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按分类查找All JavaScript/JQuery(271) 
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[JavaScript/JQuery] PP2-Quiz-Game

This website is the second project in the Code Institute course. It showcases various programming skills and methods that I acquired during the course. Main languages used HTML, CSS, and JavaScript to create this website. (2024-03-03, JavaScript, 0KB, 下载0次)


[JavaScript/JQuery] Javascript

This repository is a collection of resources, code snippets, and projects aimed at helping beginners and intermediate learners grasp the fundamentals and advanced concepts of JavaScript programming. (2024-02-09, JavaScript, 0KB, 下载0次)


[JavaScript/JQuery] Javascript-Practice

This repository is a collection of resources, code snippets, and projects aimed at helping beginners and intermediate learners grasp the fundamentals and advanced concepts of JavaScript programming. (2024-02-05, JavaScript, 0KB, 下载0次)


[JavaScript/JQuery] Javascript-Learning

This repository is a collection of resources, code snippets, and projects aimed at helping beginners and intermediate learners grasp the fundamentals and advanced concepts of JavaScript programming. (2024-02-03, JavaScript, 0KB, 下载0次)


[JavaScript/JQuery] aykhan

Welcome to the "aykhan.net" repository! This GitHub repository serves as the personal portfolio and collection of programming tasks and projects by me, focusing on web development with a strong emphasis on React, ASP.NET, HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. (2023-08-05, JavaScript, 0KB, 下载0次)


[JavaScript/JQuery] JsLib

JsLib is a collection of loosely coupled JavaScript classes programmed to an interface not an implementation, providing the foundation for industrial strength object oriented thick client web applications. This is released under the LGPL license. (2013-05-12, JavaScript, 254KB, 下载0次)


[JavaScript/JQuery] 02-DOM

DOM操作 DOM (Document Object Model) 译为文档对象模型,是 HTML 和 XML 文档的编程接口。 HTML DOM 定义了访问和操作 HTML 文档的标准方法。
DOM (document object model) is translated into document object model, which is the programming interface of HTML and XML documents. HTML DOM defines a standard method for accessing and manipulating HTML documents. (2020-07-23, JavaScript, 912KB, 下载0次)


[JavaScript/JQuery] biaoqianxuanxiangka

他们分别是学习指南、新人上手、Webpack、性能、基础概念、函数式编程、面试、教程案例、Async Await、并发、V8、机器学习、数据可视化、调试、单元测试
hey are learning guides, beginners, Webpack, performance, basic concepts, functional programming, interviews, tutorial cases, Async Await, concurrency, V8, machine learning, data visualization, debugging, unit testing (2018-12-27, JavaScript, 141KB, 下载2次)


[JavaScript/JQuery] ext-4.2.1-gpl

Ext JS 4.2.1 开发工具包,EXT是很好的富客户端框架,采用EXT可以省去编程人员设计界面的痛苦。
Ext JS 4.2.1 development toolkit, EXT is a good rich client framework, using EXT can save the pain of programmer design interface. (2018-03-29, JavaScript, 69298KB, 下载6次)


[JavaScript/JQuery] jQueryBase

本书中文简体字版由Packt Publishing授权人民邮电出版社独家出版.jQuery是一个强大的JavaScript库,无论你具有什么编程背景,都可以通过它来增强自己的网站。jQuery在一个紧凑的文件中提供了丰富多样的特性、简单易学的语法和稳健的跨平台兼容性。此外,数百种为扩展jQuery功能而开发的插件,更使得它几乎成为适用于各类客户端脚本编程的必备工具。
Simplified Chinese version of the book by Packt Publishing authorized exclusive publishing .jQuery People Post Press is a powerful JavaScript library, whether you have any programming background, you can use it to enhance their website. jQuery provides a variety of features in a compact file, cross-platform compatibility syntax is easy to learn and robust. In addition, hundreds of jQuery functions for the expansion and the development of plug-ins, but also makes it almost become an indispensable tool for all types of client scripting. (2015-04-27, JavaScript, 8025KB, 下载1次)


[JavaScript/JQuery] JavaScriptbaodian5

JavaScript script is used to create interactive Web browsers support Web page Web is an easy to learn programming language. " JavaScript book (6th edition)," a comprehensive and systematic introduction to the client-side JavaScript programming techniques. JavaScript and the Web from a brief start, gradual introduction of a Web browser, the basic programming skills and programming steps. Then, the depth of the browser document object model of development, detailed knowledge about the JavaScript object, including the object' s properties, methods, and event handlers and other content. Finally, the meticulous about the core JavaScript language, including String, Math, Date and Array core objects, and exception handling content. By " JavaScript book (6th edition)," the study, according to the actual needs of readers can create their own dynamic web pages, web design round to expand their knowledge and basic skills. (2013-05-26, JavaScript, 6958KB, 下载3次)


