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按分类查找All 视频捕捉采集剪辑(241) 

[视频捕捉采集剪辑] Youtube-suggestion

Welcome to our website! We offer educational videos that are designed to help students learn programming. Our videos are organized in a logical sequence, making it easy for you to find the information you need. We value your time and want you to spend it on our website learning from our videos. Sign up today and start learning! (2024-03-17, JavaScript, 0KB, 下载0次)


[视频捕捉采集剪辑] CH-HCNetSDKV6.0.2.35_build20190411_Linux64

设备网络 SDK 是基于设备私有网络通信协议开发的,为嵌入式网络硬盘录像机、视频服务器、网络摄 像机、网络球机、解码器、多屏控制器、报警主机等产品服务的配套模块,用于远程访问和控制设备软件 的二次开发。
The device network SDK is developed based on the device private network communication protocol. It is a supporting module for embedded network hard disk video recorder, video server, network camera, network ball machine, decoder, multi screen controller, alarm host and other products. It is used for remote access and secondary development of control device software. (2019-11-08, Java, 14532KB, 下载3次)


[视频捕捉采集剪辑] Sun-Xin-MFC-instructional-video-9

孙鑫C教学视频9全内容,在MainFrm修改外观和图标,在View中修改背景和光标,创建一个不断变化的图标,创建一个新的工具栏的方法, 点击“新的工具栏”菜单时,隐藏工具栏,状态栏编程,进度栏 ,以及加入启动画面
Sun Xin C teaching video 9 full content, modify the appearance and icon in the MainFrm, modify the background and cursor in View, create a constantly changing icon, create a new toolbar method, When you click on the new toolbar menu, hide the toolbar, status bar, progress bar, and join the startup screen. (2016-12-06, C++ Builder, 5108KB, 下载1次)


[视频捕捉采集剪辑] Binocular-visual-data

Contains a variety of resources on EmguCV namely OpenCV C# under, and with a code, through this information, you can take full advantage of binocular vision related programming, as well as how to obtain local camera and output video (2015-09-09, C#, 2315KB, 下载30次)


[视频捕捉采集剪辑] CameraDs

The use of camera+ DirectShow implementation and real-time camera preview function, including a video surveillance program very useful class, through the class can be a very good real-time monitoring, as well as camera functionality, for future monitoring system and lay a good foundation for ! ! Has a good role model (2015-03-03, Visual C++, 1000KB, 下载75次)


[视频捕捉采集剪辑] cam(CSharp)

C# programmers call local camera for photography, image processing, has been tested! (2014-05-16, C#, 126KB, 下载54次)


[视频捕捉采集剪辑] shipincaiji

Many friends wish I could video programming, video chat nowadays almost become cafe owners are an invaluable asset, the software embedded in the video communication is so cool, and a camera only needs one hundred dollars. Can be achieved on the software features video capture, preview, select the compressor (video files, but amazing!) Compression, decompression, playback. Grab single-frame picture to save (2012-02-05, Visual C++, 22KB, 下载6次)


[视频捕捉采集剪辑] streams--DirectShow.h

VC6+ DirectShow environmental compiled through difficulties, or those who are not familiar with multi-media programming, in the want to use streaming media to all aspects of video surveillance capabilities to achieve the time, this is no doubt that you must pass the threshold, on the settlement of streams.h header file with a new way, right here, you can try the next, got to do something, you' ll know (2009-10-01, Visual C++, 4KB, 下载74次)


[视频捕捉采集剪辑] bt878

BT878-based video capture and playback of the demo program, based on the DJGPP using C++ to complete, you can run under DOS is similar to studying and BT878 chip programming good example of the procedure. Please refer to introduce the relevant article: http://hengch.blog.163.com/blog/static/10780067200847102517752/ (2009-02-12, DOS, 6KB, 下载27次)


[视频捕捉采集剪辑] VB_Video

使用vfw,控制摄像头。 VFW(Video for Windows)是Microsoft公司为开发Windows平台下的视频应用程序提供的软件工具包,提供了一系列应用程序编程接口(API),用户可以通过它们很方便地实现视频捕获、视频编辑及视频播放等通用功能,还可利用回调函数开发更复杂的视频应用程序。
Use vfw, control camera. VFW (Video for Windows) is the Microsoft Corporation for the development under the Windows platform to provide video applications software toolkit to provide a series of Application Programming Interface (API), users can easily achieve their video capture, video editing and video player, such as common features, can also use a callback function to develop more complex video applications. (2008-12-01, Visual Basic, 32KB, 下载57次)


[视频捕捉采集剪辑] CG300

Daheng image acquisition card based on the application programming, to achieve real-time image acquisition and data acquisition. Procedures mainly include two categories: the realization of image acquisition card controlled CMyCard category and the realization of a simple bitmap operations CMyDIB category. (2008-09-22, Visual C++, 57KB, 下载131次)


