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[打印编程] satobpl

sato 打印机专用的编程指令语言 sbpl 可以直接编辑指令发送到打印机 打印条码 文字和二维码等
Sato printer specific programming language SBPL, you can directly edit instructions, send to the printer, print barcodes, text and two-dimensional code (2017-06-13, WINDOWS, 290KB, 下载25次)


[打印编程] GPTest

Jia Bo a small printer program 80, or with a mesh opening drive command driving several ways to print (2017-03-28, Visual C++, 12290KB, 下载46次)


[打印编程] cSharp_print

print with c# (2016-01-02, C#, 8319KB, 下载24次)


[打印编程] DP-48A1-QRcode-Print--MSP430

This procedure for DP-48A1 da dimensional code embedded printer use, and contains detailed notes, and self print instruction program a two-dimensional code printing function set characters, strings, variables, you can easily use. (2015-06-05, C/C++, 46KB, 下载16次)


[打印编程] PDFPrinter

PDF 虚拟打印机,TinyPDF系列,提供(vprint、word2pdf)编程接口,分为不同版本,提供不同的控制参数, 支持VC、VB、PB、Delphi、.NET、JAVA 等多种语言 支持编程把Word文档,网页、各种格式的图片等,打印成PDF文档,同时支持多次打印到一个PDF,支持pdf文档合并, 可编程把Word文档,单个或批量转成PDF文档。 所有功能都封装在252K的DLL中,方便编程使用,无需其它支持。 对各种快递单、发货单、发票等在真实打印的同时,可使用此控件,保留一份电子文档,以便后期查阅。
PDF virtual printer, TinyPDF series, to provide (vprint, word2pdf) programming interface is divided into different versions with different control parameters, Support VC, VB, PB, Delphi,. NET, JAVA and other languages Support programming to Word documents, Web pages, pictures, etc. in various formats, print to PDF, supports multiple print to a PDF, merge pdf documents to support, Programmable to a Word document, single or batch convert PDF documents. All functions are packaged in a DLL 252K easy to use program, no other support. A variety of delivery orders, invoices, print invoices, etc., while in the real, you can use this control to retain an electronic document in order to post inspection. (2013-11-07, Visual C++, 3400KB, 下载54次)


[打印编程] lab_3

3. 简单编程题:写一个程序,它在0°和90°之间每隔15°输出一行数据,打印一个表。每行中包括5个项目:角度数,以及它所对应的正弦、余弦、正切、余切函数值(注意角度与弧度间的转换)。
3 simple programming problem: Write a program that between 0 and 90 every 15 line of output data, print a table. Each row consists of five items: the number of angles, and it corresponds to the sine, cosine, tangent, cotangent function value (angle in radians between note conversion). (2013-10-07, C/C++, 226KB, 下载4次)


[打印编程] Ipprintern

包括: 预览控件 Preview, 类 PrnCls。预览控件 Preview 利用 PictureBox 实现对 Printer 的完全模拟。类 PrnCls 提供统一的界面, 实现一次编写, 同时时支持打印机和预览控件 Preview 。所有对打印对象的编程, 都由类 PrnCls 实现, 正如我们在例子里看到的, 通过不同的 PrintStartDoc 参数, 可以实现打印或预览, 而所有的控
Include: preview controls Preview class PrnCls. Preview control Preview PictureBox to achieve the full simulation of the Printer. The class PrnCls provide a unified interface, write once, while support for the printer and preview controls Preview. All programming, print object by class PrnCls, as we see in the example, by different PrintStartDoc parameters, you can print or preview, and all the control (2012-08-05, Visual C++, 12KB, 下载7次)


