, 下载7次)


[Windows编程] USBHID

VB HID类通讯源码。具有中断通道读写数据。VID,PID需要自已手动添加。
VB HID CODE,and read or send data by Interrupt。but VID and PID s value by youself.thank you. (2010-06-04, VBA, 11KB, 下载137次)


[其他智力游戏] lianliankan

" Lianliankan" game development platform to use Access to do, on the use of VBA to deal with images and other data have some help. In addition, the rules of games and Lianliankan algorithm makes full use of the built-in object AccessVBA a decrease of programming more difficult. (2009-04-15, VBA, 190KB, 下载81次)


[WEB开发] v5800_yokiactivex

简介:WORD控件说明: 控件正支持全部Office菜单,支持Office的打印预览,控件强大的B/S通讯技术, 能够将服务器数据库中的数据或者用户自定义的数据插入当前文档的指定位置,而且 还可以将文档中的指定数据随时保存到服务器数据库或者指定的目录中.控件能够在浏 览器窗口中直接编辑Word文档并保存到Web服务器上。实现文档和数据库的统一管理。 控件同时支持痕迹保留,手写签名,电子印章等办公自动化系统必备的功能。 控件采用标准HTTP协议,支持任意后台Web服务器,任意后台编程语言(Asp, Jsp, Php,VB.NET,C#.NET等)
err (2009-01-14, VBA, 256KB, 下载589次)