[视频捕捉采集剪辑] server

该程序采用了VFW(Video For Windows)体系结构进行编程,编译工具为VC++6.0或以上,视频编码采用了VFW体系下的DivX,当然你也可以根据需要改为Xvid或是其它,由于这份Demo以前写得较匆忙,没有留下任何文档,主要是因为程序非常的简单,但是对于没有VC++基础或是对VFW不太熟悉的朋友可要仔细看了,有问题就到中华视频网的QQ群里面问高手吧!(注意,要编译运行本程序,需要安装DivX)。
The program uses VFW (Video For Windows) architecture program, the compiler tools VC++ 6.0 or above, video encoding using the VFW system of DivX, of course, you can read Xvid or other, As the Demo ago than write a hurry, did not leave any documents, mainly because of very simple procedure, but there is no VC++ basis or for a friend not too familiar with VFW (2008-08-10, Visual C++, 1561KB, 下载5次)


[视频捕捉采集剪辑] VCap

这是一个纯粹的Win32 API 应用程序,No MFC。程序示范了VFW(Video for Windows)的使用。显示来自摄像头的视频并可以将视频截获下来保存为AVI文件。程序示范了非矩形窗口编程以及“文件保存”通用对话框的实现。本代码是初学者不可多得的例子程序。
This is a pure Win32 API application, No MFC. Procedure demonstrated the VFW (Video for Windows) use. Shows from the video camera and captured video can be saved as AVI files down. Process model of non-rectangular windows programming as well as the (2008-08-01, Visual C++, 20KB, 下载43次)


[视频捕捉采集剪辑] soket_image

For some procedures, the two threads: a complete usb camera image acquisition, and the other with the realization of long-distance transmission network. Image acquisition thread by calling the access to the image acquisition process is complete tasks network transmission is socket programming. (2007-11-23, Unix_Linux, 6KB, 下载113次)


[视频捕捉采集剪辑] shipinjiemaziliao

新型SAA7115 将扩展飞利浦半导体在个人视频录象市场的视频解码器领导供应商的地位。为实现更丰富的个人视 频录象体验,飞利浦重新设定了视频逼真度的标准,并增强了内容保护的深度,这会进一步鼓励内 容供应商继续进行引人入胜的编程开发
New Philips Semiconductors SAA7115 will be extended in the personal video video video decoder market leading provider. For the realization of a richer personal video video experience, Philips re-set the video fidelity standards, and enhanced the depth of content protection, which would further encourage content providers to continue to carry out spectacular Programming (2007-09-30, WORD, 1026KB, 下载18次)


[视频捕捉采集剪辑] VFW_Video_Capture

VC++6.0 VFW 视频捕捉程序,含源代码和运用程序,,本人花钱买的
VC 6.0 VFW video capture process, including source code and application procedures, I bought the (2006-04-03, Visual C++, 225KB, 下载2585次)


[视频捕捉采集剪辑] GetImageFromVideo

使用DirectShow功能实现的从视频中采集图像的程序,可以按频率、累计数量或视频内容的变化显著程序为依据,自动采集和保存图像。也可以作为使用摄像头的采集功能进行视频、图像处理的一般程序框架。供没有DirectX开发经验,但需要相应功能的图像处理、模式识别、计算机视觉等方向的算法研究人员作为工具使用。在Visual Studio 2005环境开发。如果不是作为编程框架使用,则需要Intel OpenCV(开源)视觉库的支持。
execution functions of the video image collection procedures, in accordance with a frequency total quantity or video content change significantly based on procedures, automatic image acquisition and preservation. I can use the camera function video acquisition, image processing framework of the general procedures. DirectX for no development experience, but requires a corresponding function in image processing, pattern recognition, Computer Vision algorithms such directions as a research tool. In Visual Studio 2005 development environment. If it is not used as a programming framework, the need for Intel OpenCV (open source) visual library support. (2006-03-12, Visual C++, 60KB, 下载1336次)


[视频捕捉采集剪辑] vc video capture

vc programming, realizing camera shooting pictures of the real-time capture, capture single-frame capture continuous images or video, avi and the preservation of documents (2005-12-28, Visual C++, 1142KB, 下载1889次)


[视频捕捉采集剪辑] 基于VB 的实时数据采集程序设计

Visual Basic(简称VB)是Windows 环境下简单、易学、高效的编程语言开发系统,以其所见 即所得的可视化界面设计风格和32 位面向对象的程序设计等特点,已广泛地应用于各个领域,是很 多计算机软件开发人员采用的开发工具。VB 不但提供了良好的界面设计能力,而且在微机串口通信 方面也有很强的功能。
Visual Basic (VB) is the Windows environment simple and easy to learn and efficient programming language development system, with the visual WYSIWYG interface design style and 32 object-oriented programming design features, has been widely used in various fields, many computer software developers Members of the development tools. VB will provide a good interface design capacity, but in PC serial communications is a strong function. (2005-08-14, Visual Basic, 187KB, 下载606次)


[视频捕捉采集剪辑] 从摄像头采集图像的VC源代码vc

from camera images collected from the source code VC (2005-02-12, Visual C++, 22KB, 下载1208次)
