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按分类查找All Leetcode/题库(248) 
按平台查找All Python(248) 

[Leetcode/题库] My-Python-Projects-JersonV

欢迎使用我的Python项目存储库!我是Jerson Vargas,一名热情的网络安全专业学生,专注于Python编程。这个存储库是我磨练技能、解决各种编码挑战以及使用Python开发创新解决方案的旅程的集合。
Welcome to my Python projects repository! I m Jerson Vargas a passionate cybersecurity student with a focus of Python programming. This repository is a collection of my journey in honing my skills, tackling various coding challenges, and developing innovative solutions using Python. (2024-03-12, Python, 0KB, 下载0次)


[Leetcode/题库] Leetcode-Discord-Bot

Discord bot获取每日LeetCode质询问题及其答案,并将它们发送到指定的通道,同时ping到特定角色。它使用BeautifulSoup进行web抓取,使用Discord.py进行机器人功能。机器人程序通过提供日常编程挑战和解决方案来增强服务器参与度。
The Discord bot fetches the daily LeetCode challenge problem and its answer, sending them to a designated channel with a ping to a specific role. It utilizes BeautifulSoup for web scraping and Discord.py for bot functionality. The bot enhances server engagement by providing daily programming challenges and solutions. (2024-02-27, Python, 0KB, 下载0次)


[Leetcode/题库] Python_Hackerrank

Step into this repository where I, a passionate individual, embark on a Python journey on Hackerrank. From mastering the basics to conquering advanced challenges, this collection showcases my dedication to solving Python questions. Join me in unraveling the intricacies of coding and witness the evolution of my skills in this dynamic programming. (2024-02-21, Python, 0KB, 下载0次)


[Leetcode/题库] Advent_of_Code_WKK

此存储库包含我针对“代码的到来”挑战的个人解决方案。代码的降临是一个年度系列的编程难题,涵盖各种主题,旨在挑战和娱乐世界各地的程序员。有关活动的更多信息,请访问:https:adventofcode.com 2023关于
This repository contains my personal solutions for the Advent of Code challenges. Advent of Code is an annual series of programming puzzles that cover a variety of topics, intended to challenge and entertain coders around the world. Read more about the event here: https: adventofcode.com 2023 about (2023-12-26, Python, 0KB, 下载0次)


[Leetcode/题库] Phyton-Projects

In this repository, you will find a diverse collection of fundamental Python programming challenges along with their corresponding solutions. The repository covers a wide range of Python problems, carefully selected to cover essential concepts and techniques. From basic exercises on loops and conditionals to two phyton libraries. (2023-12-24, Python, 0KB, 下载0次)


[Leetcode/题库] better-programmer

Trying to be better programmer and ethical hacker. A little bit better every day. Daily challenges and exercises. Mostly coding exercises but this repository has cracked machine solutions (some manuals how to crack them) for HTB and TryHackMe and more. Some small projects which can improve my programming and engineering skills. Have fun! (2023-08-12, Python, 0KB, 下载0次)


[Leetcode/题库] flask-mvc-example

A python web development framework based on Flask secondary packaging. The IOC inversion of control of java is simulated through python reflection, and the AOP aspect oriented programming of java is simulated through python decorator mode. Automatic registration of interfaces, automatic registration of timed tasks, transaction manager, unit test, etc (2023-06-03, Python, 200KB, 下载0次)


[Leetcode/题库] Python_Awesome_Interview

This is my daily rewriting and accumulation of Python materials: This material provides a large amount of preparation materials for Python interviews, including commonly used Python version code snippets, implementation methods of various parts of Python network programming, design patterns of Python versions, and the most challenging algorithm problems (Python (2023-02-02, Python, 503KB, 下载0次)