[打印编程] CPP

1编程打印直角杨辉三角形 2 打鱼还是晒网 3古典问题:有一对兔子,从出生后第3个月起每个月都生一对兔子,小兔子长到第三个月后每个月又生一对兔子,假如兔子都不死,问每个月的兔子总数为多少? 44. 输入两个字符串,从第一字符串中删除第二个字符串中所有的字符。例如,输入”They are students.”和”aeiou”,则删除之后的第一个字符串变成”Thy r stdnts.”。 5 实现一单链表的逆转。
Programming a print at right angles Triangle fishing or drying nets three classical problems: a pair of rabbits each month from 3 month after birth gave birth to a rabbit, a small rabbit long to the first three months after the month students a pair of rabbit if the rabbit is not dead, asked each month the total number of rabbits? 44 Enter two strings to delete all the characters in the second string from the first string. For example, enter " They are students." And " aeiou" , delete a string become of Thy r stdnts. " 5 to achieve a reversal of a singly linked list. (2012-05-26, Visual C++, 9KB, 下载2次)


[打印编程] USBPrinter

USB接口操作源码 打印机读写 vc6.0 版本
sound code for usb interface operation use vc6.0 (2012-03-18, Visual C++, 120KB, 下载329次)


[打印编程] wordprint

C# 调用Word软件打印数据库中的数据,再此提醒各位,程序需要Word2003组件,也就是你的电脑需安装Office2003以上版本才行,而且需要打开可编程资源库支持,或者支持找到Interop.Microsoft.Office.Core.dll、Interop.Word.dll、Interop.VBIDE.dll放到Debug/Bin目录中。
C# calling Word software to print data in the database, and then to remind you that program needs to Word2003 component, that is, your computer must be installed Office2003 or later for the job and the need to open the programmable resources of library support, or support to find Interop.Microsoft. Office.Core.dll, Interop.Word.dll, Interop.VBIDE.dll into the Debug/Bin directory. (2011-04-06, C#, 219KB, 下载11次)


[打印编程] 20103261233334

This procedure should be the place where most references to solve the continuous printing, the print is not exactly vertical the problem. Continuous printing inaccurate vertical print issue on-line too many people to worry. First printing of the first page The first line is not accurate, and second, continuous print n paper, we found that the location is no longer accurate. I query a large number of information, directly to the printer using the print commands, you reference is Epson' s Programming Guide (something to the Epson official site down), finally succeeded in controlling the vertical print position. (2011-04-01, Delphi, 513KB, 下载3次)


[打印编程] yuesefu

编号为1,2,3,4…,n的n个人按顺时针方向围坐一圈,每人 持有一个密码(正整数).一开始任选一个正整数作为报数的上 限值m,从第一个人开始按顺时针方向自1开始顺序报数,报到m 时停止.报m的人出列,将他的密码作为新的m值,从他在顺时针 方向上的下一人开始重新从1报数,如此下去,直到所有人全部 出列为止.编程打印出列顺序.
Numbered 1,2,3,4 ..., n of n individuals sitting around the circle clockwise, each holding a password (positive integer). Outset Choose a positive integer as reported upper limit of the number of m, From the first person to embark on the clockwise direction starting from a sequence of reported numbers, reporting m, stop. who reported m out of the column, his password as the new m values in the clockwise direction from his next began to re- reported from a number, it goes on until everyone up all the columns. programmatically print out the order. (2010-08-17, C/C++, 1KB, 下载1次)


[打印编程] 20103261233334

要求在带格式的连续的纸的相应位置,打印入数据库的数据: 本程序最具参考的地方应当是,解决了连续打印,垂直方向打印不准确的问题.连续打印垂直方向打印不准确的问题,在网上有太多的人为此烦恼.一是打印第一页的第一行就不准确,二是连续打印n张纸后,发现位置已经不准确了.本人查询了众多的资料后,采用了直接向打印机发送打印命令的方式,参考的是爱普生的编程指南(在爱普生官方网站上有得下),终于成功控制了垂直方向的打印位置.
Requires continuous form paper with the corresponding position, the print data into the database: This procedure should be the place where the most information to solve the continuous printing, vertical print inaccuracy. Continuous vertical print print issue of inaccurate , there are too many people in line to worry about. First, print the first page of the first line is not accurate, the second in a row after printing n piece of paper found that location is no longer accurate. I check many of the information, using directly to the printer to send print commands, refer to the Epson' s Programming Guide (the Epson official site gains and lower), finally succeeded in controlling the vertical print position. (2010-04-04, Delphi, 509KB, 下载5次)


