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按分类查找All 游戏引擎(247) 

[游戏引擎] 3D-Math-Learn

Program the knowledge in 3D graphics to realize the data structure and operation, so as to understand the game engine source code and learn computer graphics (2019-11-06, C++, 2301KB, 下载0次)


[游戏引擎] greasy

A very high level 2D grid-based game engine written in Python and PyGame. It is intended to make programming 2D grid-based games easier, especially for novices, while retaining the flexibility required by more experienced programmers. (2011-10-16, Python, 5KB, 下载0次)


[游戏引擎] SimpleGameEngine

SGE is a Java-based game engine for Android, created specifically for the book Android Game Programming. Its aim is to be as simple as possible, so other people might take it for themselves and extend it for their heart s desire. (2014-10-18, Java, 606KB, 下载0次)


[游戏引擎] SymOntoClay

SymOntoClay引擎的核心。SymOntoClay Engine是一种混合语言,具有逻辑编程和模糊逻辑,用于设计和实现...
The core of SymOntoClay Engine. SymOntoClay Engine is a hybrid language with logic programming and fuzzy logic for defining game characters behavior. (2023-04-27, C#, 15532KB, 下载0次)


[游戏引擎] run

Imitate the every day cool run game features, involving engine programming, Libgdx engine structure. Image drawing and animation, map editing and loading, for beginners a good reference. (2017-02-27, Java, 50816KB, 下载8次)


[游戏引擎] OgreVideoPlayer

使用三维开源引擎OGRE 播放视频的源代码 游戏编程粉可以给自己的游戏加上过场动画啦!
Use the source code of the open source 3D engine OGRE play video game programming powder can give their own game with cut scenes it! (2013-01-16, Visual C++, 3052KB, 下载45次)


[游戏引擎] D3d

This is a d3d engine I wrote it myself, using the MFC programming ideas to the development of small game, and improve development efficiency. (2012-08-05, Visual C++, 4794KB, 下载19次)


[游戏引擎] Java3DGameDX9

Course.Technology.PTR出版的著作。需要有C++基础。 在本书中,你将使用TGE来学习新技巧,最大程度地积累你的游戏引擎经验。快速地掌握T脚本、仿真技术、游戏引擎的细节、玩家控制。 这本书覆盖了许多高级领域,如人工智能和动态皮肤,更深入挖掘了游戏引擎,它将把你带入游戏开发的新境界。 本书适合于具备一定3D游戏编程经验的读者,书中采用TGE作为示范,让读者的编程水平更上一个台阶。
chapter 1 A Target-Rich Environment chapter 2 Working with TorqueScript chapter 3 Vectors and Matrices chapter 4 3D Using TorqueScript chapter 5 Easing into Artificial Intelligence chapter 6 Using AI in Games chapter 7 Artificial Enemies chapter 8 Interactive AI chapter 9 Group Behaviors chapter10 Damage Control chapter11 Making It Real chapter12 Spicing It Up chapter13 Online Game Services Using PHP chapter14 Structure Modeling chapter15 Shape Modeling chapter16 Variable Skins (2012-07-20, Java, 2182KB, 下载4次)


[游戏引擎] Game-Server-Network-Programming

网络游戏Server编程 本书向读者展示了网络游戏服务器设计和开发的基础知识及实战案例,首先介绍了C/C++的基础知识、开发服务器所必需的基础类及通信类;然后说明了C/C++基础知识中的继承(Inheritance)、重载(Overloading)等概念,以及基础类中的Log、Memory类和Thread类;接着在通信类中对服务器编程所需的Winsock及IOCP进行了说明;还介绍了如何运行库和类设计游戏服务器;另外,介绍了其他书籍中不常见到的性能监视器(Performance Monitor)、Packet管理框架、MiniDump、UDP Hole punching等内容;最后设计了PIGU游戏服务器。
Game Server Network Programming (2011-11-12, Visual C++, 660KB, 下载69次)


[游戏引擎] segs

ACE+ boost+ mysql server written in the game, learning ACE program is a classic example of a server. With Linux and windows environment. (2011-11-11, C++, 487KB, 下载125次)


[游戏引擎] 91

想必大家都听说过“计算机语言”吧,我们就要靠它来向计算机表述我们的游戏到底是怎样 的----这个过程就是所谓“编程”
Surely we have heard about " computer language" it, we have relied on us to express to the computer game in the end is kind of---- this process is called " programming" (2011-09-26, Visual C++, 2087KB, 下载3次)


[游戏引擎] 08-Overlay

Visual C++游戏编程之源码,实现了背景图片的导入,前景图片的导入,以及对话框的功能,可添加人物的对话,或标注任务的状态等。
Visual C++ game programming the source code to achieve import background images, foreground image import, and dialog functions can be added to the dialogue between characters, or mark the task status. (2011-09-01, Visual C++, 654KB, 下载8次)


[游戏引擎] 07-Wipe-zoom-in-out

Visual C++专业游戏设计源代码之一,实现了图像的淡入淡入,从不同方向的旋转,可对初学2D编程的人员有一定的启发作用。
Visual C++ source code of professional game design, to achieve the images fade in fade-in from different directions of rotation, can be 2D programming to beginners who have some inspiration. (2011-09-01, Visual C++, 1005KB, 下载4次)


[游戏引擎] 3dMAX_SDK_Export

3dmax插件编程的资料和带的例子代码, 可以在这个基础上写自己的插件
3dmax plug-in programming with the information and examples of code (2009-07-22, Visual C++, 264KB, 下载126次)


[游戏引擎] 04Higgins

AI Game Programming mantra source attached to a book, this chapter the main road on the A* search algorithm and application of the principle. This is the fourth example, the meaning of a good reference. (2008-10-27, Visual C++, 4KB, 下载6次)


[游戏引擎] 03Higgins

AI Game Programming mantra source attached to a book, this chapter the main road on the A* search algorithm and application of the principle. This is the third example, is very useful. (2008-10-27, Visual C++, 2KB, 下载6次)


[游戏引擎] 02Higgins

AI Game Programming mantra source attached to a book, this chapter the main road on the A* search algorithm and application of the principle. This is the second example, is very useful. (2008-10-27, Visual C++, 3KB, 下载6次)


[游戏引擎] 01Matthews

AI Game Programming mantra source attached to a book, this chapter the main road on the A* search algorithm and application of the principle. This is the first example, very useful. (2008-10-27, Visual C++, 81KB, 下载12次)


[游戏引擎] LOA_Make

亚特兰迪斯传奇全套游戏引擎 一款RPG游戏,里面有编程日志和地图编辑器
Etelandishi legendary complete game engine one RPG, which has programming log and map editor (2006-04-15, C++, 803KB, 下载247次)


[游戏引擎] 引擎开发项目V1.2

一个VB6写的基于DX7的游戏引擎,使用MMX汇编(有代码)VC DLL,速度很快,绝对是你学习,以及游戏编程的好工具
write a VB6-based S90 of the game engine, the use of MMX compilation (with code) VC DLL, very fast, is absolutely your learning, and a good game programming tools (2005-05-10, Visual Basic, 167KB, 下载42次)