[JavaScript/JQuery] Explain-the-use-of-JavaScript

JavaScript是目前最流行和最重要的Web编程语言。《JavaScript使用详解》从JavaScript的编程结构开始,循序渐进地讲述了JavaScript及相关的CSS、W3C DOM、cookie、正则表达式和匹配模式,以及功能强大的Ajax。书中采用了大量课堂实践示例,附以详尽的代码行解释和实际结果输出,将JavaScript基础知识与高级技巧完美地展现出来。
JavaScript is currently the most popular and important Web programming languages. " Detailed JavaScript uses" JavaScript programming structure, step by step about JavaScript and the CSS, the W3C DOM, cookie, regular expressions and match patterns, and powerful Ajax. The book uses a lot of classroom practice examples, accompanied by a detailed line of code interpretation and actual results output, JavaScript the basics and advanced tips perfectly unfolded. (2012-05-18, JavaScript, 5687KB, 下载2次)


[JavaScript/JQuery] OReilly_Google.Maps.Hacks(2006.1)

Google MAPS API的一本非常好的编程参考书,内容有:概述、引入Google MAPS API、各API功能应用、导航、文字和图像中的Google MAPS、API使用技巧、高级技巧
A very good renference handbook on Google MAPS API programming, including overview, introducing Google MAPS API, mashing up Google MAPs, on the road with Google MAPs, Google MAPs in words and pictures, API tips and trics, extreme hacks. (2012-04-07, JavaScript, 9040KB, 下载6次)


[JavaScript/JQuery] eclipseme.feature_1.5.2_site

设一个班有10名学生,每个学生有姓名、学号、成绩等信息,请利用对象数组的概念编程,求平均成绩。-set up a class had 10 students, with each student s name, school, results and other information. Please use the concept of object array programming, seeking average scores.
设一个班有10名学生,每个学生有姓名、学号、成绩等信息,请利用对象数组的概念编程,求平均成绩。-set up a class had 10 students, with each student s name, school, results and other information. Please use the concept of object array programming, seeking average scores. (2012-03-14, JavaScript, 2399KB, 下载2次)


[JavaScript/JQuery] ext-4.0.7-gpl

EXT is a good rich-client framework, using the EXT interface eliminates the need for programmers to design the pain. (2012-01-10, JavaScript, 40689KB, 下载9次)


[JavaScript/JQuery] javascript

javascript 高级教程 第1章 JS基础 第2章 JS与HTML 第3章 JS语法 第4章 窗口语法 ... 第18章 Js语言的扩展 第19章 网上导购系统 ... 第21章 时钟日历 第22章 JS服务端编程 第23章 网络安全性
javascript advanced study (2010-04-23, JavaScript, 5018KB, 下载41次)


[JavaScript/JQuery] BlockGame

Jigsaw puzzle, providing three kinds of maps, more than 10 kinds of MP3 as background music. Full use of javascript+ HTML programming. For learning and entertainment. Prohibit commercial. (2009-09-07, JavaScript, 37458KB, 下载74次)


[JavaScript/JQuery] JavaScript

悟JavaScript 要理解JavaScript,你得首先放下对象和类的概念,回到数据和代码的本原。前面说过,编程世界只有数据和代码两种基本元素,而这两种元素又有着纠缠不清的关系。JavaScript就是把数据和代码都简化到最原始的程度。
..JavaScript,JavaScript,JavaScriptJavaScript,JavaScript,JavaScriptJavaScript,JavaScriptJavaScriptJavaScriptJavaScriptJavaScript (2009-03-20, JavaScript, 17KB, 下载1次)


[JavaScript/JQuery] javascript_learning

轻轻松松学用JavaScript 编程 本文并不是一本集中讨论JavaScript 的读物。只是一本入门向导的快餐式的读物,适合初学者。 本文档的标题为《轻轻松松学用JavaScript 编程》,前面的“轻轻松松”有两个含义:第一,是直接继承《轻 轻松松学用基于Domino 的WEB 开发》的名字来源。第二,本文力求简约,简单,篇幅短小,阅读起来容易; 从我本身作为JavaScript 的学习者的角度来写,我也是一个初学者,无法写就复杂的内容;本文完整的组件包 括三个部分:本文档本身;本文档中涉及的JavaScript 代码例子文件;本文档配套的视频教程(有声有色的读 物,并不是本文档的内容的简单重复,我自己听起来也常常入迷。真的非常棒!);如果你拿到本文的话,一定 要有本文配套的例子代码文件,否则学习来是不轻松的。如果你想更加轻松,让你的学习成为一种享受的话, 建议你向作者索取视频教程。
err (2007-12-17, JavaScript, 1692KB, 下载5次)


[JavaScript/JQuery] AttackAPI

AttackAPI provide a simple and intuitive web programmable interface, used to launch various types of customers based on JavaScript or server attack. (2006-11-13, JavaScript, 65KB, 下载18次)
