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[数学计算] robot_moving

这个基于Java的项目旨在有效地解决机器人寻路问题,计算机器人在从大小为n x n的方形网格的左上角移动到右下角时应采取的路径,以最大限度地减少能耗。该问题是使用动态编程来解决的,特别是采用自下而上的方法。
This Java-based project aims to efficiently solve the robot pathfinding problem, calculating the path that a robot should take to minimize energy consumption while moving from the top-left corner to the bottom-right corner of a square grid of size n x n. The problem is solved using Dynamic Programming, specifically employing a bottom-up approach. (2023-09-14, Java, 0KB, 下载0次)