[打印编程] printer

包括: 预览控件 Preview, 类 PrnCls。 预览控件 Preview 利用 PictureBox 实现对 Printer 的完全模拟。 类 PrnCls 提供统一的界面, 实现一次编写, 同时支持打印机和预览控件 Preview 。 所有对打印对象的编程, 都由类 PrnCls 实现, 正如我们在例子里看到的, 通过不同的 PrintStartDoc 参数, 可以实现打印或预览, 而所有的控制打印的代码完全一样。 复杂的表格成为了可能, 我们可以在调试时, 把输出定向到预览控件 Preview, 而在调试好以后, 输出到打印机, 节省调试时间和打印纸!
Include: preview control Preview, Class PrnCls. Preview Preview use PictureBox controls to achieve the complete simulation Printer. PrnCls category to provide a unified interface, to achieve write once, at the same time to support the printer and preview control Preview. Print all of the programming objects by category PrnCls to achieve, as we saw in the example, through different PrintStartDoc parameters, can print or preview, and all the control of printing exactly the same code. Complex form as possible, we can debug when the output directed to the preview control Preview, good in debugging, the output to the printer, saving time and printing paper debugging! (2008-09-15, Visual Basic, 12KB, 下载80次)


[打印编程] DefoultPrnVB

完整的设置默认打印机源码。 通过本例:您可以学会以下技巧: 1、如何使用API对系统进行设置。 2、如何获得系统安装打印机的列表。 3、如何设置默认打印机。 4、如何养成良好的VB编程习惯。
Complete set default printer source. Through this example: You can learn the following skills: 1, how to use the API to the system settings. 2, how to get the system installed the printer list. 3, How to set the default printer. 4, how to develop good habits of VB programming. (2008-06-03, Visual Basic, 6KB, 下载30次)


[打印编程] dayinxinfeng

Print programming engineering practice in the source code, print the envelope. Personally think that this is a very good example of print. Comprehensive application of a lot of printing technology, you can choose the size of the envelope, you can change the contents of the envelope to fill, save the recipient return address and other information (2007-12-14, Visual C++, 1704KB, 下载22次)


[打印编程] barcode

条形码打印演示程序。对于条码打印编程者来说是一个很好的参考资料。如果想得到更专业的请登陆 http://www.boomcode.cn
Bar code printing demo program. Barcode printing for programmers is a good reference. If you want a more professional, please visit http://www.boomcode.cn (2007-11-07, Visual C++, 3561KB, 下载91次)


[打印编程] tiaoma

条形码字库 用于显示打印条形码,在各编程环境下均适用 使用方法:文件解压缩到windows\fones目录下即可
Barcode font to print bar code used to display, in the programming environment which are applicable to use: Extract the files to a directory under the windows ones can (2007-11-07, Others, 255KB, 下载340次)


[打印编程] 资源打印精灵VB源码

资料打印精灵是基于我的另一个软件作品VbPrint动态链接库组件(VbPrint.dll)的二次开发软件产品,VbPrint是作者开发的一个ActiveX dll组件,组件中提供了一种简单的方法处理和加工各种类型的报表,在报表中可以定义直线、矩形、圆、文本、图像等对象,并可以在二次开发编程中控制这些对象的属性,支持表格打印、多页打印、资料发票套打等。 作者:罗伟 Email:mr_luowei@163.com
information Print genie is based on the software works VbPrint another dynamic link library components (VbP rint.dll) in the secondary development of software products, VbPrint developed by the author is a dll ActiveX components, components provide a simple method handling and processing of all types of statements, the statements can be defined linear, rectangular, Yuan, text, images and other objects, and can be connected to the development of programming control these objects in nature, support forms printing, multi-page printing, chromatography printing information such as invoices. Author : Luo Wei Email : mr_luowei@163.com (2006-02-01, Visual Basic, 1902KB, 下载73次)


[打印编程] 一个关于DataGrid的打印类

a print category, we in the program often encountered when users need to display interface to print out something, programmers often have to manually write Print code, are exempt from Rafah. (2005-11-01, C#, 90KB, 下载61次)
